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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Russell Bentley

Russell Bentley Missing In Donetsk Suburbs
Top War Journalist Vanishes Trying To Help
Locals After Kiev Shelling - A Kind And Brave
Man Writing The Truth...

US Invasion Crisis - AMLO Takes A Page
From Putin

Russell Bentley Describes The Donetsk
Marketplace Civilian Massacre

NATO Moves 90000 Troops Into Position
...The Middle Game Begins

Gonzalo Lira...A Requiem From Donbass

From Donetsk - War Update

Ukraine’s Manpower Problem

Jeff & Russell Bentley - 8-16-23 Update On
US-NATO War On Russia In Ukraine -
Remarkable Overview

Jeff & Russell Bentley, Live From Donetsk
- War Update

Live From Donetsk 6-16-23

What Wagner Boss Prigozhin Really Said To
Vladimir Putin About The War And The Easter
Sunday Attack By Ukraine On Donetsk

The Bakhmut Diversion And The Donbass
…The View From Donetsk

Live From Donetsk - Bakhmut, Wagner PMC,
And The Reaper Drone Incident

The Deadly Dirty Bomb False Flag Plans Of
Ukraine Exposed - From Russell Bentley
To Rense

Live From Donetsk - After The Referendums
And The Grim Failure Of Russian Generals

Nord Stream Attacks & Russian Military Mistakes

Life In Wartime Donetsk
A Remarkable Update With Photos

Live From Ukraine - Russell Bentley 3-11-22
Just Back From 40 Miles Behind Enemy Lines

War Update From Donetsk With Russell Bentley

The Incredible Lies And Fraud
Of Kiev's Fake News

Life In Wartime Donetsk
A Remarkable Update With Photos

Live From Ukraine - Russell Bentley 3-11-22
Just Back From 40 Miles Behind Enemy Lines

Donbass - Russell 'Texas' Bentley Gives
A Lesson In Courage To High Schoolers

A Week Of War In Ukraine - Russell Bentley
Update From Russian Operation Z Front Lines

Newsweek Does A Lengthy Exclusive Print
And Video Story On Russell Bentley

Email From Russell Bentley To Jeff The
Morning Of 3-3-22 Says Thermonuclear
World War Can Easily Happen

Russell Bentley - Live From Donetsk - 2-25-22
The War Intensifies - Listen HERE

This is the first confirmation in the West of a
Russian Blitzkrieg Invasion to liberate Ukraine

A Special Note From Russell
To All People Of Good Will

Live From Donetsk In Free Ukraine 2-21-22

Live From Donetsk In Free Ukraine 2-21-22

Live From Donbass In Free Ukraine -
How Soon Will War Begin? 2-14-22

Vladimir Putin Is Not Neville Chamberlain
And I Am Not Pollyanna

Live From Donetsk In Free Ukraine 2-1-22

Live From Donetsk In Free Ukraine 1-24-22

Live From Donetsk In Free Ukraine 1-24-22