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Vladimir Putin Is Not Neville Chamberlain
And I Am Not Pollyanna

By Russell Bentley

"I say, old chap, is this Minsk or Munich?"

The curse of Cassandra was that she could see the future, and tell it, but no one would listen to her. These days, I think I know how she must have felt. But above the din of jabbering jackanapes, pontificating  poltroons and pseudo-experts, the truth can still be heard, if you listen for it. So, listen .

Once again, Casandra is reviled, and Pollyannas rule the day. One purports to tell us that he knows " What Putin Wants " - "a peaceful transition". Another, in spite of all the evidence, says Russia's absolutely irrefutable ability to liberate Ukraine is " A Fiction ", and yet another, pinching "Half a Loaf" smugly and stupidly claims that those like myself, who would rather see a short, comparatively bloodless war, even if it's on our own land, instead of one that can easily spread into Europa and even across the Atlantic, actually "predict ( and are actually hoping for ) the worst."  Well, here's my actual prediction and the hope of every decent and literate human being on this planet. Listen.

POLLYANNAS - "Stop hoping for the worst! Let's all have a nice cup of tea."

What I actually do predict, and do very much hope for, is a limited and localized Russian surgical military strike in Ukraine. One that will remove the existential threat right on Russia's doorstep, a threat not only to Russia, but to the very future of Humanity. A strike which will achieve all the strategic goals delineated by Russia in their recent collective security proposals to the US and NATO, (which US/NATO refused) while also saving tens or hundred of thousands of civilians in Donbass (including myself and my family) from genocide, and liberating Ukraine from foreign occupation and neo-nazi oppression. All with the absolute minimum possible destruction and bloodshed of civilians and soldiers (on BOTH sides) alike. As well as, and most importantly, the least likelihood of escalation anywhere beyond Ukraine's present borders. These Pollyannas think that's "the worst"? Well, Cassandra has a question for them...

CASSANDRA - "Do you prefer your whole country be vaporized while you sing Kumbaya"?

These self-styled pundits say that Russia should simply ignore the plethora of concrete evidence of imminent war, and waste time holding further diplomatic meetings with the same nazis who have threatened their very existence for a century, who have murdered civilians in Donbass for the last 8 years, including the 298 civilians on MH-17 ,  ( and then falsely blamed and sanctioned Russia for it ) the same ones who directed ISIS cannibals to commit the false flag mass murders in Syria to create a Syrian "chemical weapons" narrative, then used the same bogus line in the UK with the laughable "Novichuk" fabrications. "Yes," they say, "if only Russia can just sit down in friendly dialogue with their mortal enemies once again, then perhaps a "peaceful transition" may someday be achieved. We can only hope, peacefully praying and gently swaying, all holding hands together while we all sing Kumbaya ."


This is literally what they are saying, in the face of a real life and imminent Armageddon. And like Neville Chamberlain, they advocate compromise with abject Evil, in the vain hope of "peace in our time." All while these same US/NATO nazis continue to prepare and provoke Ukraine to war, to cross Russia's red lines of no attack on Donbass, and no offensive missiles in Eastern Europe, bringing in weapons and ammo at a rate of over 100 tons per day. Talk about "the worst" - nothing could be more fatally stupid, or more contemptible, craven and myopic. Or more certain to lead to a global conflagration, just as the appeasement of the obeisant English toady Chamberlain did only 84 years ago. Well, thanks be to God, Putin is not Chamberlain, and I am not Pollyanna.

Thomas Paine once wrote about such things, and I quote, "I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel, against the mean principles that are held by the Tories: a noted one, who kept a tavern at Amboy, was standing at his door, with as pretty a child in his hand, about eight or nine years old, as I ever saw, and after speaking his mind as freely as he thought was prudent, finished with this unfatherly expression, "Well! Give me peace in my day." Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a confrontation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;" and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to his duty."  I feel that anger too. And it awakens me to my duty, and it shows me the true worth, or rather, worthlessness, of all the boot-licking cowards and historically illiterate Pollyannas who advocate begging for peace at any price. Let them keep begging, and see where it gets them. Perhaps work really will make them free this time .  But we Russians, and all intelligent people, do not forget their history so easily.

Not a man or woman lives in the Donbass Republics, in Russia or Ukraine, who does not know that this war will not end without a final battle. This battle is as inevitable as the sunrise. Only fools and Pollyannas could think it would be otherwise. So, better to make it soon, short, and final, a lesson to the world, and a page in history, where the Good Guys win again, just like they did in 1945. The only other alternative is to wait, to allow the Ukronazi infection to suppurate, and become more dangerous, adding more cost, more blood, more destroyed infrastructure and wasted treasure, before the final and inevitable victory of Russia and the Donbass Republics, or perhaps leading to a war that will engulf the world, a war that no one will win. 

RUSSIA - "Those who fail to learn from history will have to repeat the lesson.
Russia has learned the lesson. If it must be taught again, we will teach it."

No competent or qualified person can still continue to believe in, much less continue to talk about or advocate, a "peaceful transition" or "diplomatic solution". Of course, Putin preferred a peaceful solution. He is a most excellent Warrior and would win without fighting if it were possible in any way. That was "Plan A", and he tried for 8 years to implement it, with almost infinite patience and forbearance, by every means possible. That is why he gave the US, NATO and OSCE a final chance to make one.  But they categorically refused, so there is none, and there will be none. It is simply no longer a realistic option. If it ever was...

So, now to "Plan B" . Russia prefers a quick and decisive liberation of Ukraine over a potential world war, and has every right and every reason, and above all, the ability to make it happen. And, believe me, we will. At the next provocation. It will be up to the USA and NATO to decide if they will also escalate and engage in a war that will most certainly lead to their total dismemberment and defeat. Russia is ready for any scenario, and we will deal with it however it may be needed. And Vae victis - "Woe to the vanquished." Now, are you listening?

I predict, with 90% certainty, that a major ukrop attack or provocation will occur before the beginning of March, and with 99% certainty before the end of March. I can say, based on impeccable sources and irrefutable evidence, that the plans and preparations for provocations and a major attack against Donbass have already been made. The ukrops and their US masters may chicken out, as they have many times over the last few years. But Russia is not a Pollyanna, not stupid enough to keep playing waiting games while their enemies build lethal force every day. Those who predict or advocate further diplomacy are fools. That Russia seems to do so is only deception and distraction. The fuse is already lit, on both sides, the detonation will occur, one way or the other, before the end of March, and maybe much sooner. 

And when it does, I can assure you that the Russian response will be swift and sure, measured in minutes and (very few) hours, not days, or even one day. And Russia will not arrive (initially) on tanks and trucks, but on wings. For us in Donbass, the wings of Angels, for the nazis and terrorists who dare to attack us, the wings of instant and fiery death. Those who have failed to learn the lessons of Debaltsevo and Ilovaisk will  be taught a final lesson with thunder and steel, and they will not live long enough to never forget it. They have all been warned for the last time already. The time for talking is over and done. It is time for work, Brothers. The job will not be easy, but it is simple enough. Who attacks Donbass, attacks Russia. Who attacks Russia will be vanquished. This is a warning. Listen. While you still can.