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Trump Assassination Attempt

Secret Service Replaced Trump's Permanent
Detail With 'Temporary Agents' For Butler Rally

J6 Committee Leader Tried Stripping Trump of SS
Protection Before Assassination Attempt

Top Sniper Says Trump Murder Attempt Was An
'Inside Job' - 'FBI Narrative Makes No Sense'

Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump
Shooting Attempt Was Inside Job

Video Of Crooks Crawling On Roof To Get Into
Position To Shoot - 'Someone's On Top Of The
Roof! Look, There He Is!'

Video Of Crooks On Roof Firing The First 3 Shots
(Listen!) - Trump Grabs His Ear After The FIRST
SHOT Is Heard - The Burst Of 5-6 Rounds Came
AFTER The First Three Crooks Shots Were Taken

Crook's Blackrock Video Shows Him Several Times
This Is The Real Video - HOW Did He Get In It?

Is Govt Counter-Sniper Jonathan Willis Real? Is His ALLEGED Statement That He Was Ordered Not To Shoot Real? Here Is An AI Comment About It...

Lead Anti-Sniper ALLEGEDLY Claims He Was Ordered Not To Shoot Crooks For At Least 3 Minutes - This Fits With His Actions And Raising His Head Above His Sniper Rifle To Look For SOMETHING - Trump Was Left Alone And Wide Open On The Stage For At Least 3 Minutes!

Current & Former HS Students Who Knew Crooks Say He Tried Out For The School Rifle Team But Was Such A Poor Shot He Didn’t Make The Team...

John Barbour - God Save What?!

Attempted Trump assassin (PATSY) Crooks
appeared in BlackRock ad from 2022

Medvedev Says Trump Now The Sure Winner In
November, Unless He Is Assassinated

PROOF Crooks Had A Perpendicular Shot Angle
To Trump's Head - Crooks Fired The First 3 Shots

As We Projected Yesterday, Eyewitness Reports 2
Shooters in Trump Assassination Attempt

They wanted Trump dead at all costs - his
assassination attempt was an 'inside job' -
How they gave the executioner space
and time for five shots

Secret Service Given ‘Stand Down’ Orders Before
Trump Assassination Attempt

Video From Behind Trump Speaking On Stage

Trump Ear Wound - Close-Up Enlargements
There's No Bullet Hole - Not Even Flesh-Tearing
At Over Twice The Speed Of Sound - 3200 FPS!

Eyewitness Says 'noticeable’ difference in security
at Trump rally than others he attended before

Inches From A Civil War? Trump’s
Assassination Attempt

Aerial View Of Rally Area - PROOF Crooks Had
A Perpendicular Shot Angle To Trump's Head
Crooks Fired First 3 Shots As Heard In The Video

DEI Idiocy - Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle focused on diversity hires!

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Focused on Hiring Women, Boosting Diversity

Alleged Statement From Lead SS Sniper...
Unvetted But Looking Plausible

John O'Looney On Trump...

Where Was SS? Did State Cops Shoot Crooks?

Trump Requested Heightened Security Resources
From Secret Service for Weeks, Was Denied

Police Were Warned about Trump Shooter Several Minutes before Shots Fired, Witnesses Reveal

Witnesses Told Police About The Shooter Witnesses
And Said No One Listened To Them

Police Officer Confronted Trump Shooter But
Retreated When Crooks Aimed At Him

Geometry Of Trump Shooting - Shooter Crooks Has A Near Perfect 90 Degree, Perpendicular Shot To Trump's Head - A Side Shot To The Cranium Unless Trump Turns His Head...Which He Did - See The Many Videos

SECOND SHOOTER? - Listen To The SHOT Progression Police Snipers Have Crooks Targeted - 3 Shots Are Fired, Pop.…Pop..Pop - Trump Grabs Ear After FIRST Shot, Goes Down And Then There Are 6 More Shots…Fired By Who? Was There A 2nd Shooter (Beside ‘Patsy’ Crooks) somewhere IN FRONT of Trump Who Could Have Nicked His Ear? Think

WATCH - As Police Snipers Have Crooks Perfectly targeted For At Least NINE FULL Seconds In Video BEFORE Killing Him There Are 3 Rounds Fired...And Then SIX MORE (By Whom?)

Eyewitness to Trump Shooter Climbing Up A Building He Alerted S/S and Cops Who DID NOT ACT - Then He Watched Shooter Crooks Fire Off 3 Rounds At Trump Before The S/S And Cops Kill The Shooter - Video

Witness to Trump Assassination Attempt Describes Massive Security Failure - Good Photo Layout

Trump Shooting T-Shirts On Sale Within A Couple Hours After Attempted Assassination - Damn Fast!

Trump Vows To ‘Burn WEF To the Ground’ After Assassination Attempt

trump Reversals Speak Of assassination premonition - Crytal Clear Speech Reversals

Biden Said ‘Time Has Come’ To Put Trump ‘In The Bullseye’ Days Before Assassination Attempt

Allgire Remote Viewed Trump Assassination
Attempt Right Around This Date...