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The Second Shooter And The Open Window Just
Above And Behind Crooks - This Is Obvious


Adjacent to the 'Crooks building' is a two-story building of identical construction. The second story has several windows. In the photos below, Crooks is on the roof of the single-story building to the right. One window on the adjacent 2 story building to the left was opened, and left open, above and behind Crooks with an identical line of sight to Trump. This is likely where the 5 shot burst came from.

The window has been obviously pushed open and left open...plenty of room inside for another sniper with tripod to have rired the 'burst' of 5 shots right along Crooks' line of sight. Best guess is they knew that somehow Trump has not been mortally hit and so they sent off a burst to try to get lucky and finish the job.

Here Are The Added Black Lines Which Seem To Be The 5 Shot 'Burst' Very Likely From The Window Seen Above. Four Shots Are Shown In This Graphic. Mr. Comperatore Appears To Have Been Hit In The 'Burst' While Protecting His Family. (Images Courtesy Asget Inustries)