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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Mitchell Henderson

A Likely Scenario For Civil War And WW3

Why World Wars Begin And
Fighting In The City - Pt 2

Why Civil Wars Begin - Fighting In The City
Special Guest Lori Kauffman - Candidate MA
GOP State Committee

The Objective, The Infantry Process

The Matrix: Tracking And Counter-Tracking

Image of the Beast And Survival Driving

Money And Essential Go-Bag Contents

Politics, Friends and Enemies

NATO's War On Russia And Defensive Gunfights

What To Do About WW3

Extremely Real Danger Of Escalations

A Look At The Near Future And
What You Can Do About It

Sex And Child Sacrifice And
Jewish Organ Theft In Gaza

The Age Of Genocide Is Upon Us

Critical Theory

Albert Pike And The 3 World Wars

Is It Propaganda?
Yes, It's It Massive Propaganda!

Wars, Wars...Total War

War Tactics - How To Blow Up An Israeli
Merkaba Tank According To Hamas Fighters

Armageddon Right Out Of the Bible

Understanding World Events Through Stand Downs

Perceptions Matter - US Troops Head To Israel

Time Is Running Out Fast - The Truth About The
Staged And Sanctioned Hamas Attack On Israel

The Israelis Were NOT Surprised By
The Hamas Attacks

The Inexorable Drift To Nuclear War

The Coming Of World War 3

The Possible Fake ET Invasion Of Earth

The Communist Governor Of New Mexico
And More On Mass Ukraine Corruption

Ziolensky Broadens Draft To Women, Disabled And HIV+

Conspiracy Theories

The United States And WW3

Africa Ready To Explode - Niger Explained

The Zionist Annihilation Of The Ukraine Army

The US-UK-NATO War Against Russia Worsens
Ziolensky's Horrible Human Wave Attacks

More TRUTHS About The US-NATO Ukraine

US-NATO War On Russia Update
Russia In Danger

Putin Now At The Crossroads - Either End
The US-NATO-Ukraine War Quickly Or
Russia Will Die

The Hilarious Truth About The Wagner 'Revolt'

Ziolensky's Catastrophic Counter-Offensive

Uke Counter-Offensive An Unmitigated Disaster
Despite Mega Billions In Western Weapons

Transcript Of Mitch Henderson's 6-5-23
Program On Zionist Perversion And Depravity

Jeff & Mitch Henderson On Zionist Perversion
And Moral Depravity - A Rense Video

The Undeniable Truth About Who Is
Controlling The World...And Us

The Intentional Kiev Purge Of Goyim Troops
In Bakhmut And The Death Of The Uke Military

Transcript - Jeff Rense And Mitchell Henderson
On The Jeff Rense Program - 5-16-23

Ukraine Attacks Russian Homeland With Tanks

Prigozhin, Wagner And Nuclear War

Major New Events In Ukraine

Huge Russian Attack On Ukraine Has Major
Impact On The Zionist Regime - War Update

Update On The US-NATO-Russia War In Ukraine

Ukraine Update And The Sanctions Disaster

Murder And War

Russia-Ukraine War Update

Big Uke Counter-Offensive Due?

Macgregor Estimates ZioLensky Has Liquidated
About 200,000 Ukrainian Soldiers

Wagner Group Claims Ammo Shortage
And General Update On Ukraine War

Another Step Closer To All-Out Nuclear War

Creeper Biden's 'Surprise' Visit To Ziocraine

Russian Spring Offensive On In Ukraine

On The Brink Of World War 3

The Planetary War Of Good vs Blackest Evil

US & NATO Provoking Russia To Nuclear War

Translation Of Section From Putin’s Jan 7
Speech If This Doesn’t Get Your Attention,
Nothing Will

How NATO And Russia See Each Other

Putin's Final Bone-Rattling Warning Before
Nuclear War Is Unleashed on Satanic Western,
Globalist Leadership

Superb Overview Of Nuclear War Potential
...And US-NATO vs Russia Tactics, Much More

Latest Inside Information From Russia...
Stunning Geopolitical Forecast

Russia And West At Point Of Confrontation

Ukraine Beginning To Lose Badly
...At Least 100,000 Killed In Action

Genesis And The Winter In Ukraine

The Ukraine Path To WW3

2nd American Revolution And The
2nd American Civil War Coming

How Much Time Left On The Clock?

Americans Have NO Idea How
The Russian People Think

Russia Detects Zionist FF Nuke In Ukrainian

How To Prepare For Nuclear War

Ukraine Latest And How To Prepare
For The Nuclear War

Ukraine Nuclear Ground Zero?

Ukraine And Nuclear War

Ukraine And Nuclear War Near

The Fuse Is Lit...

Geopolitical Analysis

Down And Down It Goes

India, Asia Geopolitical Analysis

The World Is About To Boil Over

Major Overview Of Where We Are Now

The Empire Of Lies - Part 2

Empire Of Lies

Let Slip The Dogs Of War

Why We Fight

Wars And Rumors Of Bigger Wars
Medvedev Says We're Heading For Nukes

Pre-Emptive Strike

When Will Nuclear War Begin?

Sri Lanka Is Our Future

The World At The Brink

Russia Is Winning WW3

The Global Objective Of WW3

The Logic Of WW3

Situation Report on WW3

Drifting Toward Thermo Nuclear War

The Sanctions War

Full Spectrum War And The
Making Of A New World Order

The Economic War Now Raging

The Trajectory Of World War III

The History Of World War III

The First Casualties Of The Ukrainian War

Lies Are Critical In War

Ukraine - War Or No War?

World War SITREP And Personal Home
And Military Style Self Defense Tactics

The Slow, Stupid Squeeze

Things Fall Apart

The 'It Can't Happen Here' Syndrome

State Of The Nation, State Of The World

Lies, Propaganda And False Narratives

The Russian-Ukrainian War

Superb Overview Of Approaching
Wars With China And Russia


The Pure Bloods Against The Zombies

Understanding Why You Must Die
For The World Economic Forum

The Mandate Of Heaven

The New Freedom And Its Consequences

'Other Sources...'

Self-Defense Against A 'Government'
That Wants You Dead

War With China And Taiwan, And SHTF Self-Defense

WW3 And Forced Interstate Vax Checkpoints

US Army Training To Erect State Border
Checkpoints To Stop And Bar Unvaxed
- AND To Put Them In Razor Wire Enclosures
Until They Are Given The Kill Shot

The Medical Totalitarian State And Another
Way To Put Sound In Peoples' Heads

Vaccine Wars And China-Taiwan

The Coming Vaccine Collapse Of The US

The Coming Collapse Of America

Another Angle On The Kill Shots

China's Window For Attack On Taiwan Wide

The Sinking State Of Affairs

Excellent World Update And Overview
As Of 6-29-21

The Fraud Of Medicare And The Political
Science of Climate Change

The Coming Collapse Of Western Civilization

Critical Review Of The State Of The World

The Coming UFO-ET Contrived Invasion

WW3 Getting Closer And Putin's Plea
To Europeans For Peace

The Latest On China-Taiwan
And Ukraine-Russia Wars

WW3 And Nuclear Fallout - The Real Risks

Jeff & Mitchell Henderson
War Rapidly Approaching, Vax Update - Pt 10

Jeff & Mitchell Henderson - Update On
China-Taiwan And Covid Vax Latest - Pt 9

Jeff & Mitchell Henderson - Pt 8

Jeff & Mitchell Henderson - Mass Pscyhological
Warfare On America - Pt 7

Jeff With Intel Veteran Mitchell Henderson Part 6

Jeff With Intel Veteran Mitchell Henderson Part 5

Jeff With Intel Veteran Mitchell Henderson Part 3

Jeff With Intel Veteran Mitchell Henderson Part 2

Jeff With Intel Veteran Mitchell Henderson
On What Intel And Patriots Say Is Coming
Next - Shocker Part 1