2 Ton Alien Hairball
In Oz - Holy Water
On Moon - 7 Year ET
Marriage Anniversary
Weekly World News
2 Ton Alien Hairball In Oz
According to Weekly World News reporter Mike Foster, "leading geneticist" Ian McCaulway says a two-ton spherical object found in the Australian outback is actually a memento of some enormous extraterrestrial's digestive tract.
Foster said DNA testing performed on the sphere had produced inconclusive results, although the inclusion of some kangaroo and cow material in the sphere indicated that the object's creator had fed on those creatures shortly before extruding the sphere.
The sphere had originally been found by UFO buff Pat Tambrush a few days after a large UFO was sighted over the Great Sandy Desert of northwestern Australia. Upon ascertaining that the object was not in fact a spacecraft, Tambrush rolled it back to display in front of his bar.
McCaulway speculated that the object -- actually a 15-foot [5 meter] diameter mass of hair and digestive matter -- was the product of some alien pet.
"It's possible this hairball comes from a domesticated animal of extraterrestrial origin," he told the News. "Human explorers since the days of Christopher Columbus have brought pets such as cats along on their journeys."
Although Foster said the sphere was now under study at "a research center near Sydney," no additional details were forthcoming to independently confirm the story. Likewise, no record of McCaulway or his undoubtedly distinguished genetic career was immediately available.
Holy Water Found On Moon
Although NASA spokesmen recently confirmed that the L unar Prospector found no water on the lunar surface, the Weekly World News stubbornly insists that the probe not only discovered water, but holy water at that.
According to "a high-level NASA insider," the probe found at least 120 gallons of water shortly after crashing on the moon July 31.
However, in a dramatic turn of events, the informant told the News that NASA "began to get signals back from the craft indicating that every system was coming back on line -- as if it had somehow been 'healed.'"
Surprised technicians were then able to bring the revived Prospector -- along with a sample of the miraculous substance -- back to earth under its own power, the supermarket tabloid reported in its October 19 issue.
When analyzed, the lunar water turned out to be "natural holy water," in the insider's words, with a chemical composition more or less identical to the healing waters at the pilgrimage center of Lourdes, the source told the News.
As such, it is perhaps not surprising that the substance's curative properties extended beyond broken space vehicles to human beings as well. NASA researchers were dumbfounded to discover that four cancer patients went into complete remission within hours of being exposed to the moon water, the News said.
As far as o fficial sources at the space agency know, the probe did not actually find any water on the moon, nor did it enjoy a miraculous resurrection and return to earth.
Japanese Woman And ET Nearing 7 Year Anniversary< FONT SIZE=+1>
A Japanese woman and the space alien she learned to love are nearing their 7-year wedding anniversary, the Weekly World News reported recently.
Receptionist Miyoki Tanaka, 25, married the extraterrestrial known only as "X1431" on March 29, 1993, in a traditional Shinto ceremony, the supermarket tabloid said in its October 19 issue.
The couple lives in an isolated area near Nagoya, Japan, where they were married after an involved two-year negotiation between their families. The aliens, who were hoping to bolster the cause of interplanetary cooperation and peace by arranging the nuptials, have since acted in an unspecified capacity to help the Tanaka family's restaurant business.
"We've both had to make a lot of adjustments," Tanaka told the News. "He has a nasty habit of floating around the room at night, which is distracting when you're trying to sleep."
While undoubtedly fascinating, any parallels between X1431 and Japanese folkloric entities remain obscure as yet. However, it is noteworthy that the alien hates Tanaka's cooking, preferring to subsist on a diet of "shoe polish and brine," and is given toproducing earsplitting shrieks when excited.
Because X1431 has never bothered to learn Japanese or English, the couple communicates telepathically. In a wedding photograph credited to the "Japan News Press," he is shown as a classic small-nosed Gray in formal kimono. Tanaka appears sullen but resigned.
No children are mentioned.