- Introduction: Persons allegedly abducted by ET Aliens
have been reported to experience the vitamin A deficiency induced abnormality
Nyctalopia (night blindness) despite diets providing adequate Vitamin A
(1). This non-dietary vitamin A deficiency may be due to the mechanism
of implant mediated vitamin A destruction. Vitamin A is involved in steroidogenesis
(biosynthesis of steroid hormones by the adrenal cortex) and evidence is
presented for steroid hormonal deficiencies in abductees, presumably related
to vitamin A deficiency.
- Salt craving and anesthetic difficulties in abductees
have also been previously reported (1). Salt craving is logically due to
excessive urinary salt loss, due to deficiency of the adrenal steroid mineralocorticoid
hormone Aldosterone, which functions primarily to reduce salt loss.
- This Report briefly presents four abductee cases, one
each in support of non-dietary Nyctalopia, low Aldosterone level, transient
low adrenal glucocorticoid hormone level, and one case of evident deficiency
involving the female sex hormone Estrogen. The Estrogen deficiency signs
and symptoms were reversed by adding carrots and Vitamin E to the diet.
- Adding carrots and vitamin E (which, both being antioxidants,
has a sparing action on vitamin A) to the daily diet will safely and markedly
increase body vitamin A, and by doing so in theory might thereby work towards
reestablishment of normal hormonal levels, by facilitating steroidogenesis,
and/or competing for implant mediated hormonal destruction.
- Signs and symptoms of estrogenic deficiency in a pre-menopausal
abductee taking Estradiol and vitamins without benefit, were promptly eliminated
by adding carrots and vitamin E to her diet. This non-toxic inexpensive
dietary addition may be of benefit to other alleged abductees with physiologic
abnormalities. Persons adding the carrot vitamin E (CE) regimen to their
daily diets are requested to inform me concerning procedures and results.
- Background. In Derrel Sims' study of 250 alleged abduction
cases about 50% of the subjects suffer from night blindness (Nyctalopia).
About 90% of the female portion of the study suffer from Nyctalopia. All
subjects exhibited a compulsion to consume salty substances and applied
large amounts of common table salt to meals. All subjects showed abnormal
reactions to procaine (dental) local anesthetics, in that either the normal
amount was not sufficient or there were frank outright allergic reactions
to these compounds (1). By my personal interviews with alleged abductees
these reported results of Mr. Sims' studies have been essentially completely
confirmed. These phenomena are as published on.
- Visual Abnormalities. Nyctalopia (night blindness) is
manifested by vision deficiency in dark adaptation. The person with night
blindness typically cannot see adequately in dim light, where persons with
normal vision can. Or when adaptation is still possible an abnormally long
time is required. By making personal inquiries I have confirmed that females
with a history of multiple abductions frequently cannot drive at night,
crave salty foods, and may exhibit the described procaine anesthetic phenomena.
One such alleged abductee informed me that night blindness was so common
among her circle of alleged abductee friends it was assumed by them to
be a female (sex linked genetic) trait. It is not. In theory genetically
determined inability to employ vitamin A would be lethal. There are no
genetic vitamin A deficiencies.
- Nyctalopia is due to a deficiency in vitamin A. New vitamin
A is constantly required (in small amounts) to produce the visual substance
retinene as part of the normal visual cycle. Vitamin A is stored, primarily
in the liver. Without adequate vitamin A intake the body stores eventually
become depleted, and a deficiency occurs, resulting in Nyctalopia (2).
Vitamin A is specific for the cure and prevention of the vitamin A deficiency
states Nyctalopia and Hemeralopia (day blindness), and the severe vitamin
A deficiency disease Xeropthalmia (3). Xeropthalmia refers to the more
advanced clinical manifestations of severe Vitamin A deficiency which can
lead to blindness, cell metaplasia, prominent in the lungs, and possibly
even death.
- Nyctalopia with adequate vitamin A intake. All the alleged
abductees interviewed had more than adequate intake of vitamin A and precursors.
One person I call Jane who by my evaluation is an abductee with implant
stated she takes a Vitamin A tablet (5000 Units) and cod liver oil (another
good source) daily. She also likes to eat carrots, broccoli and other
good sources of carotenes, which are normally converted to Vitamin A. Her
fat and protein (mostly chicken) intake (necessary for Vitamin A absorption
and use respectively) were normal. Her digestion is normal and she is relatively
healthy, though with Nyctalopia, salt craving, dental anesthetic problems,
low resistance to infection, etc. There is no history of liver disease
(carotene is converted to vitamin A in the liver). Therefore it is evident
her Nyctalopia, salt craving, and anesthetic problems are not due to inadequate
intake of Vitamin A. It appears that despite more than adequate intake
the vitamin A in her body is not adequate to allow normal night vision.
- Possible mechanism of vitamin A deficiency. It is reported
that under black (long wavelength) ultraviolet (UV) light some implants
fluoresced green (5). Vitamin A fluoresces a "characteristic green"
(6). Therefore a possible simple mechanism explaining both vitamin A deficiency
and implant fluorescence would be implant adsorption of vitamin A. Presumably
followed by inactivation of vitamin A.
- According to this concept, the implant induces Nyctalopia
by inactivating vitamin A. Then despite apparently adequate intake, abductees
with implants may have varying degrees of vitamin A deficiency caused by
their implants. Warning- excessive amounts of vitamin A are dangerous.
Its carotene precursors (carrots) are believed safe to eat in quantity.
- There are alleged abductees without Nyctalopia, who drive
satisfactorily at night, but also report frequently experiencing abnormal
sensitivity to sunlight. At such times it hurts their eyes and produces
tearing. This transient sensitivity might conceivably be due to a transient
corresponding vitamin A deficiency. In my opinion such extreme visual sensitivity
to sunlight, which might conceivably result over time in Hemeralopia (day
blindness), is a more reliable indicator of possible abduction than is
non-dietary Nyctalopia. Of course both conditions may have medical causes
other than abduction, which causes must be ruled out before taking them
for example as possible indicators of abduction.
- Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex. The possibility exists
that alleged abductees' common complaints of fatigue, susceptibility to
infection, autoimmune type disorders, allergic reactions etc. may be related
to sub-clinical vitamin A deficiency, which in addition may possibly result
in deficiencies of hormones of the adrenal cortex. According to the literature
"Vitamin A is implicated in steroidogenesis (steroid production) in
the adrenal glands." (9). Implants may conceivably destroy these hormones
as well as vitamin A. Then vitamin A deficiency may conceivably manifest
in a variety of clinical problems related to decreased levels of the adrenal
hormones, which include the mineralocorticoid Aldosterone (electrolyte
regulation via sodium retention, sodium/potassium balance), and the glucocorticoids
such as Cortisol (metabolic, antistress and antiallergic affects, and others.)
- Electrolyte Abnormalities. Salt craving is most commonly
due to excessive loss of salt. Salt loss occurs in heavy sweating, due
to elevated temperature, or in urinary excretion. The persons interviewed
worked and lived in air conditioned spaces and were without fevers. Excessive
salt loss into the urine is commonly associated with disease of the kidney
or adrenal cortex. No history or evidence of kidney or adrenal cortex disease
was presented. The adrenal cortex mineralocorticoid hormone Aldosterone
normally regulates body salt retention by stimulating sodium ion retention.
In uncompensated clinical Aldosterone deficiency the body suffers from
markedly increased salt (sodium and chloride ion) loss into the urine,
and there is also increased body potassium ion retention (4). This results
in abnormally high potassium to sodium ratios in extracellular body fluids.
This condition has been found among abductees (7).
- In a recent case reported to me by Dr. Roger Leir a male
abductee's 24 hour urine showed an Aldosterone level of 3.0 mcg/dL. The
normal ranges are: Normal sodium intake 100- 200 mEq daily 6- 25 mcg/dL,
High sodium intake greater than 200 mEq daily 0-6 mcg/dL, Low sodium intake
less than 25mEq daily 17-44 mcg/dL Aldosterone. Sodium intake was normal,
therefore the test result indicates low Aldosterone concentration.
- There is the case of a mutilated cow that despite being
on normal supplement and in Fall pasture, exhibited at autopsy an abnormally
high extracellular potassium to sodium ratio, characteristic of abnormally
low Aldosterone production, and also a very low liver Vitamin A level (8),
so low that this animal very probably had Nyctalopia. According to my hypothesis
the missing left ear had been implanted some time previously (11). Presumably
the physiologic abnormalities were related to the implant.
- Glucocorticoid Abnormalities. The concept that an implant
may result in Aldosterone deficiency suggests the possibility that other
hormones of the adrenal cortex may also be deficient.
- The most clinically important such hormones are the glucocorticoids,
which have numerous functions. These include influences on protein, carbohydrate
and lipid metabolism, resistance to stress and an antiallergenic action.
The glucocorticoids prevent histamine release. They therefore relieve the
symptoms of asthma and delayed hypersensitivity reactions such as hives
and serum sickness (see reference 10 p. 284). They are also of symptomatic
benefit in...diseases in which allergic autoimmune reactions probably play
a role (10).
- Possible adrenal insufficiency after abduction. An adult
male I call Brad who by my evaluation is a multiple abductee with implant,
volunteered the information that after what he now believes was an early
abduction experience with possible implantation, his sense of smell and
taste were markedly enhanced. This puzzled him and he asked if I knew anything
about it. I did not. Later I found in the literature that this phenomenon
of markedly increased sensitivity of smell and taste is stated to occur
as a result of marked adrenal insufficiency, presumably related to markedly
reduced glucocorticoids (see reference (10) p. 280, Abstracts of the 44th
meeting of the Endocrine Society). At this time his general health and
sense of taste and smell are normal and he drives without difficulty at
night. His transient sensory enhancement experience suggests that an early
abduction was followed by a transient glucocorticoid deficiency.
- Female Sex Hormone Deficiency. The sex hormones are produced
in quantity by the gonads, and (in very small quantity) by the adrenal
cortex. The possibility presents that an implant might produce sex hormone
deficiency. A 57 year old (premenopausal) female I shall call Sue is by
my evaluation a multiple abductee with implant. She suffered for many months
from severe night hot flashes and sweats, preventing sleep, and amenorrhea
(no menstruation). Along with the usual alleged abductee problems of Nyctalopia,
salt craving and anesthetic difficulties. She was otherwise in generally
good health, with a good diet supplemented by Centrum silver multivitamins/minerals
once and St. John's wort 300 mg twice daily. Her gynecologist prescribed
and she was taking Estrace (Estradiol) female sex hormonal supplement 2
mg daily for several months, without benefit. Provera (medroxyprogesterone)
2.5 mg was prescribed daily later.
- Deficiency Correction by Carotene and Vitamin E. I suggested
an added daily regimen of carrots (to safely supply vitamin A) along with
vitamin E which has a sparing affect on vitamin E, helping it work. My
idea was that the vitamin A in quantity might compete with female sex hormones
for space on the implant, thereby hopefully sparing and allowing the female
sex hormones to work. She initiated an additional daily dietary addition
of 3 medium sized raw carrots and 800 units Vitamin E natural blend daily.
Within a few days she reported the night hot flashes and sweats had stopped,
allowing normal sleep, and normal menstrual bleeding began. Sue reported
that "the bleeding was proportional to the carrot intake." The
bleeding became excessive and she discontinued the carrots and Vitamin
E. Her gynecologist performed a D&C and a biopsy under anesthesia.
There were no anesthetic difficulties despite a history of severe such
problems. The bleeding was controlled and the night hot flashes and sweats
returned, though to a lesser degree than before, despite continued use
of the Estradiol and Provera. The bleeding soon stopped and Sue returned
to the full carrot regimen. The night hot flashes and sweats soon stopped
and are now absent. Some cramping was present for a brief period. It is
now also gone. The gynecological exam and biopsy results are normal. Sue
is happy with the results of the carrot and vitamin E dietary addition
and continues to employ it.
- The foregoing cases suggest the possibility that adding
carrots along with vitamin E to the daily diet, may be beneficial to abductees.
- Concerning the concept that abductees (with physiologic
abnormalities) may possibly be benefited by markedly increased vitamin
A intake, if a person wants to try this, the safe way is by markedly increasing
dietary intake of carotene precursors of vitamin A. The body safely converts
these into vitamin A. Good sources are carrots, squash, broccoli, and other
yellow and green vegetables and fruits. A minimal amount of fat or oil
and quality protein (American chicken is recommended due to its yellow
fat carotene content) are required for Vitamin A absorption and use. Vitamin
E has a protective effect on Vitamin A, and should be taken to help enhance
vitamin A's effects. Danger- excessive vitamin A itself is dangerous. For
this reason I suggest that vitamin A not be taken. Just eat several carrots
daily. And take vitamin E daily. Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked. Cooked
carrots are more digestible.
- Summary and Conclusions. The concept of alleged abductees
with ET alien implants is evidently just too much for the scientific and
UFO Journals. The MUFON UFO J. and The JSE have denied publication of this
as they have of my previous work (11). In terms of hard science the four
cases are too few. But- it is the best I can do. With what I have. Without
funding of any kind, without access to laboratory facilities or peer publication,
what are the possibilities? I could continue working in this area for untold
years, amassing more data, which due to its (same) subject would also surely
be denied publication. Or I can bring this information to the public's
attention now, and learn the results. The suggested dietary addition of
carrots and vitamin E is safe and inexpensive. Let interested alleged abductees
try it and then let us see what happens. Valuable data will be obtained,
one way or the other, and people may be helped now.
- What I have done is essentially made an end run around
the scientific and UFO establishments. Due to their unwillingness to help,
I have now brought this information directly to the attention of those
who may be interested in, and possibly benefit, from it. . All I ask is
that information relating to use of the carrot and vitamin E (CE) dietary
addition be brought to my intention. I am available to correspond with
you and also to evaluate your possible abductee status. There is no charge,
but if you can make any size donation please do so. I have no funding for
this or any other work and all donations will be put to good use.
- I am not licensed to practice medicine. If you desire
medical assistance consult a physician without delay. I am not a physician.
Should you have any questions, comments or related information please contact
- Thank you. God Bless and Good Luck to us all.
- Sincerely,
- Phillip S. Duke Ph.D.
- Graduate USC Medical School with Ph.D. in Experimental
- drpduke@juno.com
- 1-402-553-8525
- 2503 S. 47th St.,
- Omaha, Ne 68106 USA
- Author of the recent book titled "The AIDS-ET Connection"
- Arcturus and Flatland books.
- Research Associates include Dr. Roger Leir, Dr. Robert
Koser, Mr. Harry
- Jordan, Mr. John Buder, Mrs. Evelyn
- Lorgen, Mr. Morgan Clements, and others.
- (1). Leir, Roger K. The Alien and The Scalpel. Granite
Publishing 1998 p.163.
- (2). Cantarow, A. and Schepartz, B. Biochemistry. Saunders
1962 p.145-146.
- (3). Ibid Reference (2). p. 148.
- (4). Ibid reference (2). p. 719.
- (5). Reference (1). p. 123.
- (6). Merck Index 8th Edition Merck and Co., Inc. p.1111.
- (7). Leir, Roger K. Private communication.
- (8). National Institute for Discovery Sciences Las Vegas
Nevada Final
- Report June 1999.
- (9). Pfeiffer, Carl C. Mental and Elementary Nutrients
Keats Publishing
- Inc. 1975 p. 198.
- (10). Ganong, W.F. Medical Physiology 1963 Lange p. 263-294.
- (11). Duke, Phillip S. The AIDS-ET Connection Cosmos
Press 1999 Chapter 4.
- Copyright (c) 1999 Phillip S. Duke Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.