Sharks Loathe Taste Of
Humans - Study Suggests

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - "Jaws," it turns out, isn't quite as voracious as we thought.
The great white shark, immortalized in the 1975 movie as one of the natural world's most ruthlessly efficient predators, actually appears to be a finicky eater with little taste for humans, new research indicates.
"They clearly make a decision on what they are going to swallow," said Peter Klimley, a marine animal behaviorist with the University of California-Davis. "Most surfers they just spit out."
Klimley and a group of scientists have spent the past four years examining the predatory behavior of great white sharks around rocky outcroppings off the California coast where elephant seals, their favorite prey, gather.
The study, funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the National Geographic Society, is aimed at getting a clearer picture of how and why these so-called eating machines attack.
Hard-working hunter
The results indicate a far more complex and hard-working hunter than previously thought. "We are getting insights into the real white shark, which is a bit different from the shark we were all brought up to be scared of," Klimley said in an interview.
"I'm arguing that it's not a feeding machine. It doesn't just go somewhere and eat automatically because it's there. It has to work hard to eat, like most animals."
The group's research, covered in the current issue of "Discover" magazine, is among the most detailed looks at the great white, which can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh more than 5,000 pounds.
Great white shark attacks are legendary -- but in fact are rarely fatal. In some 78 attacks recorded along the California coast since 1926, there have been just eight deaths.
Klimley, who had already done extensive research into the shark's feeding behavior on seals, was intrigued. Great white sharks feasting on seals hardly pause between bites, engaging in bloody banquets that turn the seas red and often leave the victim cut clean through by the shark's rows of teeth.
'Social' sharks?
To better understand the shark's eating habits, Klimley and Burney Le Boeuf, a seal expert at the University of California-Santa Cruz, went to the islet of Ano Nuevo about 23 miles off the central California coast, a prime elephant seal rookery and a major feeding ground for great whites.
There, they implemented a system for getting one of the first sustained looks at great white shark behavior underwater, "tagging" sharks with ultrasonic transmitters linked to a sophisticated computer-tracking system.
The electronic tags, which were tracked by a triangle of "sonobuoys" placed 550 yards apart off the western shore of Ano Nuevo, allowed the researchers to track their subjects day and night as they hunted in the frigid waters.
The initial results have added new details -- some of them surprising -- to the picture of the shark.
First, the commonly held belief that great whites only hunt during daytime was disproved, with researchers recording predatory behavior around the clock.
Second, the notion that these mammoth sharks are solitary rogues was also called into question. Scientists observed an almost "social" connection between shark pairs and discovered evidence that sharks may try to warn each other off fresh kills by slapping their tails against the water.
"Once they get an item they are possessive and don't want another shark to get it," Klimley said, describing the tail slapping communication. "This is certainly adaptive behavior. If they wanted to defend by biting each other, it would be real hell with all those teeth."
Picky eaters
But the researchers said the real surprise was the great white's picky eating habits. Instead of crunching down with their jaws, great whites gently "mouth" items that they catch trying to tell if it might be edible, Klimley said.
Animals like elephant seal, which are covered with soft blubber, are quickly adjudged tasty and consumed. But other morsels, ranging from buoys and surfboards to sheep carcasses, sea otters and human surfers, are usually not soft enough to bother with, he said.
"We see attacks where they have seized people by the leg and carried them through the water before releasing them," Klimley said. "It has to be carrying the person gingerly to do that."
After testing swimmers with their teeth, sharks usually release them. "This 'man-eater' usually doesn't eat man," Klimley said.
The next move is to tag more sharks and begin tracking them over a period of months in hopes of recording swimming speed, swimming depth and frequency of feeding, Klimley added.