Oliver's Castle Confession
Video To Air On Nippon TV
By Colin Andrews
Source CPR-Canada News
From Stig Agermose <>
The Oliver's Castle video fraud:John Wabe's filmed confession
to be aired by Nippon TV.
A larger plan at work??
Today I have again tried to obtain permission to make copies of the video sent to me, showing John Wabe confessing to fraudulently making the Oliver's Castle video. My request has been apologetically refused, but I have been told that I can state who the owners of the material are and where I obtained the out cuts from. Nippon Television based at their headquarters in Tokyo sent the material at my request. It was sent on the understanding it was for my on going investigation into the film allegedly showing small UFOs making crop circles.
The contents of the video N.T.V. obtained from First Cut studios, agreed with information obtained by a private detective agency working for me some years earlier. As a result it was felt that the research fraternity would appreciate knowing those findings. Some limited controversy ensued and therefore I did my level best to have the owners of this footage make it public. After all it is true to say, that others should not be expected to believe my own take without seeing it for themselves. Nippon television have been most cooperative as usual but cannot infringe upon the impact of an upcoming program on the subject. They are making a 1999 program about Wabe.
When the material makes it into the public domain, I have no doubt copies of the Wabe confession will be easily come by. Who knows if this will end the disbelief by some that it was made by people for people with malicious intent. For now I think this is the best that anyone can do. My only rider is to say that I do sense a larger plan, which this confession does not explain. People both sides of the Atlantic have placed so much energy supporting the video, against all rational evidence for a hoax, one is left wondering why?? I can go only with my 'gut feeling' in saying this.
I have several reasons for my uneasiness. One would be the strange behavior noted during my several visits to a Las Vegas office complex where video analysis was being undertaken. During one of my visits several groups of men sat in offices close to each other and very much aware of my presence. I felt a nervousness they had with my presence and a definite alertness to my questions and movements within the plush building. There was a moment when I unexpectedly walked out of the studio to visit the nearest bathroom/toilet. Two well dressed men ran in different directions to observe my route. One became aware that I had observed him as he slipped across a distant corridor and into a long office running parallel to the corridor I was in, so he made a very awkward approach to me to try and cover his out of place behavior.
I have encountered several unusual moments of this kind with key people actively trying to have this video accepted (at least temporarily) by the public. I do think a bigger story exists.
No paranoia here I can assure you, just observation of events. I suppose to speak from the heart, I would say it appears a body of people larger than just one TV studio in England seems to have planned for this video to be seen by the public. They have tried to jump start it after an unexpected and early grounding. Cleverly, the pace makers are not crop circle researchers but are well placed professionals.
Colin Andrews