50 Gun Control Bills
Introduced In Congress
In Only 6 Months!
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Below, you will see a digest of 50 federal bills before the house or senate in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. They were all introduced within a 6 month period. I've had my ear to the ground full time during this same time period. I didn't know about most of these bills. But America is the land of freedom. And full confiscation could never happen here. And clinton doesn't lie.
Gun bills introduced in Congress (50 of them in the last 6 months)
You can look them up at
1. Gun Show Accountability Act (Introduced in the Senate) [S.443.IS]
2. Gun Show Accountability Act (Introduced in the House) [H.R.902.IH]
3. Gun Show Accountability Act (Introduced in the House) [H.R.1903.IH]
4. Nationwide Gun Buyback Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.3255.IH]
5. Nationwide Gun Buyback Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.2813.IH]
6. Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act (Introduced in the House) [H.R.2122.IH]
7. Gun Buy Back Partnership Grant Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.724.IH]
8. To better regulate the transfer of firearms at gun shows. (Introduced in the House)[H.R.109.IH]
9. Firearms Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.1233.IH]
10. Firearms Rights, Responsibilities, and Remedies Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate)[S.686.IS]
11. American Handgun Standards Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.2009.IH]
12. American Handgun Standards Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate) [S.193.IS]
13. American Handgun Standards Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.2003.IH]
14. Designating October 21, 1999, as a "Day of National Concern About Young People and Gun Violence." (Introduced in the Senate)[S.RES.158.IS]
15. Designating October 21, 1999, as a "Day of National Concern About Young People and Gun Violence." (Agreed to by the Senate)[S.RES.158.ATS]
16. The Youth Gun Crime Enforcement Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate) [S.995.IS]
17. The Youth Gun Crime Enforcement Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.1768.IH]
18. Targeted Gun Dealer Enforcement Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate) [S.1306.IS]
19. Targeted Gun Dealer Enforcement Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.2443.IH]
20. Gun Industry Accountability Act (Introduced in the Senate)[S.560.IS]
21. Gun Industry Responsibility Act (Introduced in the House)[H.R.1086.IH]
22. Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate) [S.735.IS]
23. Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.1342.IH]
24. To amend the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 to require a local educational agency that receives funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to expel a student determined... (Placed on the Calendar in the Senate) [S.44.PCS]
25. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 902) to regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows. (Introduced in the House)[H.RES.193.IH]
26. To prohibit the possession or transfer of junk guns, also known as Saturday Night Specials. (Introduced in the House)[H.R.35.IH]
27. Child Safety and Youth Violence Prevention Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2037.IH]
28. Youth Violence Prevention Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House) [H.R.1726.IH]
29. To amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 to authorize schools to apply appropriate discipline measures in cases where students have... (Introduced in the Senate)[S.969.IS]
30. Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate) [S.407.IS]
31. To encourage States to require a holding period for any student expelled for bringing a gun to school. (Introduced in the House) [H.R.1723.IH]
32. To authorize the Consumer Product Safety Commission to regulate gun safety, and to ban the importation or manufacture of handguns which do not have certain safety features. (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2008.IH]
33. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1501) to provide grants to ensure increased accountability for juvenile offenders, and for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2122) to require... (Reported in the House) [H.RES.209.RH]
34. Gun Kingpin Penalty Act (Introduced in the Senate)[S.1080.IS]
35. Gun Kingpin Penalty Act (Introduced in the House)[H.R.3057.IH]
36. Gun Crime Prosecution Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2081.IH]
37. Juvenile Gun Loophole Closure Act (Introduced in the Senate)[S.891.IS]
38. Juvenile Gun Loophole Closure Act (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2048.IH]
39. To authorize the Consumer Product Safety Commission to regulate gun safety, to ban the transfer of a firearm to, or the possession of a firearm by, a person who has been convicted of... (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2007.IH]
40. Gun Retention Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.735.IH]
41. Military Sniper Weapon Regulation Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.2127.IH]
42. Military Sniper Weapon Regulation Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate)[S.1774.IS]
43. Gun Dealer Responsibility Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate)[S.1101.IS]
44. Internet Gun Trafficking Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.1245.IH]
45. Internet Gun Trafficking Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate)[S.637.IS]
46. Second Amendment Restoration Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.407.IH]
47. Concealed Firearms Prohibition Act (Introduced in the Senate)[S.967.IS]
48. Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Accountability and Rehabilitation Act of 1999 (Engrossed Senate Amendment)[H.R.1501.EAS]
49. Child Safety Lock Act of 1999 (Introduced in the Senate)[S.149.IS]
50. States' Rights and Second and Tenth Amendment Restoration Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)[H.R.3444.IH]
Ah, yes. Special Bonus Bill -- S2099, FULL GUN BAN ! ! ! ! !
[Thank you to Papa Canuk for sending in this atrocious list.]
~ Angel Shamaya Editor, Webmaster, List Administrator #1 - #2 - H. S. "Gunnie" Reagan, Ph.D., D.D. Web Site Inspiration
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