- I shot these three photos of the sky over Phoenix 15
Feb 2000. Nothing cris-crosses. And I wasn't outside early enough to witness
which aircraft made these (single sprayer, or multiple ship formation).
But I'm sure you'll agree that the first photo was enough to catch my
attention. Even my four year old daughter noticed it without my prompting.
I imagine it's possible that the Air Force or Navy could have a 7 ship
formation flying in parallel, but I've never seen more than 4 aircraft
in any formation. And, I shot the second two about 2 hours after the
first distinct 7 contrail photo, to show that the contrails had not dispersed,
and had in fact spread out. I personally believe that if they're truly
done by the gov't with a purpose, it's either weather control experiments,
or inoculation against a future terrorist attack. But I think it's more
likely that this was a seven ship formation on it's way from one air base
to another. Viewers can make their own decisions. It is strange, however,
that the contrails started at the west edge of the Phoenix metro area,
and ended at the east edge.
- Bob Lemm
- This
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