Second Japan Nuclear
Plant Leak Admitted
TOKAIMURA, JAPAN - After losing its licence to operate a nuclear facility, the company involved in last month's accident at a nuclear processing facility in Japan is in trouble again.
Officials at JCO company have admitted that radiation continued to pour out of the plant in Tokaimura for a week after the accident.
The company first detected the leak of radioactive iodine on Friday, but didn't admit the mistake until Monday when they contained the leak by turning off the exhaust fan and sealing the opening.
Officials for the company say the ventilator was left running after the Sept. 30 accident which exposed at least 49 people to high levels of radiation.
People living near the plant are angry that they didn't hear about the radiation leak right away.
JCO has already been criticized for not raising the alarm in the original fission accident.
Workers at the Tokaimura uranium processing plant were mixing uranium with nitric acid when they accidentally poured eight times too much uranium into the mixing tank, setting off a nuclear chain reaction.
Emergency service people called to help weren't warned of the radiation danger and many were exposed, causing severe radiation sickness.
JCO officials say the week-long leak has now been contained and measures of radiation outside the plant are at normal levels.
But the residents say they don't trust the company or its promises.