- A day after indicting Los Alamos scientist Weh Ho Lee,
senior government officials tell the NEW YORK TIMES on Sunday that Lee
"jeopardized virtually every nuclear warhead in the American arsenal
through unauthorized computer transfers of many of the country's most sensitive
nuclear secrets."
- TIMES hotshot James Risen reports that much of the data
is still missing -- vital information that Lee put on 10 portable computer
disks from 1993 to 1997.
- Only 3 of these disks have so far been recovered!
- On the disks, Risen writes, "were thousands of pages
of nuclear-related documents."
- In 1997 Lee placed on one disk the "'complete source
code for the current version' of the government's most advanced primary
weapon design, which is an atomic bomb that acts as the trigger to explode
a hydrogen bomb."
- The Department of Energy and the FBI had been investigating
Chinese nuclear secret espionage for two years at Los Alamos when this
breach allegedly occurred.
- Since 1996, Lee had already been a prime suspect.
- In September of 1996, the Justice Department stepped
in to declare that "the investigation had been flawed and that investigators
had prematurely focused on Lee."
- Lee is being charged with violating the Atomic Energy
Act and the Foreign Espionage Act -- but not with espionage because there
is no proof Lee gave the data to China, or any other foreign government.