Anti-White Crimes

Unless you live in the local area where these crimes occurred, you probably haven't heard of them. Just imagine the media uproar if these were non-whites being attacked, raped, and murdered by Whites. But because the victims are White and perpetrators non-white, the stories rarely get more than only cursory coverage, usually on a back page and not much else is said. No hand-wringing editorials, no teary speeches, no demands for new laws and investigations, no condemnation from Bill Clinton or Janet Reno, . . . nothing from the usual crowd of hypocrites.
I would hope that any honest person, liberal, conservative, or whatever should be outraged by the media's double-standard and hypocrisy when it comes to reporting non-white crimes against White people.
The following is a sample of the vicious crimes committed against White people by non-whites which get little attention.
There were many other MURDERS RAPES, etc. not listed here, in the THOUSANDS, and if you read DOJ reports, the incidence of NON-WHITE CRIME on WHITE VICTIMS is VASTLY more prevalent than the converse even though there are fewer non-whites than whites.
We should care about ALL people, skin-color should never be a question, so NEVER voluntarily on a government form specify your race, just say NONE of YOUR FRIGGIN BUSINESS. Are you any different after getting a little darker from your beach vacation ? Dont let your self be divided by others, when you let that happen, you allow yourself and those you are being divided FROM, to be controlled by someone other than yourself and those you are being divided from. FOCUS on who is orchestrating the divisions, there you will find your and your divided brethrens' master. You can congregate with your EXTENDED family, that is your business how big your extended family is, but dont let anyone decide which extended families you belong to, and remember unless you have an identical twin, you are your OWN RACE, and this applies to everyone else as well.
READ ALL of these stories, they are NOT listed in order of outrageousness, so read them ALL !
Former Black NFL Player Charged in Ritual Murder of White Man. Admitted to Seven Other Killings.
March 22, 1999
Former NFL player, Robert Rozier, who later admitted to killing several people in Florida with a black supremacist cult, was charged in Newark Tuesday with the 1984 sacrificial slaying of a homeless white man. Rozier, 43, is the second person to be charged with the stabbing death of Attilio Cicala, who was found stabbed 8 times in the chest and abdomen outside the cult's temple in Newark on July 3, 1984. Rozier admitted to another 7 killings and was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but was released after 10 years, in 1996, after testifying as a prosecution witness against other followers.
Rozier was a dedicated member of the Florida-based Yaweh Ben Yaweh cult, which, during the 1980s, ritually tortured, raped, and murdered numerous White men and women and is suspected of many more racial killings including children.
Source: Miami Herald
Black Man Shoots Two White Co-workers, Kills One in Racially Motivated Attack
November 22, 1999
A black immigrant who went on a shooting spree at a parking lot outside Kansas City International Airport on Saturday, killing one person before committing suicide, was apparently motivated by anger against white people, Kansas City police said on Monday. Neuss Zeleke, 37, shot two white co-workers on Saturday morning before killing himself with a shot to the head. One of the co-workers died and another was critically injured. All three worked at The Parking Spot, a remote parking lot running shuttles to and from the airport.
But on Monday, police released a copy of a 2-1/2 page letter written by Zeleke and dated Nov. 5 that police said was found at the scene and indicated a motive for the shootings. "It seems to be a racially motivated crime," a police spokeswoman said on Monday.
The rambling letter, typed in memo form, complains of numerous incidents of racial discrimination and mistreatment suffered by Zeleke at the hands of "supreme white people." In the letter, Zeleke detailed his many jobs and many financial problems since moving to the United States in 1989 and blames racism against blacks. In one part of the letter, Zeleke asks "Why black blood suckers, racist white people always against Ethiopians and all black people in world?"
Source: Reuters
Black Mob Lynches Two Whites
October 19, 1999
A mob of more than a dozen Blacks attacked Troy Knapp, 35, and Gary Thornburg, 34, both White, early Saturday near Bexley Street and South Rhett Avenue, North Charleston police said. But Knapp's cousin-in-law, the Rev. Jack Turner, said Knapp is in a coma. Monday night's arrests included four 16-year-old North Charleston High School students and one 14-year-old Alice Burney Middle School student, North Charleston Det. Cpl. Jerry Jellico said. Their names were not released because they are juveniles. Two adults, Lafayette Knots, 21, and Ivan Brown, 20, both of North Charleston, also were arrested. The seven suspects were charged with two counts of second-degree lynching, which is an act of violence inflicted by a mob. Police were still looking for five other suspects Monday night, Jellico said. Witnesses told Knapp's family that after white police officers arrested a black suspect in connection with the shootings, someone in a group of people was heard saying: "Yeah, we are going to get us a white boy."
Source: Post and Courier
Elderly White Woman Dies After Being Knocked Down By Black Woman
September 16, 1999
In West Palm Beach, Fla a woman is charged with murder over greeting -- A woman who allegedly knocked an elderly neighbor to the ground and mooned her for not responding to her "good afternoon" was charged with murder after the victim had a heart attack and died. Joelle O'Neill, 41, got angry at Julia Osmun, 65, on Sept. 16, authorities said. O'Neill, who is black, and Osmun, who was white, also exchanged racial slurs, witnesses said. Minutes later, Osmun, began breathing heavily and was taken to the hospital. She died that day.
Source: Associated Press
Two Black Men Beat Handicapped White Man To Death in Racially-Motivated Attack
September 5, 1999
Terrence McCray, 18, and Ledell Lawrence, 20, were being held in Duval County jail without bond after their arrest Friday. Police said the two men and possibly others beat, kicked and stomped Gregory Griffith, 50, who was mentally handicapped, on Aug. 16 until he was unconscious. Griffith died Aug. 26 at University Medical Center. McCray and Lawrence told police they were with a group of other Black men who decided to beat Griffith "because he was White," police said. They agreed to attack the next White person that walked down the street, and Griffith was the next to pass by. He was not singled out because of his disability, police said.
Source: Associated Press
Asian Gang Arrested in Racially-Motivated Gang-Rape of White Woman
Aug. 29, 1999
Boulder District Judge Carol Glowinsky expects to rule today whether to bind over Kao Vang, 18, and Chu Vang, 16, for trial on multiple counts of first-degree sexual assault and kidnapping of a female University of Colorado student. The Vangs, who are not related, were arrested by Boulder police Sept.. 4. Police in Green Bay, Wis., arrested three other suspects: Steve Yang, 19, Johnny Lee, 17, and Sonny Lee, 23, several days later. A fourth, Kather Yang, 20, killed himself in a Green Bay motel room. Lee decided to "find a white female" for Kather Yang, said Gosage, reading from a transcript of an interview conducted with the Wisconsin inmate. The White female victim was forced at gunpoint to perform sex acts on her attackers and repeatedly gang-raped.
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News
Black Gang Murders White Couple
July 16, 1999
Chris Vialva, 19, and Brandon Bernard, 18, and two other Black juveniles murdered a White Iowa couple, Todd Bagley, 26, and his wife, Stacie, 28, on June 21, shooting them in the head and setting fire to their car with the Bagleys locked inside the trunk.
Source: American-Statesman (Austin, Texas)
Former Black NFL Player Charged in Ritual Murder of White Man. Admitted to Seven Other Killings.
March 22, 1999
Former NFL player, Robert Rozier, who later admitted to killing several people in Florida with a black supremacist cult, was charged in Newark Tuesday with the 1984 sacrificial slaying of a homeless white man. Rozier, 43, is the second person to be charged with the stabbing death of Attilio Cicala, who was found stabbed 8 times in the chest and abdomen outside the cult's temple in Newark on July 3, 1984. Rozier admitted to other 7 killings and was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but was released after 10 years, in 1996, after testifying as a prosecution witness against other followers.
Rozier was a dedicated member of the Florida-based Yaweh Ben Yaweh cult, which, during the 1980s, ritually tortured, raped, and murdered numerous White men and women and is suspected of many more racial killings including children.
Source: Miami Herald
Black Truck Driver Molests, Suffocates and Leaves Eight-year-old White Boy for Dead
February 24, 1999
Carlitos Bell, 30, who lived near San Antonio, pleaded no contest to sexually assaulting the White youngster and attempting to kill him by throwing him unconscious and naked from his truck along Interstate 79 near Bridgeville, Pa. in 23-degree weather.
Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Ten-year-old White Girl Sexually Tortured and Murdered by Three Black Teens
October 16, 1998
Three Blacks, 16-year-old Harold Jones, 17-year-old Dorthia Bynum, and 13- year-old boy murdered Tiffany Long in Burlington, North Carolina. The three have been convicted with first-degree murder, kidnapping and sexual assault. LongĂ­s body was found covered with an afghan-type cloth, with a coaxial cable around her neck, behind a garage at a vacant house. She had been sexually assaulted and had suffered several blows to the back of the head. Police believe the murder weapon was a bedpost. The NAACP is protesting the case because the Black perpetrators are teenagers.
Source: (Burlington NC) Times-News
White Soldier Stomped into Coma by Black Mob in North Carolina
Sept. 22, 1998
Donald Lange was punched to the ground by a Black attacker and then stomped nearly to death by other Blacks in October 1995 after leaving an International House of Pancakes near Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Witnesses testified that several Blacks had Lange on the ground kicking him repeatedly. Lange remains in a coma due to severe head injuries inflicted during the attack. The accused attackers were eventually aquitted.
Source: Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer-Times
Police Find Bodies of Seven White Women in Black Man's House
September 3, 1998
Police in Poughkeepsie consider Kendall Francois more than a threat-- they say he may be a serial killer of as many as eight women in this small city 70 miles north of New York City. Investigators in white jumpsuits and surgical-style face masks pulled three bodies from the small green house Francois, 27, shared with his parents and younger sister on Wednesday. Authorities say there are other bodies hidden inside, likely the remains of five other women who had disappeared over the last two years. With the exception of one black woman, all the missing women were white and small in stature. All but Ms. Newmaster had dark hair. Francois worked from May 1994 to April 1996 as a substitute custodial worker for the Arlington school district, east of Poughkeepsie. From April 1996 to January 1997, he was a hall and detention monitor at Arlington Middle School, police said.
Source: Shawneee News-Star
Two White Women Kidnapped and Murdered by Non-White Gang
August 20, 1998
Investigators found the bodies of Susan Raye Moore and Tracy Rose Lambert in a field in Cumberland County, North Carolina. Both had been car-jacked and shot to death execution style as part of a member initiation by the non-whites "Crips" gang.
Source: WRAL Channel Five
White Woman Dragged to Death by Black Man
August 14, 1998
Patricia Stansfield, 46, formerly of Streator, Ill, was killed early Aug. 2 by being dragged three miles from downtown Streator to nearby Kangley. She was last seen minutes before, talking with a young man outside a restaurant. Following a trail of blood stains and clothing, LaSalle County Sheriffs deputies determined she had been dragged from Vermilion River bridge on Illinois 18 to near Kangley Road.
Source: The Pantagraph
White Man Beat To Death by Black Street Mob
August 10, 1998
Witnesses testified that 10 Blacks stomped to death Richard Skelton, 48, of Wood River, Ill. in a racially charged street-mob death. Skelton went to a predominantly Black neighborhood to retrieve a TV that had been stolen from him and was set upon by the Black mob.
Source: Associated Press
Elderly White Woman Murdered and Stuffed Into Box by Black Man
April 16 1998
Hennepin County Medical Examiner says homicide was the cause of an elderly woman's death, reports The Associated Press. Neighbors are mourning the murder of the kindly 77-year-old Ann Prazniak in her south Minneapolis apartment. She was killed by a Black man, Brian Keith Hooper, 27, who forcibly took control of her third-floor apart ment, killed her, squeezed her body into a television cardboard packing box, put it in a closet and went about his illicit drug sales while her body decomposed.
Source: WCCO-TV of Minneapolis-St. Paul.
Black Man Murders White Husband, Rapes Wife For Four Days
April 1998
The Black murderer, Donald Flagg, 41, admitted to police he had seen Debra Puglisi working in her garden and decided to abduct her, slipping into her home to wait for her. When her husband surprised him, Flagg shot him in the head and dragged his body to a bedroom, covering the dead man's face with a jacket, prosecutors said. Then, he helped himself to a beer and waited for Debra Puglisi.When she came in, she testified, Flagg hit her in the head, tied her up with rope and dragged her to thebasement, where he raped her. He then covered her in a blanket, backed his car up to the front door of the Newark home, and, putting her in the back, took her to his home, holding her there for four days and raping her repeatedly. Debra Puglisi managed to escape Flagg's home by loosening her ropes and calling police when he went to work.
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
Young White Girl Raped, Multialted and Beaten to Death by Black Man
January 1998
A ten-year-old White girl, Lauren Relyea, was dragged into a vacant lot near her home in Piscataway, New Jersey raped repeatedly, and then beaten and stabbed to death and her body mutilated. The rapist and killer was Yusaf Hagansa, 24-year-old Black.
Source: WCBS Newsradio 88
Fourteen-year-old White Girl Gang-Raped and Stabbed To Death By Non-White Gang
May 30, 1997
For Brandy Duvall, 14, death came slowly and terribly on May 30, 1997. She spent the last hours of her life being raped, kicked, beaten, and stabbed.
A Lincoln High School freshman, Duvall had accepted a ride from some men who said they were inviting her to a party. But at a north Denver home, seven gang members gang-raped and sexually tortured her. Then four of them, including Danny Martinez, drove the handcuffed Duvall to the mountains. As Martinez held Duvall, Francisco Martinez - no relation to Danny - stabbed her 28 times.. The severely injured Duvall was then pushed down an embankment along Clear Creek, where she bled to death. Her body was found a month later.
Source: Denver Post
Three White Teenagers Beat and Shot, White Female Raped by Blacks
July 1997
Three White teenagers in Michigan who hopped a freight train, accidentally got off in a Black neighborhood in the city of Flint, and were attacked by a gang of Blacks while trying to find a telephone so they could call their parents. The Blacks beat and robbed all three White youngsters, stripped and raped the White girl, then shot all three of the young Whites in the head, execution style, leaving them for dead. One of them, a 14-year-old boy, did in fact die from his gunshot wound. The other two, a 15-year-old boy and the 14-year-old girl who had been beaten, stripped, and raped, played dead after being shot, and eventually they escaped.
Source: Associated Press
White Female College Student Raped and Beaten to Death by Black Man
Setember 1997
A Black repeat offender, Arthur Bomar, was convicted based upon DNA evidence of rape, first-degree murder, and sexual abuse of a corpse. Bomar had driven up behind a car driven by a 22-year-old White university student, Aimee Willard. Aimee was home on summer vacation from George Mason University, which is in Fairfax, Virginia. She was visiting her parents in Philadelphia, when Bomar deliberately bumped her car. She got out to check for damage; he grabbed her, beat her savagely with a tire iron, tore her clothes off, raped her, and then dumped her corpse in a vacant lot.
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer and Associated Press
White Woman Raped and Hanged by Black Man
June 5, 1997
Workers at the mall found Laurie White, 26, hanging inside a tent filled with lawn furniture, an electrical cord around her neck. Semen and pubic hair on the victim linked Engram, a habitual offender convicted of a murder in 1976, to the crime. "You saw the images of the cord around her neck, her throat slashed, her own pants stuffed on her head," Johnson said. "But that wasn't the worst -- she lived through most of it." Pulaski County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Johnson told jurors during the trial in Little Rock. A circuit court jury convicted Engram, 43, of McAlmont of capital murder and rape and sentenced him to die by lethal injection. The random and gruesome crime on June 5, 1997, shocked North Little Rock residents.
Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Fourteen and Ten year old Blacks Forced White Boys to Perform Sex Acts
October 1, 1993
Judge found Gregory and a 14-year old companion guilty of three counts of first- degree criminal sexual misconduct, two counts of felonious assault, and one count of burglary against two White brothers nine and eleven. "The brothers were forced to take off their clothing and perform a sex act upon their attackers, forced to fondle and sodomize each other, crawl to fetch a tennis ball, and were beaten with sticks and fists. One of the brothers was hit in the head with a board and nearly knocked unconscious. "According to statements and testimony, the attackers, who are African-American, told the victims, who are white, at one point in the ordeal that they were treating them like slaves, 'because you're white and we hate whites....'
"'This is the worst case I've seen in my four years with the prosecutor's office,' said [Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Jerry] Dorsey.... "These were clearly terrorist behaviors...beyond a mere sex thing or a fighting thing that boys get into. This was clearly designed to humiliate and terrorize and inflict fear and pain on these boys, both physical and psychological.'
Source: Detroit Free Press
White Woman Murdered by Blacks in Racially-Motivated Gang-Rape and Shooting
December 30, 1992
On December 30th, 1992, a 25 year-old White woman named "Missy" McLaughlin was abducted by a carload of black males and one female from the front of her home in Charleston, South Carolina. She was then driven to an all-black trailer park where she was tortured, gang-raped, and eventually shot six times and her body dumped along U.S. Highway 78 near Charleston, because, as her killers put it, "of 400 years of oppression."
Source: Various


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