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DataPage archive your story would likely have been retired to. Only certain catagories are Archived as DataPages, however. If you have no luck, then use our
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Missing Stories
Once in a great while, we delete articles from our Headlines rather than storing them in our DataPage archives. A few of the few reasons for deleting articles.
1. The source turns out to be bogus, unlocatable, or patently unreliable.
2. New updated story material appears which renders the first story obsolete
3. The story itself is discovered to be a hoax
4. The story content is later determined to be unsatisfactory for posting
5. It's a time-sensitive topical story which becomes 'outdated'
6. Sometimes a story is 'being' retired... it will show up in DataPages soon
99+ of every 100 stories remain on the site archived. Enjoy and don't forget to use our Keyword Search Engine. If the story is gone from Headlines and is not in its respective DataPage archive, it is gone entirely from our database so please don't ask us for retrieval.
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