If You're Reading This,
You May Be A Net Addict

PSYCHOLOGISTS say computer nerds hooked on surfing the Internet are mentally ill and need medical help.
That means those who spend more than four hours a day on the Net could soon be treated on the NHS like alcholics and gamblers.
Top Brussels health advisers say new evidence shows constant surfing creates high brain levels of the drug dopamine, an adrenalin-like chemical linked to gambling fever.
Now the EU psychologists are warning Scots GPs to brace themselves for a wave of new patients suffering from addiction to the Internet.
Stars like David Bowie and Keanu Reeves have already admitted to surfing binges. Bowie gets up at 5am every day so he can cram in four hours online.
But it is the growing number of ordinary surfers with access to home computers who are causing most concern.
The spread of cheaper and easier ways to use computers means that an increasing number of housewives and older people are getting hooked.
The psychologists base their fears on alarming real-life case studies. One Florida mum recently lost her children in a court custody battle because she couldn't keep off the computer.
Experts say up to 400,000 Brits may develop Internet addiction in the new Millennium. A recent study of young people in the UK revealed that the problem often starts at college, where one in 10 students surf the net for up to 229 minutes a day.
Dr Kimberely Young, a lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh who is advising Brussels scientists, said: "Until recently, it was regarded by some psychologists as a joking matter. But the increasing number of divorces in which it is cited as a cause of family break-up has changed this attitude."