author sells their book by saying how important it is so please buy
it. I'm saying it because one of the reasons America is in such dire
straits is because millions of well-meaning, concerned Americans simply
do not understand the roots of many of the cancers plaguing our country
the predictable 2008 meltdown, millions of Americans joined up
with what became known as the Tea Party rebellion. Their crime
according to socialists and Marxists on the left is to stop the
massive, out of control unconstitutional spending by the liars
and thieves in the U.S. Congress. They wanted accountability and
to stop the destruction of our country for America's children
and grand children. In the eyes of liberals and progressive liberals
that's a crime worthy of their vocal hate.
other patriotic groups also formed under different names like the 9-12
groups fashioned after Glenn Beck's project by the same name. All those
Americans have the same common goal: stop the destruction of our beloved
republic by spending us into poverty and the toxic culture wars which
has driven America's moral compass into the sewer.
the one thing missing for millions of Americans is the genesis of how
things went so wrong in our economy, states rights and many more issues.
The dumbing down of Americans we know has been deliberate with tried
and true Soviet-style propaganda shoved down the throats of America's
school children all the way to college. Big Ivy league colleges and
universities as well as even local colleges have become nothing more
than incubators promoting the destruction of our republic and the promotion
of socialism and communism.
the past year or so I've been tuning into Limbaugh and Hannity as I
drive around town doing errands. Not to listen to the hosts but to callers.
Average Americans just like you and me commenting on the day's hot button
topics. What I hear is a profound lack of knowledge by well-meaning,
very concerned people who are so frustrated with what's going which
is why I decided to write this book. To educate my fellow Americans
as I became educated more than a quarter century ago on how government
systems actually work vs the lies fed to Americans by both Congress
and the media - including cable networks.
same as I did when I wrote my Why A Bankrupt America 45-page booklet
in 1993 on the 'Fed'. I sold 1,653,000 copies at cost; the only
advertising was word of mouth and my appearances on talk radio.
My purpose in writing that little booklet was because what I found
out in my research not only scared the hell out of me, the goal
to bring America into a world governmental body, but angered me.
Three years later I wrote Blind Loyalty; vote fraud and how people's
blind loyalty to a political party is killing us; also 45 pages.
I sold 700,000 copies of that booklet at cost. (I retired both
booklets in 2004)
now and in full book form? Simple. Time is a problem for tens of millions
of Americans whether it involves family or trying to get or keep a job.
Most people don't have the time to spend as many hours a day on the
computer as I do because I work at home. And, unless a person knows
what site to hit he or she may not read one of the excellent daily columns
here on Newswithviews. A lot of news sites are just that and a ton of
web sites both on the right and left are basically commentary without
ever approaching how the problem discussed got started - at least not
roughly 2 1/2 BILLION pages on the Internet. Web sites like msm.com,
ABC, CNN, FOX, Huffington Post and other 'mainstream' names get huge
amounts of traffic but how many of them carry concise, accurate columns
as you see on NWVs? None. Columns from legal experts who explain the
problem and the solution vs the position of someone on the right or
left. None. Regular readers of NWVs know how diverse the columns on
this are site and how much we all learn from reading them. You don't
see them on Drudge.com that has over 9 billion hits to his site so far
this year. Once in a while Drudge will link to something on Alex Jones'
site but never NWVs. That's why I wrote my book - to reach out to Americans
who want solutions and to those who don't have a computer. Many seniors
who are active don't have a PC and still depend on the boob tube.
book on the other hand puts it all together in one place a person can
read and refer to while learning. A book is what you keep and doesn't
go away with the next day's news or political spat. Not an easy undertaking,
believe me. My book is 430 pages. If ever there was a time for my book
it is now.
those millions of Americans cheering for the criminal impostor in the
White House back in 2008 bought his Marxist rhetoric about hope and
change and the fundamental transformation of our beloved republic into
a never ending nightmare. Well, a whole lot of them are not only disappointed,
they're angry and hurting just like Americans who voted for McCain and
Romney and their incumbent in the Outlaw Congress because the cancer
wasn't attacked at the core, just more Band Aids applied by the liars
and crooks in Congress.
like Sean Hannity with his big, bold new ideas is just a bunch of hooey.
On his show daily he ticks off his list like a balanced budget, his
non-solutions to shrink the size of government, promoting worthless
alternative taxing schemes and so on. Last night I hit on FOX's Republican
National Convention special as Ken Cuccinelli was being interviewed.
Cuccinelli is the former attorney general of Virginia who ran for governor
in 2014 only to be defeated by vote fraud. The alleged winner was former
Clinton bag man, Terry McAuliffe; another crook in a governor's mansion.
is not a fan of Donald Trump to put it mildly. He went on about
Trump isn't for smaller government and doesn't represent the values
of the Republican Party. Well, pray tell, Ken, how has the Republican
Party reduced the size of government over the past couple of decades?
It sure didn't happen under Ronnie Reagan; the national debt skyrocketed.
It didn't happen after the so-called Republican revolution with
globalist Newt Gingrich at the helm; the Republican controlled
Congress outspent 40 years of Democrat control. Smaller government
and keep more of what you make are staples of Republican rhetoric
during election years but in reality, they mean nothing.
many Americans know anything about the fraudulent ratification of the
Seventeenth Amendment? I would be safe in saying a teeny, tiny number,
but it is a huge issue in understanding states rights and how it affects
every man, woman and child in this country regardless of what corrupt
political party they belong to. The same applies to fiat currency and
the disabilities of our monetary system. The lies fed to us our entire
life about the federal income tax, who it only applies to and where
does the money actually go? How many people know the difference between
the national debt and deficit? Do they know who feeds the national debt
and why Congress needs the candy store called the 'Fed'? Sadly, not
enough, but these are absolutely key issues in returning America to
are 19 chapters in my book with 30 pages of Endnotes as source references.
The chapters cover: The unconstitutional Federal Reserve, the federal
'income' tax, jobs and the destruction caused by "free" trade,
the true state of the economy and what's coming at us like a freight
train, Obamacare, non-ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and
why it is so very important, illegal aliens, social security, Medicare,
those dangerous 'smart' meters, education, the VA, Planned Parenthood,
Fukushima - an on-going crime against humanity, the FDA, silent killers
called vaccines, why Monsanto must be stropped and Islam.
explain the problem with each of those issues and the constitutional
solutions that exist but ignored because the two political party's
in this country don't want the solutions implemented. Both
have basically the same agenda they just market and sell their poison
under different labels and propaganda.
tremendous amount of blame is put on a sitting president for the woes
of the nation. But, all laws originate in Congress; all bills of expenditure
must originate in the House of Representatives - with the exception
of Obamacare. Slipped into an old bill in the Senate by dirty Democrats.
Lawlessness abounds in the District of Criminals. If we're going to
put a fire under the feet of the liars and crooks who will be going
back to Congress in January 2017 (at this time almost all incumbents
in Congress, house and senate, have won their primaries and will go
right back to Washington to continue destroying this country), we need
Americans to join together and fight with facts.
also imperative that our state houses get educated on the issues
covered in my book so they can fight back and win. There's actually
quite a bit of activity in a couple of states trying to neuter
the 17th Amendment. Interest in that issue is way bigger than
most people even know about or understand. Too bad networks like
FOX refuse to cover such an important issue.
hope you will purchase my book. The publisher is giving a great discount
if you purchase two or more books; call 1-800-955-0116. Give one to
your state rep or someone you know who really doesn't understand how
so many problems got started nor do they understand the solutions
are there we just need to get the truth out. The discount for
case orders are substantial. If I were a millionaire I'd ship a million
copies to tea party chapters and other patriotic organizations all over
this country. What a difference it would make in getting we the people
on the same sheet of constitutional solutions instead of buying into
more Band Aids that have only made things worse.
I make clear in the introduction in my book, it's not about politics
or political parties. It's about taking politics out of solutions.
It's about facts and understanding how certain systems work as well
as serious dangers to we the people. It's about the truth vs the lies
told to unsuspecting Americans who know things are bad and getting worse.
They know we're in trouble but they don't have the answers. They
are in my book.
a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters.
The cost of America's undeclared "war" (invasion) in Afghanistan
has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars - massive debt heaped on
us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column
know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military
grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested
from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released:
Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just
released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive
no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it
with others or give a copy as a present. I've purchased half a dozen
copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It's
very powerful simply because it's one 'ordinary' man's story who ask
a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is
factual information in this film that many have never heard about but
everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than
one and give one to a friend. Also,
must see
video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take
Back Your Power.]
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