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The Real Chattanooga Shooter - Barack Hussein Obama


By Lindsay Perigo


The Islamotrash responsible for shooting and killing four Marines during two attacks at gun-free military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, today, has been identified as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

The Islamotrash-enabler responsible for the gunman is Barack Hussein Obama. The last time there was a mass murder like this by Islamotrash—at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009—the Anti-American President insisted on calling it "an act of workplace violence." He refused to identify the perpetrator as Muslim.

This is the same Obamohammad who insists there's no War on Terror, merely an "Overseas Contingency Operation."

This is the same Obamohammad who just gave away the farm to Iran, the chief perpetrator of Islamoterrorism on earth. Under this craven Chamberlainesque capitulation, among other abominations: the path towards Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons is purportedly slowed, but actually cleared, with a risibly unenforceable inspections regime put in place; European Union countries are given the green light to help Iran improve its ability to refine uranium and plutonium; the ban on conventional arms sales to Iran is lifted; the sanctions which brought Iran to the negotiating table in the first place (and which Obamohammad opposed every step of the way) are removed; Iran will be showered with cash with which to continue its Islamoterrorism; no American hostages will be released; and Qassem Suleimani, the head of the elite Quds Force in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, responsible for untold American and British deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, is removed from America's "most wanted" list. Small wonder Islamosavages were dancing in the streets of Tehran, celebrating their triumph and screaming "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!" as is their wont.

This is the same Obamohammad who betrayed and nullified the hard-won liberation of Iraq by withdrawing American forces prematurely and totally, clearing the way for the takeover of much of the country by the ISIS caliphate, the likely inspiration behind today's shooting in Tennessee.

This is the same Obamohammad who dismissed the same ISIS as "the JV team" even as they vanquished cities and went on beheading and burning-alive sprees.

This is the same Obamohammad who drew a "red line" with the Syrian Islamo-despots proscribing the use of chemical weapons—and then allowed the despots to cross that line without consequence. Those despots are still in power.

This is the same Obamohammad who, brazenly lying, blamed the murder of the US ambassador in Benghazi on a YouTube video mocking Islam when he knew all along the murder was part of a premeditated terrorist attack by Islamotrash.

This is the same Obamohammad who exchanged five terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay for Bowe Bergdahl, a fellow-deserter, then held a ceremony in the Rose Garden to crow about the deal.

This is the same Obamohammad who refuses to implicate Islam in the atrocities committed by those he insists are mere "lone wolves," as he was again in an obscene rush to do today.

This is the same Obamohammad who steeped himself in the murderous America-hatred of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and solicited support from communist bomber/terrorist Bill Ayers for his 2008 campaign.

This is the same Obamohammad, aka Obamarx, who is reducing the size of the US army by 40,000 even as China and Russia run amok, emboldened by Obamarx's treacherous appeasement.

This is the same Obamohammad, aka Obamelchapo, who issues illegal executive orders in order to flood his country with foreign gangsters who will commit rape and murder in the "sanctuary cities" he embraces. He is the anti-Second Amendment president who wants to disarm the innocent, as today's victims had to be unarmed, in order that the guilty may rampage with impunity.

Sean Hannity complained to Mike Huckabee that the president "seems incapable of recognising evil." That's too charitable. The president recognises evil—and enables, endorses and enacts it. He is evil. He is a grotesque hybrid of Louis Farrakhan, Benedict Arnold and Al Capone—by conscious design. He is a totalitarian, a traitor and a thug. He is the real Chattanooga shooter. He is The Anti-American President.

May Americans treat him accordingly.




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