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Liberia To Prosecute Man
Who Brought Ebola To US

By Patricia Doyle

Hello, Jeff  - Guess we will be stuck with this person here unless Liberia tries to extradite him which I hope happens.

The security at the airport specifically asked him if he had any contact with any Ebola patients.  His reply was "NO," emphatically NO!

Is this the type of person we want to offer our homeland to?

He also could have and should have told the hospital that he had exposure to the virus by helping the pregnant woman.  He knew dam well she had Ebola as he went to the Ebola hospitals and not to an OB/GYN hospital.  

Wonder if Obama will try to defend a fellow man of African heritage? You betcha he will as he is a black first, a shill of Zion second, and no part a true American.

We need change at the top and in Congress.  We need a real American.  A real America-first person.   This never would have happened if Ron Paul had gotten in.  He also would probably legalize pot.  

I do believe the sister is going to sue the hospital where he brother is getting free medical care on the dole.  She had a friend call the CDC once Duncan was admitted and complained that the hospital was moving too slowly.  Guess she is an Ebola expert.


Read the whole story…

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To US



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