murderer, Francisco Sanchez, is a Mexican illegal alien. Sanchez
had been deported FIVE times, has SEVEN felony convictions and
is allowed to walk the streets of this country. That piece of
scum has now signed a confession. There is no doubt about his
guilt. A rabid animal like Sanchez should be executed with as
little delay as possible. He has no redeeming factors and no excuse
for killing an unarmed woman who was simply out enjoying the day
with her father at the very popular pier areas.
enablers who promote murder and other crimes by illegal aliens,
the city fathers of SF, refused to hand Sanchez over to immigration
officials when he was jailed several months before he blew away
Kathryn's life. In fact, after he was arrested over pot possession
and distribution he was let go because SF is run by politically
correct buffoons who brag SF is a 'sanctuary city' for illegal
had put out a detainer on Sanchez, but
get this: "SFSD spokesperson Freya Horne told Breitbart News,
“Our policy is that we don't honor them.” SFSD cited Ordinance
130764, approved by Board of Supervisors, and signed by Mayor
Ed Lee in October 2013 as backing for not honoring the ICE detainer.
SFSD Policy on immigration detainers is in line with this ordinance.
Just two and a half months later, on July 1, Lopez-Sanchez, by
his own admission, shot and killed Kathryn Steinle."
what? I wouldn't step foot in SF if they handed me the key to
the city. Actions have consequences and if Americans will just
stand their ground and make 'sanctuary cities' like SF
see tourist dollars dry up they might actually uphold
our immigration laws - after all, you might be the next victim
of an illegal alien in SF while at a convention or just sight-seeing.
Want to take that chance?
couple of weeks ago when announcing his bid for president, billionaire
Donald Trump dared to tell the truth. Both the left and right
peed their pants:
Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best,” Trump
said. “They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're
bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're
bringing crime. They're rapists. And some I assume are good people,”
he added. But it's not just Mexico that's dumping all of it's
problems in the U.S., Trump continued. “It's coming from all over
South and Latin America and it's coming probably, probably, from
the Middle East. We don't know.”
Donald, we do know illegal aliens from the Middle East are smuggling
themselves across our Southern border and it IS a major national
security issue. Trump also had some follow up comments announcing
his lawsuit:
that I stated was different from what I have been saying for many
years. I want strong borders, and I do not support or condone
illegal immigration. There is a high level of crime occurring
in this country due to unchecked illegal immigration. This is
a major security issue for the United States. Additionally, the
terrible trade deals our government is routinely entering into
with Mexico are causing great financial harm to our country. We
are losing a huge number of jobs, manufacturing opportunities
and money due to poorly negotiated trade deals, a fact that undisputable.
That won't happen if I become president--- this disturbing trend
will end and it will end quickly.”
that did it. Immediately there were attacks on his daughter, Ivanka,
and her family. In case anyone hasn't noticed, liberals and "progressives"
are some of the most foul mouthed people on the Internet and all
those electronic gadgets people are addicted to. I know because
I've been a target of it for years. This
is just one of too many on Trumps daughter and her family:
"You are a piece of sh*t ! and your racist f***ing family - F**k
you , F**k anything Trump !! and may you die slow h** ! remember
half of this country is Hispanic that motherf***er will never
win !!"
following his comments, Univision, the largest Spanish speaking
network in the U.S. did the politically correct thing and canceled
broadcasting of the Miss USA Pageant only a week or so before
the live show. The Donald has now slapped them with a $500 million
dollar lawsuit for violating their contract. Fake news station,
NBC, also axed Trump from the highly popular program, The Apprentice.
I hope Trump's lawsuit bankrupts Univision.
course, then comes the C- listers from the sewer called Hollywood
expressing their outrage over someone who told the truth. They
aren't worth mentioning by name but want you to notice them as
they soil themselves because Donald Trump - no matter what you
think of him as a candidate - told the truth. Sissies like Romney,
Rubio and Jeb Bush showed their true character.
old infant raped and murdered by illegal alien
• llegal
Alien Here For One Month, Has Already Raped a 10-Year-Old Girl
• 13
year old girl brutally raped by 10 illegal immigrants
• Illegal
alien rapes puppy - Suspect felt there was no problem, claiming
animal was his to abuse
filthy animals allowed to roam the streets of America by BOTH
parties in Congress and the drug addled governor of California,
Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown. None of those rapists are from England,
Ireland or Canada. They are Mexican and Latin American nationals.
comes Romney known as the
godfather of sexual deviant "marriage": "What is little discussed
is that the first same-sex wedding license was issued only because
Republican governor Mitt Romney broke the law. And he not only
broke the law, he ordered every city and county clerk to break
the law, too, or get fired. It is no exaggeration to say that
America has same-sex marriage because of Mitt Romney. As the media
has endlessly reminded us this past week, the first domino to
fall in the crusade to give marital recognition to non-normative
sexual unions fell in Massachusetts, and it fell because then-governor
Romney pushed it over."
what did the promoter of sin and filth have to say about Trump's
comments in response to whether or not those comments hurt the
damnable Republican Party? “Yes, I think he made a severe error
in saying what he did about Mexican-Americans,” Romney replied.
“And it's unfortunate.”
there you go! Trump was talking about ILLEGAL aliens who sneak
into OUR country. Romney calls them Mexican-Americans. Really?
How are ILLEGAL aliens who sneak into OUR country classified as
Mexican-Americans, Mr. Romney?
we have a constitutionally
INELIGIBLE presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, one of the
original members of the "gang
of eight" who worked to reward liars, cheats and thieves (illegal
aliens regardless of country of origin) and give more jobs to
comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive,”
Rubio said. “Our next president needs to be someone who brings
Americans together not someone who continues to divide. Our
broken immigration system is something that needs to be solved,
and comments like this move us further from not closer to
a solution. We need leaders who offer serious solutions to secure
our border and fix our broken immigration system.”
sincerely hope the voters of Florida throw Rubio out of office.
Illegals invading our country has NOTHING to do with bringing
Americans together. What rubbish.
up is brother Jeb Bush who is married to a lady of Mexican
ancestry: “I don't think he represents the Republican Party, and
his views are way out of the mainstream of what Republicans think,”
Bush said Saturday afternoon in New Hampshire. “No one suggests
that we shouldn't control our borders everybody has a belief
that we should control our borders. But to make these extraordinarily
ugly kind of comments is not reflective of the Republican Party.
Trump is wrong on this.”
right, Jeb. Reflective of the Republican Party means selling us
out to corporate America for cheap labor just as they did last
November. In Jeb Bush's world illegal aliens are to be praised:
Bush Praises Illegal Immigrants as 'Risk Takers
they are, Jeb. They smuggle themselves across the border, steal
people's identities making their lives hell trying to straighten
out their credit, bankrupt hospitals and steal education resources
that belong to American born and naturalized school age children.
The risk you think so highly of is criminal behavior: rapists,
murderers, child molesters and thieves.
not leave out another RINO presidential candidate: Chris
Christie Takes a Not-So-Subtle Jab at Donald Trump on Immigration
- In April 2008, then very popular, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,
prostituted himself during a speech for votes at an event sponsored
by the Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey by assuring his
audience illegal aliens were not really here illegally, but were
simply “undocumented.”
Brief: Nicholas E. Purpura v. Governor Chris Christie, et al
gutless Republicans who are so far out of touch with how Americans
feel about the human invasion THEY have allowed to go
on since 1986 when Ronnie Reagan signed the so-called end of illegal
immigration bill which opened the flood gates it's pathetic.
corporate pimps don't give a damn about you any more
than Democratic/Communist Party USA corporate pimps
and racists like Rep. Luis Gutierrez [D-IL] who wants open borders
with Mexico and travels around this country encouraging more illegals
to sneak across our border. May I remind everyone the Republicans
had control of the U.S. Congress - House and Senate - while Bush,
Jr., was president and they did NOTHING to shut down the border
and pass legislation that
would force self-deportion of millions of liars, cheats and thieves.
No, instead Americans voted all those incumbents back into office
in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006. Then again many of the same incumbents
in 2012 & 2014.
2014 in a landslide, Republicans were once again given the majority
and the first thing they did was sell us out to Barry aka Obama
Soetoro's amnesty. Those incumbents spit in YOUR face last November,
but it's the entire U.S. Congress that has unleashed this Hell
on you, me and our children. Just ask Jim Steinle who now has
to bury his beloved daughter.
you watch the first minute of
this video on FOX, results from a pool of polls shows Trump
ahead of all GOP candidates. Was Trump accurate in his comments
about illegals who rape and murder Americans that has all of the
above in a lather?
Perry, ‘Illegals in TX Behind 3,000 Homicides & 8,000 Rapes’
(And, that's just in the last 5 years)
July 4, 2007, 12-year old Zina (Zinnie) Linnik, was kidnapped
from her back yard in Tacoma, Washington, only feet from her family
after watching Fourth of July fireworks. An animal named Terapon
Adhahn, a 42-year old convicted sex offender from Thailand is
to be charged with her murder; he led police to her dead body.
Her panties and other evidence were found in the dump he lived
in; an autopsy will no doubt show he raped this child. That is
why these children are abducted: to be raped and then murdered
by two legged animals. Adhahn was convicted in 1990 for incest;
he raped his 16-year old step daughter, but the charge was reduced.
murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration
- 121 innocent Americans slaughtered by the scum illegally in
this country. Lives destroyed, dreams dead. Grieving families
for the rest of their lives.
- go look at the VICTIMS of illegal aliens raped and murdered.
And, yes, because the majority of liars, cheats, thieves, rapists
and murderers are from Mexico, Trump did not lie: The
Remembrance Project and Victims
of Illegal Aliens.
The Way, ICE Just Released 30,558 More Violent Criminal Illegal
Aliens Onto American Streets - "Those criminals had convictions
of homicide, rape, child molestation drunk driving and more."
the hell? By order of the criminal impostor in the WH while the
Republican controlled U.S. House and Senate sit on their fat backsides,
more than 30,000 KNOWN violent criminal illegals are unleashed
on we the people. Where's the outrage from Rubio, Romney and Jeb
Bush? Well, you can be sure their families are well protected
unlike our children who are sitting ducks for those thousands
of criminals now out on our streets. You, your mother, father,
sister, brother, cousin, uncle or precious child are now in the
cross hairs of more than 30,000 violent criminal illegals that
scum in the White House had released.
I ask: Where is ANY outrage about the murder of Kathryn Steinle
and the more than 25,000 AMERICANS murdered by illegal aliens
since 9/11? Other than FOX News Network, I don't see any, just
more piling on towards Trump.
is any outrage from corporate pimps like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell,
Nancy Pelsoi, the fraud in the White House, Jesse Jackson, Al
Sharpton, the ACLU, LaRaza and talking imbeciles on CNN &
MSNBC? For part two click below.
here for part -----> 1,
- Federal
official rips Obama as 'worst,' 'amateur,' 'Marxist'
2 - Illegal
aliens murder 12 Americans daily -
Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed
in Iraq, Afghanistan
3 - Illegal
aliens: declaring war on the enablers
4 - Univision
owner's wife 'liable in Clinton Foundation fraud'
5 - Game
On: Trump Responds to Jeb
6 - Outrageous:
IRS Giving Tax Credits to Illegals for Years They Didn't Even
File Taxes
a short note about 9/11. The cost of America's
undeclared "war" (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1
trillion borrowed dollars - massive debt heaped on us all based
on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I
continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military
grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and
tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film
has been released: The
Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive
no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share
it with others or give a copy as a present. I've purchased half
a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the
truth. It's very powerful simply because it's one 'ordinary' man's
story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple
journey. There is factual information in this film that many have
never heard about but everyone should. Just a
suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend.]
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