White Privilege is
a provocative term used by the US mainstream media to engender race
hatred and retaliation in America’s Black communities.
These inflammatory
words were likely contrived in tax-free think tanks owned and
operated by the New World Order’s elite, known to some as the
The words White
Privilege also serve the ruling Controllers
the dual purpose of making many White Americans ashamed of their race
and heritage a birthright which, at one time, made America the
envy of the world.

The Controllers have
obviously been exacerbating our racial problem, trying to fill Whites
with propitiation and Blacks with hatred.
By owning and
controlling most media outlets in the world, the Controllers have
gone largely uncontested in effecting their Divide
and Conquer doctrine.
This heinous policy of
encouraging dissent amongst the masses has enabled far less than one
percent of the world’s population to suppress the rest of us.
Every day, around the
clock, the utterly controlled media pours out “proof” of the
internal friction, strife, conflict, and wars among the peoples of
What commonly goes
unnoticed, however, are the hidden hands of the Controllers, who
create most of this infighting through their command of national
intelligence services principally, the ubiquitous US Central
Intelligence Agency, and Israel’s Mossad.
Be it liberals versus
conservatives, pro-lifers opposed to abortionists, straights in
opposition to gays, Jews claiming anti-Semitism - throughout history
- against almost everyone, or Blacks hostile to the fighting words of
White Privilege, the
Controllers’ intelligence services, media, and governments have all
been busy dividing and conquering mankind.
It is time that man
discovered the hidden hands that have created the most deadly
portions of this turmoil. And those blood-stained hands belong to the
subhuman Controllers of Earth, who makeup the International
Banking/Monetary Cartel.
While the term White
Privilege is not foremost in the Controller’s
arsenal of weapons for internecine warfare, those fighting words
give us a straightforward piece of proof of the Controller’s covert
attack on the family of man.
Still, it is distinctly
discouraging to witness so many bright, well-meaning, Black and White
Americans picking up the term White Privilege
and using those words as if they sprang from their own minds.

Such deluded Americans
obviously have no idea that for every White on Black crime committed
in America there are scores, if not hundreds, of Black on White
crimes that are never even reported in the controlled media. These
crimes have largely been provoked by the corporate media’s constant
to message to Blacks: You are being abused by
White people.
This utter exaggeration
of White crimes compared to Black crimes is done for two reasons: to
inflame Blacks, and to cower Whites.

But who can rightfully
blame the Blacks, when the entire power structure is turned against
them, while the US government pretends to be their saviors? The
hopeless economics of our Black communities, only made worse with the
tons of street drugs funneled into them by the CIA, tells us of the
Controllers’ real intentions regarding Black Americans, who are
literally being bum rushed and channeled into crime.
Unbeknownst to them,
American Blacks are being used as pawns for racial discord. Once
again, in the Controller’s effort to prove the existence of White
Privilege, is a front-page, headline story on
CNN’s website.
Based in Jacksonville,
Florida, Black columnist Tonyaa Weathersbee, with the approval of CNN
editors, wrote the following report.
So it looks like
Michael Dunn, a white man who fatally shot black teenager Jordan
Davis for refusing to turn down his “thug music,” may be going to
prison for the rest of his life.
But that’s a
consolation prize. Not a real victory.
Someone on that jury
saw [Jordan] Davis with a shotgun that likely never existed.
So even though Dunn
is going to prison [for life], it’s tough to feel good about the
It feels hollow.
What the verdict
says is that in this nation, in the 21st
century, some white men still believe they have the right to intrude
into the space of young black men and make demands. And if the black
man is unarmed, with no weapons except his words, those white men can
still kill him. And call it self-defense.
All they need is a
jury to buy it.
Life in prison for
Michael Dunn is not adequate for an angry Ms. Weathersbee; she wants
death. And she is on a mission, with the consent of her editors, to
create even more angry women and men in America.
Of the fifty reader
responses to Ms. Weathersbee’s incendiary report was one that
presented the rest of the story.
Blacks thus
committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even
though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white
population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis,
they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more
than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.
Of course, the
Controllers’ end-game is a massive race war, which will toll
heavily on both races, but probably more heavily on the guilt-ridden

Americans seem to be on their way to second-class citizenship due to
their lack of understanding of what they are allowing to be done to
themselves, all brought about by a force that is far more evilly
clever than they are.
From the simple gambit
of race-baiting to the ruthless slaughter of innocents in the Middle
East, the Controllers are hurriedly exercising their tyranny.
From chemtrails and its
evil products (overwhelming heat, water shortages, sick humans, dying
plants, and dead animals), to election fixings, to economic
disasters, and media mind-control, our world is systematically being
destroyed all with our tacit collective agreement.
The geo-politics of our
world, and particularly in our country, do not work in the way the
Controllers want you to believe they work. If, however, you will take
a contrarian approach to all of the reporting presented by the major
media, you will always come closer to the truth.
Never expect the
Controllers, and their minions in the United Nations, central
governments, and mega-corporations, to conform with the accepted
standards of decent and ethical behavior.
Such understandings
hold the potential of setting you free of the horrible negativity
that shrouds our world from the light and love of truth.
J. Speer-Williams