The Hypocrisy Of Republicans
Over Oil Prices
By Devvy
is going through the roof. Again.
The American people are angry about it. Again.
Republicans are blaming the Democrats. Again. The Democrats are
blaming the Republicans. Again.
After all, it's an election year for all of the U.S. House of
Miscreants and 1/3rd of the unlawful U.S. Senate.[1]
On February 29, 2012, I watched a sound bite discussion on FOX
News between Megyn Kelly and braying ass, Sen. John Conryn [R-TX].
He huffed and he puffed about the need to drill for oil here in
the U.S. and cut down on the need for foreign oil.
There have been many headlines about the Keystone XL Pipeline
and how many jobs it will create. If you're not familiar with
that project, big money wants to bring oil down from Canada to
the gulf for refining; a couple of other states with refineries
as well. Here
is an accurate description of the pipline:
"The Keystone Pipeline System is a pipeline system to transport
synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen ("dilbit") from the Athabasca
Oil Sands in northeastern Alberta, Canada to multiple destinations
in the United States, which include refineries in Illinois, Cushing
oil distribution hub in Oklahoma, and proposed connections to
refineries along the Gulf Coast of Texas. It consists of the operational
"Keystone Pipeline" (Phase 1) and "Keystone-Cushing Extension"
(Phase 2), and two proposed Keystone XL pipeline expansion segments.
After the Keystone XL pipeline segments are completed, American
crude oil would enter the XL pipelines at Baker, Montana and Cushing,
"The Keystone XL has faced lawsuits from oil refineries and criticism
from environmentalists and some members of the United States Congress.
The U.S. Department of State in 2010 extended the deadline for
federal agencies to decide if the pipeline is in the national
interest, and in November, 2011, President Obama postponed the
decision until 2013. On November 30, Senate Republicans introduced
legislation aimed at forcing the Obama administration to approve
the Keystone XL pipeline within 60 days, unless the president
declares the project is not in the national interest."
How typical. The Republicans made a decision that will harm Americans
instead of doing what they should have done more than a decade
The big carrot is jobs. Americans are desperate for them and whether
they realize it or not, a job on that pipeline will cause someone
else to lose their land:
TransCanada Claims Texas Land
"Though the route of Keystone pipeline has not been approved,
Canadian pipeline company TransCanada has claimed eminent domain
rights to cross private land in Texas. Some landowners are fighting
this. Dave Breemer, a property rights attorney with the Pacific
Legal Foundation, tells host Bruce Gellerman that private companies
can gain rights to private land if its for “public use.”
GELLERMAN: "Protesting against the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline
was an unlikely coalition of environmental groups and Tea Party,
libertarian types. The company TransCanada wants to build the
pipeline to carry crude oil from the tar sands of Alberta -17
hundred miles to refineries on the Gulf Coast. President Obama
put construction on indefinite hold pending an environmental review,
but inside the Lamar courthouse, lawyers for Texas landowners
were fighting to prevent TransCanada from taking their property
for the pipeline by eminent domain...
MEDINA: "I think that's one of the things that's been most eye-opening
for the landowners, if you will, I think many of them suspected
that once the Presidential permit was denied that the eminent
domain takings would cease. So we've got a recent Supreme Court
case from August of last year - the Denbury Green Pipeline case
- where the Supreme Court found for the landowner, saying that
the pipeline company that had exercised eminent domain was in
fact a private business not serving the public interest, and therefore
should not have had the ability to use eminent domain to take
"We're anxious to see that similar question raised in the TransCanada
Keystone XL case, unfortunately, you've got a multi-billion dollar
pipeline company that has a very sophisticated legal team, and
it’s very difficult for landowners to amass the resources to get
themselves into court to fight that fight.
"We haven't heard that. Most of the objections that we're hearing
are involving the terms of the contract, rather than the price.
The landowners are being told, for example, that they can't move
heavy equipment over the top of the easement - once the pipeline
is buried, they can't drive a tractor, they can't drive anything
heavier than a four-wheeler over the top of that buried pipeline.
"One particularly property says: ‘I’m a timber company, I cut
and harvest timber off of this property, and we've had a drought
in Texas, we've had forest fires here. If there's a fire, I need
to be able to move bulldozers and fire trucks and I can't be prohibited
from doing that - it wouldn't be safe.’ The company said, ‘Well,
we won't allow that.’ And the gentleman said, ‘Well, then, you're
going to have to go around my property.’ And they said: ‘No, we
won't - we'll condemn it.’ And they have. They've condemned his
property - they're going through his property, and they'd like
the terms to be that he can't drive anything over the top of that
GELLERMAN: "Are there other environmental concerns that you might
have there Debra?
MEDINA: "I think from landowners, we're hearing a number of those
sorts of concerns- one gentleman has 66, one hundred-year-old
trees that are going to be removed from his property in order
to clear a path. And safety concerns. People want to know about
possible water contamination - the company has had some leaks
on the Keystone 1 and they're concerned about that. So landowners
come to the table of these negotiations with varied concerns,
and unfortunately, many of those landowners have met with an abstinence
from this company and an unwillingness to address these concerns.
And so you have 89 - at least 89 - eminent domain cases here in
TX that we've been able to document here today."
It's not just Texans who will lose their land. The same thing
is being fought north to south.
The Republicans could have done two things for the eight years
they had control of Congress and a Republican president, Bush,
Jr. One: Abolish the totally worthless, stumbling, bumbling Federal
Department of Energy. It drains billions of dollars for nothing
every year for the past 35 years since Jimmy Carter made it a
cabinet (1977). Almost $29 billion BORROWED dollars for 2011.
There can be a small agency to deal with nuclear energy and let
a free, open and competitive market take care of the rest. Second,
they could have opened ANWR for drilling, but for eight years
and through today, the excuse is the greenies or the Democrats.
Hogwash. Please take the time to read the three columns below.
They will explain so I don't need to rehash here that the blame
for no drilling domestically can be laid at the door of the Republicans,
not just Democrats. Those who have been reading my columns on
line since 1998, know I belong to no political party, so I have
no ax to grind. The president of Tree Huggers of America does
not sit in Congress. The president of the Sierra Club or Greenpeace
or Save our Forests or Stop Drilling Now do not sit in Congress.
Those groups and organizations buy the favors of the Outlaw Congress
- both parties.
No Drilling in ANWR - Blame the Republicans
The Unconstitutional EPA Must Be Abolished (Directly
tied to the problem)
Dependence on foreign oil would be cut drastically if the states
found some courage and defied the unconstitutional ban against
industrial hemp. The only reason is was criminalized was so DuPont's
plastic patents back in the 30s could make him a billionaire and
that is a fact. Industrial hemp not only would cut down on oil,
but it would create thousands and thousands of jobs in every state:
Industrial Hemp Production The Revolution America Needs to Prosper
The continuing problem of oil (and all the blood shed for it over
in the Middle East) is not a Democrat, Republican or any other
political party issue. It's a problem that affects us all. In
2010, the American people were so angry and PO'd at the U.S. Congress
they reelected 86% of the same incumbents and expected a different
outcome. There's still no drilling in ANWR and both parties are
still pointing the finger at each other.
Besides the refusal to open up areas like ANWR, the loss of purchasing
power of the dollar and why is something every adult American
should know and understand, but they don't. The don't equate it
to the gas pump. People understand the amount owed at the gas
pump and that the cost of food is skyrocketing at the store, but
most don't really understand why. They know they only have X amount
of "dollars" in their wallet, but they don't understand anything
about that "dollar" and why they just can't seem to stretch it
as far anymore.
The unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve will be 100 years old on
December 23, 2013. Almost one hundred years of being under the
thumb of the banking cartel taking us to ruin right along with
the destructive policies from one corrupt Congress after another.
Dr. Edwin Vieira has written a million words over the decades
on the disabilities of our monetary system, fiat currency and
the ultimate end of such folly. In his superb piece, Restoring
the Dollar, he says:
"The major problem of monetary reform can be summed up in one
word: ignorance. There are a lot of other words you can add to
it: apathy ..., fear...; but ignorance is the main one.
"At some stage in the course of registering at a hotel, the person
behind the counter gives me that little form and says, "How do
you intend to pay for this?" In fact, it happened at this hotel
when I came here; and I said, "Well, do you take Federal Reserve
Notes?" About 95 percent of the time the answer I get is, "No.
We take American Express, Visa, MasterCard." The other five percent
(or 4.999 percent of the time -- there is one wise guy every now
and then who knows the right answer) they say, "Well, I'm not
sure. Let me go check with the manager." When they come back they
say, "No, we take only American Express, Visa or MasterCard."
Then I take out a Federal Reserve note and show them where it
is written at the top, "Federal Reserve Note;" and they smile
a kind of embarrassed smile, and I smile, and it is all very funny;
except it really isn't, is it? It's quite the opposite of being
"People don't even know the name of what they use as money, let
alone what its source is, what its characteristics are, or what
its problems are."
While his speech is lengthy, it is well worth the read. If you
are pressed for time today, bookmark
it and read over the weekend. While we're all busy and on
overload, one has to "sacrifice" their time to get the truth.
It is how I learned about the "Fed" and fiat currency two decades
ago. If people don't know how the problem started and why, how
can they ever expect to solve it?
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