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The Great Awakening
....Awakening To What?

part one

By Dr. Joseph Chiappalone MD
My Motto - Take It Or Leave It


In this series, I want to discuss the subject of whether an Awakening en masse is really happening and, if some sort of an Awakening is happening, I want to examine what the nature of that awakening is and whether there are more appropriate types of awakening.

There may be more than one ‘awakening’ as we shall see, for it means different things to different people, again demonstrated by what some believe and others hope for.

Initially, this essay may appear more philosophical and metaphysical than practical, but that is not necessarily so, as you shall see as you read on. There are very practical realizations we now need to make as we progress, hopefully, to a fulfilling awakening while the Earth and its failures rush headlong into an all-consuming, soul-destroying Endtime.

As people all around the world are becoming more and more agitated, and as more and more questions are being asked about the Status Quo of the Planet, we need to ask this of ourselves:

Are people really breaking the mental constraints by which they have been harnessed for so long by false knowledge and, while attaining a new valid realization of something spectacular, commencing on a Path to Enlightenment and Self-realization?

Or is it just a case of more and more becoming dissatisfied with their lot in life as conditions for physical existence deteriorate from factors they cannot completely identify, understand and/or control?

In other words, is the Awakening, that some are talking about, a true spiritual awakening with valid answers at the end of the tunnel? Or is it a pseudo-awakening of the masses that will again be herded from one false paradigm, which up until now has been an apparently working one, into another false paradigm that suits the leaders whom, in metaphysical terms, I have called Archons?

People are beginning to awaken to the True Reality of life on Earth, or are they? At this stage, I don’t think so, not the majority anyway.

Into the common culture are entering, from many directions, the thoughts that the quality of life is not as it should be. Specifically, you will see short essays in alternate magazines and clips on YouTube decreeing the deteriorating conditions.

But they all end in the same way, with the same catch-cry:

 ‘Things are bad and getting worse.’ And they give these examples:

·        The sky and its pollution by Chemtrails;
·        The pollution of soil and water;
·        The overcrowding by insects, animals, humans;
·        The GM foodstuffs causing diseases and stress that kills;
·        The financial collapses we have had, and the prospect of more;
·        The increasing poverty in wealthy nations;
·        The control of medications by profiteers;
·        The dangers of vaccines;
·        The manipulation of the weather by HAARP, Chemtrails, microwave technology, etc.
·        The Illicit Wars for profit for the few’, etc., etc.
·        The deterioration quality of life even while our physical bodies are alive for longer;
·        Inexplicable Mental fragmentation, leading to dementia and spontaneous, pathological rage, conditions I have labelled Terminal madness of the Endtime.

And so such articles and videos on YouTube go on, with more and more scaremongering without the slightest idea of what is going on, how or why these things are occurring, and what the endpoint of it all is going to be.

And what is their conclusion? Almost to a man, or woman, they end with this banal cliché: ‘We have to wake up and make things better if Humanity is to survive!’

They urge us all to be like King Canute and engage in futile attempts against this inexorable tide of change without specifying what to do, how to do it, why we should do it and without any understanding of the factors involved and of what is really going on..

Their thrust is for physical survival inspite of evidence that makes some people realize that the physical will not survive.

At the same time, a minority in the New age Movements, ignoring the destructive presence of Evil, and its effects in our lives, are attempting to create a wished-for Fairy-tale in which all will be well as we, in all our war-mongering, dishonesty and exploitative, murderous ways, become Divine and the moribund, fatally polluted Earth jumping an octave in the ‘Harmony of the Spheres’ and becoming a Paradise again. Ignoring the facts, it is obvious that they are simply deluded and will not face the Reality confronting us, as we shall see.

But, to truly awaken, we have to know the following:

·        What this Terminal tide of change is,
·        What its purpose is,
·        How is it really manifesting,
·        On what levels of existence and of our being it is manifesting,
·        Who is sponsoring it,
·        What its outcome will be, and

·        How we, the earth, the animals and all of Creations of which we are aware at present,  will fare, not only in the process but also in the wash-up.

Answers to those queries will give us a Real Awakening.

What the above articles in magazines and YouTube say to me is this: ‘We, the mushrooms, spiritually blinded by numerous factors, have partial vision of deteriorating conditions.

‘But we have no idea of what is really going on and we have no insight into what is happening to any of us, why it is happening and what the valid solution to these problems is going to be.’

Those are the answers I wish to supply in these short essays.

As we progress, there will be points of maximal importance that will be milestone and landmarks for a True Awakening. I will highlight them.

If any of you want to accuse me of arrogance in thinking I have valid answers from what I just wrote, when others appear to be floundering in incompleteness, I will simply remind you of my Motto and have these words for you: ‘Get lost. No one needs your idiocy. You are not reading to learn or to find the stimuli to awaken. By wanting to argue, you just want to waste time. Being thus, you are already a loser!’

If you truly want to know what I think, read on.

Although the general thrust is that of a mass awakening, you would be very surprised to know how few, in fact, are really in the awakening mode to the True Greater Reality at present.

Most are not in the enlightenment stages but rather, they are in a dissatisfied, rebellious mode, and that is also because of deteriorating conditions. They are not spiritually awakening at all. They are escaping from the mental harnesses that once held them tightly as obedient robots. There are reasons for that but as yet, they have no idea of those reasons.

As we go along we need to know what I mean by Robots, Archons, and other classifications such as Theomorphs and Demons, and what my understanding of enlightenment is.

We also need to understand how the mechanisms of harnessing emotions, and minds, occurs and why those mechanisms are breaking down.

Some people in society are beginning to go beyond what the Media tells them. They are starting to realize that most of the Media serves special interest groups whose function is to fool the masses and use them as cannon fodder when it suits the special interest groups and also use them as tax-paying, milking cows most of the time.

Without doubt, some people are starting to see the following points. I will expand on them a little in the hope that they will trigger further awakening in readers:

·        The Horror of Wars. Many are actually questioning whether these iniquitous wars are really necessary for their survival and freedoms as say the (lying) leaders (archons).
Some thinking people are suspecting, as we see with the investigations being carried concerning 9/11, that the leaders may not have told the absolute truth about certain thing. And the more they examine facts, they more they are coming to the conclusion that the leaders have lied about almost everything! Thus, they want to know why that is so. That is how the Awakening will commence in some.
The crack in the dyke is now obvious. There is no stopping the cascade.
Even from a prosaic perspective, people are waking up to the fact that there is a limit to what personal satisfaction one can gain, no matter how callous, from the murder of men, women and children, always marked as collateral damage, in countries invaded in order to, as the Archon’s mendaciously say, protect one’s own safety back at home, which has never been truly threatened.
When the citizens see themselves growing poorer by the day; when they see their liberties restricted, and the standard of living disappearing, of course they will question the value to them of these murderous, never-ending wars that they are funding with their taxes. They see no positive outcome in their lives, no matter what the leaders try to say. Enough is enough!
The reality is that the Wars are to steal resources from those other countries and to release energy. The latter point is Metaphysical and I shall discuss it in detail later.
Again I repeat, citizens pay for such wars with their money and the lives of their children, grand-children, spouses, etc., but they never see a penny in profits. What they see are gloomy parades and monuments enumerating their dead and an accelerated rush to identify the next illusionary enemy that requires murdering.
What good does that do anyone, especially now that the doubt has been seeded in the minds of the Common Denominators (the tax-paying milking cows) that ‘Hey, perhaps the wars were not necessary in the first place’?
Thus, in essence, people caught up in these iniquities become morally and financially poorer.
No one gains from Evil but evil Ones. And such ill-gotten gains are very temporary and self-destructive as we shall all see soon enough!
Now we have looming the conflict with Iran that the Archons of the USA, spurred on by Israel, seem unable to defuse. See the article I posted below.
The reason why they seem Hell-bent on destroying Iran and themselves is all within the reason for an awakening to the mechanism affecting those bellicose minds. And to fully awaken we must understand and accept the inevitability of such dooming behaviour.
We are awakening to the Process of Demonic Self-destruction. The Archons-Demons-Beasts of an Evil Essence (the Sons and Daughters of the murderous Jehovah, the Hypocrites and Fornicators) are programmed to destroy themselves and all their evil progeny and illicit apparatus which includes the Physical Universe. If you want to argue with that, forget it. There is no arguing the point.
In this context Fornicators means the evil ones who enter the Cardboard Box of others with the explicit desire to steal/drain the energy of the ones invaded in order to power themselves up, even if it means the spiritual death of the ones invaded. More often than not, that leads to Demonic Possession before spiritual death. I shall expand on this topic in due course.
Of course if any of you want to know these topics in detail, you can read my books and not have to wait for my less detailed essays.
Returning to Wars and their sequelae, unfortunately, as most of us know, the wounded are not even properly cared for once they return. And they return in bad physical and mental states for many reasons, the death of innocents being not the least.
That mental anguish leads to madness, to Terminal Madness of the Endtime, a term I shall use again and again. And the immediate families are forced to share the anguish of their sorry state. It is not just he neglected combatants who suffer, but all around them and society in general. Thus, the whole nation is poorer for the evil experiences. No good can come from evil, for Evil begets Evil!
Read of the suicides by Veterans:
What good is the flag-waving now under those circumstances? Will it feed their children, heal their wounds, cure their minds, and stop the nightmares? It hasn’t so far. It is only getting worse. Now we have a glimpse into one of the esoteric reasons for the moral decay we see all around us.
There is just so much ill-gotten National Hubris that can be accommodated in a normal mind by one’s armies causing never-ending pain, suffering and destruction to both the alleged enemy and to their own population, especially when the home population is forced to accept more and more irrational restrictions as reward for the ‘freedoms’ the leaders claim they are winning by destroying others! Are you starting to see the enormity of the hypocrisy and lies?
Some of the populace is starting to think about such things and asking ‘What the hell is going on?’ And this is the start of their awakening on the mundane level.
From such considerations, we must expand the awareness to beyond the physical for unless one clearly understands the process we are caught in, which seems to indicate death to most of the planet from an out-of-control Nuclear War that is likely to ensure, Terminal Madness looms.
Can you not see that it will be inevitable that, if Iran is struck, China and Russia, who have signalled many times their willingness to defend Iran, will jump into the fray?
The British and Australian lapdogs are there to bark at heels as commanded by their Masters. And to display their moral ineptitude, do you think India, Pakistan, North Korea, France, and so on, will stand back and whistle Dixie? Not on your Nellie. They will be programmed to self-exterminate, as the others are for all nations are under the control of the Archons-Demons-Beasts. It will be on for young and old. There will not be time to count the dead. And indeed, the living will envy the dead, such will be the extent of their suffering.
According to the National Academy of Science, 24% of children in the USA are living in poverty. Now can you begin to see the reason for suicides in the young? BTW, suicides now account for more deaths than Motor Vehicle Accidents. Would that be so, if the USA was triumphant and prosperous from its wars?
‘No’, is the answer. The illicit wars are ensuing social and mental fragmentation, moral decay, emotional disintegration and most important of all, SPIRITUAL DEATH.
Think of these things when the data of how much the Archons-Demons-Beasts having stolen from the American people. If the data of the very first audit of the federal Reserve is to believed (the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill), the Federal Reserve alone has stolen some 15 TRILLION dollars in the 3 years (2007-10) alone as the middle class has been sent plummeting into Financial Hell! The money was secretly given to USA and European banks which are now owned by who? The American Archons no less, not the American People whose money was used! Do the American People who were fleeced know about this illegal bailouts that make the Archons-Demons-Beasts a lot, lot richer while they the people are ejected into poverty and misery? They do not know. This is another reason to awaken.
But, fear not, the demonic self-destruction is coming to a head, very, very quickly. Today, even as I write this, the Archon Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, an anti-Semitic Zionist, is attempting to embarrass another Archon, US President Barak Obama, his cohorts and minions, into fierce fatal War against Iran, as he gives Nazi salutes at the United Nations.
Desperate are they to fall headlong into the Programming that will see their Doom!
If you truly understand the total implications of this Process for the Elimination of evil you will rejoice inspite of thoughts that the cardboard Box may need to suffer a little temporarily.
Those with no understanding are those with no Light within, and they are, more likely than not, progeny of Darkness and they will also go the way of the Beasts.
·        Apart from the Wars which are always a manifestation of the presence of Evil, the INJUSTICES metered out to just about everyone regardless of race, colour, religion and nationality are becoming obvious all over the globe. Do you really think that is coincidence?
If US citizens want to argue this point, while they bask in the glory of America’s colourful Autumn (Fall), they should think again of the destructive nature of the recent Financial Fiascos and the erosion of their Freedoms, something some of them thought could never happen.
·        The UNREASONABLENESS OF LIFE for the majority is becoming obvious as Archons not only exploit us at every phase of our lives, but also appear to be planning the physical exterminations of the majority, by culling, so they can have more for themselves of what they want from the planet.
On this point, I have mentioned the functioning of the Eugenics Program many times before. Note who began it last century in Germany, who funded it (Zionists who were of the same essence as the Nazis) and who is now sponsoring it all over the world (Zionists).
They are the Archons-Demons-Beasts. You had better start thinking in those terms. These people are not Class 4 Human Consciousness in Human Cardboard Boxes. They are of a higher EVIL class - Class 5 of the Demonic Creation. See my books for details.
·        We are trapped by financial regulations, building regulations, passports, restrictions into parks and wildlife areas, government departments, etc. We are already labelled and herded as cattle as we were from the beginning of this illicit empire when Jehovah elicited his ‘Chosen’.
·        The EVILS which now the common man and woman are beginning to see, as planned by the Ruling Class, are becoming more and more obvious even to those who formally did not believe in Evil.
·        Some are realizing that GREED is winning in every aspect of our lives. Even simple garden herbs to help natural healing are becoming restricted. And, God-forbid, the lunacy that is occurring in some areas of the World’s supposed Super Power, where you cannot even grow a tomato on your own soil, may soon spread.
·        The dishonesty, HYPOCRISY, social programming, destruction of land, sea and air for profits are clear if you stop and think for just a moment.
·        TERROR: The Homeland Wars to terrorize everybody are real. You may not realize it, but you are already living in a war-zone. You are free to do what your government allows and no more. Thus, wars are now not wars just against foreigners in foreign lands and for those who are treated as less than vermin. Governments have been conduction wars against their own citizens for a long, long time. What is different now is the fact that we are starting to awaken to it. And there is a very valid reason why we are awakening as we are. Read on.
·        To many it is becoming obvious that the Archons are harnessing the lower classes into SLAVERY. They have always done this. It is just that now some are awakening to this fact. Do you really think Democracy exists? Have you ever examined what was meant by Democracy in the Grecian Era? Money ruled then; money rules now. There is no Democracy. It is the illusion created to lull simpletons into a morphed state of imbecility and self-delusion. Ballot boxes are shiny toys with which to fool the deluded.
·        The creation of the ILLUSION OF WEALTH and Abundance which the Archons give and take away as they please is being noted by many. Review the financial cycles throughout history and you will see this obvious point.
The Archons plan the booms and busts to suit themselves, not the people. How do you think the Archons became so rich? I can give you no better example than the filthy-rich families that run the Federal Reserve in the USA. They truly did, and are, milking the ‘goyim’ which they saw and see as useless milking cows. See the mention of the $15 trillion above.
In the past, if people started thinking about these sorts of things, the Archons confused people by adding another one hundred or so different types of soda pop on the shelves of Supermarkets so the Illusion of wealth and abundance was reinforced in the minds of the imbecilic. Don’t laugh, that programming mechanism worked again and again and again. And when it wasn’t soda pop, it was the new car designs or the longer legs in the ads for butter or shinier hair for ……you get the picture.
Why does sex sell? The sexual stimuli increase the excretion of hormones which activate the Cardboard Box (the physical body) in a certain way which short-circuits the Higher Centres (that are able to think, are more critical, moral, and spiritual) and then more easily program the cardboard box to follow the subliminal impulses send out by the advertisers (Archons). Easy as pie!
Males are far more susceptible, of course. That is why most males under 50 years of age are ruled by their apparatus south of the border (below the waistline) rather than any functioning neurons that are awake.. Male consciousnesses in a female body have the same tendency. But, I am digressing. That is one of the mechanisms for Homosexuality, and again you will find detailed explanations in my books.
The point here is this: Have you noted sex and pornography are playing bigger and bigger roles in everyday life in the west, in the entertainment world, on TV, Billboards, magazines, chat shows and infomercials? That is so the hormone circuits can be triggered and thus stop people thinking about what is going on. The demons are clever, are they not?
·        Illusionary WELFARE exists for all. Where are your pensions? What happened to your 401K? Who stole that money you worked so hard for in all those years? Do you really think your Rulers and your Government care for you? They see you/us as suckers!
·        CIRCUS MAXIMUS: Some are indeed awakening to:
1       The unending hollow and life-distracting entertainment for the masses (mindless TV with its wrestling, football, reality shows, legs and breasts for the most inappropriate selling commercials;
2       Destruction of our food source with GM products;
3       Destruction of land, sea and air by pollution od all sorts;
4       The restriction of freedoms;

5       Big Brother spying on us all, etc.

Note that I said ‘some’. The majority cannot get enough of this mindless idiocy simply because they are mindless idiots.

·        If you are astute, you will have noted that new movie and TV productions have a DEMONIC ESSENCE. I have mentioned this before. There are very good reasons why this is happening and I will discuss those in detail subsequently.

But, now I need to warn you. The percentage who knows any of these things at present is very, very small, as is the percentage aware of the Process for the Correction Of evil.

There are many more answers to questions that we need to ask in order to begin our Journey of Self-Realization and Awakening to the Endtime Process. I will pose these questions and subsequently supply the answers in coming essays.

You will want to know answers to these questions:

What is really going on?

Where does this Terminal Madness come from?

How can it be avoided?

Who are you, Dr C.?

Who am I reading this essay?

Why is this happening?

Why is it happening NOW?

Who is in control?

Will you, your ‘loved owns’, your pets, etc., survive this Endtime physically?

Will you survive spiritually?

Who are your ‘loved ones’?

What are Viables and non-Viables?

Are you Viable?

What is the fate of the Universe?

What is the timeframe for the Endtime?

If the Universe is destroyed, what will remain?

What is the Fate of the Archons-Demons-Beasts?

Why am I so sure of my answers?

To be continued …………

Copyright 2012 - Dr J Chiappalone



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