The First Basic Law of Human Stupidity asserts without ambiguity: always
and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals
in circulation. At first, the statement sounds trivial. Closer scrutiny
reveals its veracity. No matter how high are one's estimates of human
stupidity, one is repeatedly startled by the fact that: people whom one
had once judged rational and intelligent turn out to be unashamedly stupid.
Additionally, day after day, with unceasing monotony, one is harassed
in one's activities by stupid individuals who appear suddenly and unexpectedly
in the most inconvenient places and at the most improbable moments. (Source:
Carlo M. Cipolla, Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley)
Eight stupid U.S. senators, known as the “Gang of Eight” huddle to ensure
the destruction of the United States of America. Their gracious
amnesty of 20 million illegal alien migrants now working and living in
our country, will, in the end—result in an additional 100 million immigrants
within the next three decades. Those are the scientifically projected
figures by Fogel/Martin in their “US Population Projections.” (Source: )
Everything about a mass amnesty allowing 20 million illegal aliens instant
citizenship smoulders under a cloak of hidden agendas in Washington, DC.
At present, eight U.S. senators negotiate the future of our country.
Not only will they allow illegality by making it legal, they will increase
legal immigration from its current 1.2 million annually to as high as
3.1 million annually. In other words, they will swamp this country
with third world immigrants from every corner of the globe.
Few Americans realize that demographic experts project the United States
adding 100 million more people by 2035 and 138 million people, net gain,
to reach 438 million by 2050—a scant 37 years from now.
In our world of water shortages, energy depletion and resource exhaustion—our
Congress inundates our civilization with more and more people without
any appreciation of growing consequences.
Roy Beck, president of offers the most comprehensive
understanding of our predicament in his 10 minute video: “Immigration
by the numbers--off the charts.”
If every American viewed that video along with 535 congressional representatives,
we would drastically reduce our legal and illegal immigration to less
than 100,000 annually. Why 100,000? That’s how many egress
the country annually. That would create a zero net gain of population.
Less appreciated: adding endless millions of legal and illegal immigrants
guarantees that 47 million Americans subsisting on foot stamps—will never
escape their poverty.
The founder of Black Entertainment Television spoke about the indifference
of Congress to incredibly high unemployment of African Americans. Federal
data show that 40 percent of working-age Black Americans don't have a
job of any kind. Who pays for their accelerating welfare needs?
Answer: you do!
“But there is no Senate Gang of Eight working day and night to put those
Black Americans back to work. There is no Gang of Eight grabbing
headlines by creating legislation to keep blacks from being a lost generation
in the labor market,” said Beck. “No, the only Gang of Eight working day
and night with top priority urgency is the one trying to shove through
an immigration bill to further engorge the labor markets with obviously
unneeded workers.”
Roy Beck spoke about a mass amnesty:
“The Senate Gang of Eight was doing high-fives all weekend about an agreement
between business and labor lobbyists that supposedly would allow their
comprehensive amnesty bill to be rushed to the Senate floor for a vote
by May,” said Beck. “But suddenly, it was the Gang of Seven, with the
stalwart eighth member, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), talking about the need
to "do it right"... let the other 92 Senators find out what is in the
bill, find out the true costs, to include the impact on JOBS and U.S.
unemployment, and study whether there might be better ways to reform our
immigration system.”
Rubio demanded something rather extraordinary and old-fashioned: hearings
of experts, an open amendment process and a full debate before the television
Rubio said, "The success of any major legislation depends on the acceptance
and support of the American people. That support can only be earned through
full and careful consideration of legislative language and an open process
of amendments."
“The Gang of Seven has not embraced Rubio's attempt to slow-down the fast-track
process by which pro-amnesty supporters have planned to rush the still-secret
bill through the Judiciary Committee in a couple of weeks and get a vote
on the Senate floor within a month with little debate and amending,” said
Beck. “The fast-track approach always attempts to side-track the
public while giant amnesties and immigration increases are created in
secret and then hurried through the legislative process before most elected
officials even know what is in the thick bills.
“Sen. Leahy (D-Vt.), the Judiciary Committee chairman, announced last
week that he did not intend to hold any hearings on the Gang of Eight
bill once he receives it and that he would not allow opponents to slow-down
his plan to get it to the floor by May.”
So, the "process" is the big issue of the moment and maybe this entire
“This is comforting news for those of us who oppose a bill that would
further harm the 20 million Americans who can't find a full-time
job... and the millions more whose wages are depressed by a labor market
glutted with 26 million foreign-born workers,” said Beck. “Many Floridians
who suffered through years of Marco Rubio killing immigration enforcement
legislation when he was in the state legislature doubt their junior Senator's
sincerity in his flap with other amnesty supporters. Others believe he
will hop off the amnesty train if his demands for an open process are
not met.”
Rubio's letter included this:
"I respectfully suggest that such a process must begin with a careful
examination in the Committee including: hearings that explore taxpayer-costs
and multiple perspectives on the scope of the problems we face and the
efficacy of the solutions we propose, markups in which a broad range of
amendments can be considered, and a robust floor debate."
"All of this, and any Conference Committee deliberations, should occur
in the full view of the American people, broadcast on CSPAN, and streamed
live on the internet."
Rubio says about that claim:
"I am certain that those hearings deepened your knowledge of these issues
and will guide much of your work this Congress. But they cannot be a substitute
for fresh hearings to consider specific legislation as part of a national
We desperately need a national discussion as to whether or
not we will maintain ourselves as a sovereign country or “destination”
for the world’s human population overload. We must ask ourselves
if we want to add 100 million immigrants into our country. We must
ask ourselves if we can survive the water, energy, resource and environmental
consequences. If we don’t, we will become victims of our own apathy
and stupidity.
If you would like to make a difference, please join these organizations
for the most effective collective action you can take:
; ; ;
Check out this link with Wooldridge on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel
If you would like to make
a difference, please join these organizations for the most effective collective
action you can take:
; ;
me, Frosty Wooldridge, with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at
650 AM,, Cheyenne, Wyoming
every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss my latest commentaries
about issues facing America. You may stream the show on your computer.
You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.
In a five minute astoundingly
simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration,
Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy
Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG,
graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five
minutes to see for yourself:
by the numbers—off the chart”
by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration
shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality
of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind
This is the best website to
; watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration by the Numbers” at 14 minutes. Bi-partisan
and very effective. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your reps
to make positive change.
for the best information on what we face as a civilization as to overpopulation,
energy, immigration and much more.
; in Australia;
in Great Britain
; and dozens of other sites accessed at
In Florida, .
Must see DVD: "Blind
, This movie illustrates America's future without oil, water and other
resources to keep this civilization functioning. It's a brilliant educational
Must see: Rapid Population
Decline, seven minute video by Dr. Jack Alpert-
Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered
Media ; Producing the Documentary, GROWTH BUSTERS; presents Hooked
on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity, Join the cause
; Trailer to his latest movie on overpopulation:
Check out this link with Wooldridge
on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel discussion:
Tomorrow's Americaproject
Producer: GEORGE A.
DC: 202-258-4887
Link to
for more discussions on America's predicament.
Alexandra Paul talks about
human overpopulation and saving our world by all women having 1 child
One planet, one child:
We must come to terms with
birth control and stabilizing human population. This three minute video
brings the terror of India’s predicament up close and personal by Paul
Winn of Australia:
This film will rock you:
Jack Alpert ,
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents
- from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the
USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the
Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to
coast across America. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis facing
America: what to do about it.”
. His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring
the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/ Motivational
program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The
Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, click:
Live well, laugh often, celebrate daily
and enjoy the ride,
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, Colorado
6 Continent world bicycle
