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Israeli Saber Rattling - Again
By Ted Twietmeyer
In the past Israel has complained about Iran having nuclear weapons and pondered attacking Iran. In typical government style, Israel felt it was acceptable for they themselves to have nuclear weapons, but does not want to allow other countries two or more borders away to have these same weapons.
It's time we take a closer look at the proximity of various countries to Israel in the middle east. Note that Iran is so far away from Israel it isn't even on this map:
Bordering countries with Israel [2]
Isn't it interesting that you almost never hear Israel complaining about nuclear weapons with these countries above? When the USSR fell circa 1989, guards at military bases simply walked off their posts never to return leaving nothing more than padlocks behind to secure weapons. Russia later revealed more than 400 old Soviet nuclear weapons including dreaded "suit case nukes" disappeared from these unguarded military installations. It was claimed that nearly all were recovered, but nothing was ever presented to substantiate this. With suitcase nuclear weapons, all it took to become a nuclear power was money for any country (or individual with the right connections) to buy one of these. Russia plunged into economic depression when the USSR fell, and soviet era nuclear weapons and devices were sold on the black market. All of this was in mainstream news for a short time back in the early nineties, then no more was heard about it in mainstream media.
Back in January 2007, Israel rattled its sabers at Iran for developing nuclear technology ­ even though Iran is at least two countries or more away in any direction from Israel in any direction. [1] Here is an overall look at how the tiny country of Israel fits into the middle east layout:
Fig. 2 ­ Middle east. Israel is dwarfed in size by most middle east countries. Like a Chihuahua taking on a pit bull. [3] How far apart is Iran and Israel? 1,070 miles (1,723 Km.) [4]. This is like Canada complaining about something happening in Mexico they don't like.
There are those who claim Iran could use nuclear long-range missiles to reach Israel. While Iran has the Sunburn missile, it only has a range of 100 miles. Cruise missiles also have limited range. To reach such a large distance requires an ICBM type missile.
We need to ask WHY Iran would ever bother to attack Israel. For what purpose and to what end? Such an attack would bring on the wrath of the western world's armies and Iran knows this. No war is ever started without a pre-defined goal and purpose. Israel could never win a war with Iran unless it resorted to nuclear weapons. But this would make Iran (and Israel in the event of a counter-attack by Iran) uninhabitable for thousands of years. It would spread fall-out across neighboring countries all the way to Europe by way of weather patterns and jet streams.
Is there a nuclear example to prove this really can happen? Radiation (effectively like nuclear fallout) from Japan's nuclear reactors has already circumnavigated the globe carrying radioactive isotopes which have been analyzed as coming from Japan. Yet Japan's radiation problem pales in comparison to fallout created by above ground, nuclear weapon explosions.
In addition, Iran already has a large supply of modern conventional and nuclear military weapons to readily defend itself from any invasion. To believe Iran didn't learn anything from watching US military tactics used on other mid-east countries like Iraq would be myopic thinking at best. Iran is as different from past and present Iraq as night is from day.
Iran is not only advanced technologically, but is also three times the size of Iraq according to the CIA fact book.
Every country in the world today forbids foreign rockets or missiles in their airspace, especially those carrying nuclear or conventional warheads. Such an event would be considered an act of war. To reach Israel, the shortest distance for any long range missile to reach Iran is to fly through Iraq airspace, followed by Jordanian or Syrian airspace. Likewise, these same airspace violations exist for missiles and fighter planes launched from Israel toward Iran. Japan has been upset past North Korea missile tests, even though all these missile tests ended in the ocean far away from Japan. Imagine what would happen if these test missiles were to fly over Japanese airspace before coming down. In old military parlance, this will be the equivalent of a shot over the bow and could be considered an act of war.
The entire idea that Israel will attack Iran as a result of recent ambassador events is beyond ridiculous. It's common knowledge that to seek a job as an ambassador is to accept a "Hate Me" sign pinned on your back 24/7 while you travel in political circles secretly supporting the work of intelligence agents in whatever country you are posted. Ambassadors are accustomed to being hated - it goes with the job. Most likely at any time throughout the world, someone, somewhere is plotting against an ambassador.
Apparently there are military strategists working in various government agencies around the world, sitting around bored most of the time with nothing to do. They look for new ways to start trouble in other countries by creating false-flag events. Perhaps these strategists are on some type of quota system, like police officers who are expected to write a certain number of traffic tickets each day.
In an ideal world there is a simply solution by diverting their attention with dart boards. These could be provided to all offices in every military and intelligence agency around the world. They can pin up photos of whomever they currently want to hate and throw darts at it all day long. Dart competition events could be formed allowing some to earn bragging rights. The cost of supplying darts and dart boards to every government agency in all the western world is far less than the cost of funding a war for just one day anywhere on Earth.
For more details on Iran, missiles, nuclear yields and past saber rattling please see my 2007 article athttp://www.rense.com/general74/sisrr.htm .
Ted Twietmeyer
[1] - http://www.rense.com/general74/sisrr.htm
[2] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Israel_and_occupied_territories_map.png
[3] - http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/middle_east98.jpg
[4] - http://www.mapcrow.info/Distance_between_Iran_IR_and_Israel_IS.html
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