- Just woke up with this - got to get it down before it
fades away.
- We live in a terrbily grim place. I write to you, most
recently bouncing back and forth among 1) radiation from Japan and its
povenance in seismic warfare; 2) social credit rather than gold, being
the answer to ending business cycle depressions that stunt the development
of humanity and raise up a moneyed power or international organized crime
based on usury; 3) the (mostly Zionism Jews) banking oligarchy and corproate
world power -- Rothschild, not the United States, is the great super power
dominating the rul world today; 4) clandestine weather modification 5)
the history of the secret war of the Rothschild Money Power agains all
peoples, but expecailly against Christianity, European particularist socieity,
Islam and Islamic Society -- no time to explain here; etc.
- But every now and then step back and look at the biggest
and most immedite threat of all -- the subject my very first post to the
Usenet newsgroups in 1997 was all about -- the long-term plans of Zhou
Enlai and and Trotsky and other Rothschild agents like Bernard Baruch,
Warburg, David Rockefeller, Kissinger, Murdoch, Soros, Perle, Wolfowitz
with perhaps lower henchmen like Bush, Obama -- let those names merely
represent in dot outline the syndicate I am speaking about -- but now
to the point:
- China (the Triad Princelings who run the "communist
machinery" that enslaves the country China and has always been determined
to eventually wage a victorious race war and a war of civilizations --
call it oriental despotism against Jeffersonian "particularist"
society (functional individualist self-reliant small-family freedom-oriented
western civilization) -- that gives a rough idea.
- So Zionist Jews for Israel and Rothschild and following
the strategy of Trotsky and the communist gang running China like as a
corporaion run on coerced slave power -- with Vietnam and North Korea
as secret allies also in this undeclared stealth war -- are behind the
Big Picture attack on Christian and Moslem peoples. (Islaam is also a
threat to their power.)
- Now for a bit of unpleasantness -- China's dictatorship
and the Rothschildist Jewry are waging nuclear war against us.
- Here is a letter by one of the oldest and truest of the
genuine 9-11 investigators, Galen (from a University in Michigan):
- "Gary, i don't at all agree with your assessment
that the NWO Ship of State is without rudder... it's in the very capable
hands of the House of Rothschild, thank you. The Global Pathocrats --
satan-worshiping, necrophiliacs that they are -- are using weaponized weather
and even weaponized plate tectonics to cause even further pain and suffering
for humanity in the form of long-term radiation poisoning.
- "I guess destroying the genome of many important
plants and animals through genetic engineering and compromising our health
and immune systems through ChemTrails and forced fluoridation and vaccination
is not enough for them, we now all need more radiation in our daily lives.
- "All one has to do is look at the new naked, X-ray,
airport scanners and the rampant use of DU weaponry in Iraq, Afghanistan,
and, now, Libya to see the fascination and fixation these monsters have
with radiation. These Japanese nuclear plants were sabotaged by the same
people who did 9-11, 7-7, Madrid, Bali, the "crotch bomber",
the Gulf oil gusher, numerous assassinations, coups, wars, economic collapses,
and various other nefarious activities designed to cause death, destruction,
and desolation.
- The world that they're creating very much seems to be
intended for some species other than our own, bizarre as that sounds."
- "For truth -- galen"
- I believe Galen is right about the radiation war -- however
I believe it a subset or several subsets of the human species that is
intended to inhabit our habitat after we are gone.
- Israel gave or sold the neutron bomb to China after
strealing the design from us. The weapon kills population without destroying
homes or buildings -- and the radiation is gamma radiation that does its
damage all at once and then is gone. But I see another weapon being used
-- and I see that it is the very best strategy one could think of for defeating
the US, eliminating the undesirable inhabitants and moving in a great Eastward
Expansion of East Asian peoples under the Red banner.
- Large quantities of radio active iodine can be dropped
on a country -- providing very high doeses of radiation that will completely
vanish in a few months -- having emitted away as Beta and gamma radiation
(waves/particles) in a process that will leave a residue of non-radioactive
- In other words the dirty bomb that China and Israel (and
"reds' in Japan -- "rothschild" means "red shield"
as well as the traditional color of Rothschild backed revolutionary movements
under the communist" brand -- the dirty bomb they arranged and set
off in Japan is going to bring radiation -- but that will only be cover
for the strealth bombing of US populations with radio-active iodine --
flown perhaps by robot controlled "chemtgrail" planes and landing,
perhaps at fully automated air bases where they are reloaded with little
risk of contamination to crews and worker (the numbers of which they wish
to minimize for security reasons as well) The US is now used to chemtrails
-- some of us say it is poisoning us, some like me, have been saying it
is related to weather modification that redirects air systems by laying
cloud to reflect back the suns rays to cool the ground and thus raise air
pressure in a region that can nudge neighboring air from its otherwise
which will cause cancer and birth defects and sterility and "Chernobyl
AIDS" and a hundred other ailments, including perhaps outright radiation
sickkness -- that can be blamed on Fukushima. The particles dropped have
a half life of only 8 days. They will do their killing and then disappear.
- Proof? I have only what you already know about what
is happening -- and the added insight that this is the means of attack
that would best accomplish their stated and well demonstrated purpose.
They have equipped themselves for it and it accomplishes their ends.
I do not see them going as far as they have against us and not taking advantage
of this very easy way of killing the enemy they long ago undertook to beat.
The Japanese and God will be blamed. There will be no more Jeffersonian
strongholds in America. Perhaps those cities like Vancouver and San Francisco,
L.A., with large Chinese and Jewish populations will be spared. The
short half-life of the Iodine makes that possible -- and, who knows, perhaps
some even more deadly isotope of some element will be used that has an
even shorter half life. It can be a beautiful sunny spring day, the
freshest air when you breath it and it can carry death -- the chem spraying"
above does not necessarily have to leave cloud creating chemtrails. In
which case no one would notice a thing -- because chemtrail planes already
are criss-crossing regions fo the US skies undetected and unremarked by
authorities -- without the chemtrails themselves we will never know what
was dropped on us.
- Everything I have learned about how the problem of Fukashima
fallout is not being property addressed in the US -- strengthens the hypothesis
that the Chinese ruling elites and Israel have prepared the way with infiltration
and institutional sabotage for unopposed warfare of this type.
- Now let me see if I can recapture the solution I woke
up with?
- About Santa Claus. There are two ways of controlling
the people of a state (among others perhaps). One is "Oriental Despotism"
-- the government of the country decides everything and rules by laws
and regulations -- by coercion -- by absolute power -- and people learn
to live in conformity with the dictates of the state avoiding running up
against those aversive constraints that keep them bounded to the state's
- The other system -- is ridiculed but it is actually much
better. It merely tells people to be good adn Santa Claus will bring you
lots of good things. Santa knows if you have been naughty or nice and
will reward you accordingly. That is the device invented by loving partents
who want their children to internalize right and wrong by trying to second-guess
Santa Claus -- "what would god santa claus want me to do?" --
and always do the right thing.
- Oh the stupidity of those who deny the existence of Santa
Claus merely on forensic logic. Santa Claus (I'm using metaphor here)
is a child raising technique -- no! I take that back. Rather, Santa
Claus is an adult-raising technique -- and the Chinese Philosopher Mo
Ti, as well as Abraham, Isaac through to Moses and to he later prophets
-- Jesus -- Mohammad gandhi and others have been given great wisdom
-- wisdom I will not defile with the Santa Claus metaphor.
- Americans are pragmatic and some of us are positivists
and behaviorists -- at least by academic tradition, the philosophy of our
best scientists and philosophers (more Skinner than Freud, for example)
and so we can view Santa Claus as a technique of child rearing that is
continued because of the good results it yields -- not gift--- I'v s
under the tree and not eternity in heaven (although there are presents
under trees on christmas moring and there is a lot of heavens surrounding
the solar system -- not to mention the possibilitie of dimensions of which
we are not aware -- I am an agnostic on these -- but it doesn't matter
-- I know my church is true -- true in a very sound and practical sense
-- we love god and man and our reward is in heaven from our heavenly father.
Who would deny any man his relationship with God? Who would burn a heretic
at the stake? Who would burn a Bible or a copy of the Holy Koran.
- Anyway we are facing extermination or extreme poverty
and slavery with very poor health.
- For years I have wanted people to rise up and agree with
me on what is happening to the country -- to as a united people of all
American races and creeds to rise up and point the finger at Zionists Jews
and China's dictatorship -- so that seeing that their plans are discovered
by the entire world and that their plans and methods are clearly not what
the entire world wants for themselves -- that they could be shamed and
pressured by overwhelming popular opinion to back off their conspiracies
and their Sun Tsue warfare -- and adopt once more the thinking of Mo Ti
-- that all mean are brothers and should consider each other family.
- I would offer that if China would help us throw off
rule by criminal conspirators -- they could indeed have open relations
here -- immigrate here in larg enumbers -- with the Japanese who could
also come here if theri lands are too badly contaminated with long lasting
radioactive matter.
- In exchange for not killing us -- we would forget all
that has been done in the past by Jews and by communist conspiracy --
simply a war that has come to an end and peace declared and the enemies
decide to get along as friends from noew on.
- China can have 100 percent ownership of all factories
in China -- take all shares owned by Americans and British etc. Take it
as payment to the Chinese people for the toil they have put in producing
the goods that American's paid for their second mortgages etc.
- And the Chinese can benefit much more from allowing other
races other countries grow in economic productivity and creativity --
as long as the usury mechanism that creates imperialism is gone -- all
nations can beenfit from creating their own culturees and ways -- their
own concpets of the good and beautiful the noble and just -- different
ideals -- different values -- and it not be a threat -- because one
nation does not have to exonomically exploit another any more -- because
the problem of usury has been found out, because the solution of social
credit -- government makes the money and distributes it evenly to everybody
has also been found out. Every nation will flower. And the soldiers and
bureacurats and the criminals who do not know how to work, who have no
land, who have no skills or work ethic -- will receive social credit and
they can being to learn something good for them to do without have to
worry about starving while they do so.
- I say China does nto have to fear Americans, or Thomas
Jefferson or Social Credit -- and we do not have to remember what has been
done in the past. There is a Christian sahying from the bible -- all
have sinned and fallen short. But all can be reborn to a life of loving
and serving ones neighbor of ones own free will.
- To Jews -- I can be offered the same deal -- all that
revisionist historians have found out -- can be put aside -- if you will
renounce Talmud and write a new document -- based on the good in your traditions
-- so you can live in a world as if everyone was Jewish -- where being
Jewish means you are benefactors of mankind -- loved and respected for
the wisdom you have gained from all of the cultures you have lived in
-- but elevated even higher by the learned tricks you have learned to
put aside -- as you interpret the scriptures anew.
- I am bargaining for the lives of my countrymen, for the
continuation of my civilization, for the lifting of the sabotage measures
that have been working against us. I think China, that is all Chinese
-- and all Vietnamese and all North Koreans will gain over the centuries
living in a world with many cultures being tried under many and varied
governments -- freed from the usury that leads to imperialism, war and
- I believe that the Chinese would welcome that evolution
of China. I think they have been looking for that kind of peaceful evolution,
waiting like a child waits for Santa Claus.
- All governments make mistakes and do injustice -- but
they can change their ways -- they can do right. Things can be done so
that the crime syndicates -- those able people who struggled to the top
of a very evil and unjust world -- can trade their absolute power -- trade
it for a new system in which our past is forgiven and forgotten and in
which a new fellowship with opportunity for all to find ways to give su
all health and happiness with a minium of work -- except the good workds
we want to give away because we all know that Santa Claus is real -- that
he is the wise adult minds that are looking out for all of us.
- Another name for this might have been Fukushima meets
Pollyanna. But I am sure that somebody reading this will see the truth
I am driving for -- the deal we all must make to really benefit mankind.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington