- If a plan along the lines of Enewetak cactus Dome were
to be used at Fukushima
- The "dome" would actually be more of a "Vault"
shape, about 1/2 mile long and over 1/4 wide at least !
- Sand would be needed about 50 feet deep, from the top
of the hill/cutbank behind the reactors, to out past the breakwater. See
aerial photo of Fukushima below.
- Note - cut banks to west of reactors and smaller cutbanks
along entrance road.
- This is huge - but possible - and of course it would
also require many ship loads of Boron from CA.
- When buried and the melting underneath is studied, it
may be then possible to cover the entire sand vault with concrete much
like was dome at the once pristine and beautiful Enewetak Atoll....
