- Everyone who thinks we need a gold system or that Americans
should hoard gold now -- please let me know so I can get your name the
heck out of my mailbox and can block you so I am not driven to suicide
by the gross stupidity of people who will not think or accept sound teaching
from those who do.
- Gold is not money. Money is a convention, an abstraction,
a political creation, not a commodity.
- The value of gold is the hope that if you buy it and
resell after an increase in the quantity of money you will have more purchasing
power than if you remained liquid.
- But gold is not an investment. Gold is a matress. If
you buy gold from Rothschild you are putting your money in a mattress where
it will not be spent until the day you sell the gold for cash.
- But putting money in the mattress and/or buying gold
from Rothschild with it has the effect of destroying the US economy by
worsening deflation. There is already a big enough shortage of purchasing
power due to interest drain and foreign buying on credit unmatched by export
revenues coming in.
- If you think there is going to be a collapse of the economy
-- why the heck are you buying a metal that can't be eaten, that can't
clothe you or warm you or burn as fuel? Why didn't you buy seeds? Why
didn't you buy propane tanks or gasoline tanks? Why didn't you invest
with other local people in a small multi-purpose factory that can turn
out basic tools that would be needed in a collapse or that could support
local invention and small scale production if the economy does not collapse?
- I have told you that the gold market is fixed. I have
told you that the Rothschild's are selling their gold to you in a seller's
market even as they hire their prostitute mouthpieces like Beck, Celente,
Alex Jones, Ron Paul and all of the sponsors of all of the internet and
talk radio programs. They create a panic for gold -- sell it to you high
-- and as everyone's very act of buying gold takes money out of circulation
it causes the deflation that will destroy the country -- that will end
more jobs and foreclose more mortages and thus contract the money supply
even further -- until you out of desperation because of what your hoarding
has done, will sell your gold back to Rothschild in a buyer's market.
- I despair for my country, Busser, when in a hundred posts
this has still not sunk in. Really and truly phooey on all of you for
not understanding what I am saying -- for sticking with that absurd Austrain
Economics analysis.
- And don't talk to me about a gold standard either. We
see that gold is monopolized and controlled by the international super-rich
-- rich because they have played their crooked game over and over --
their is no stability in that. The Austrians talk about gold's intrinsic
value being a floor on how low gold backed purchasing power can go --
but that is absurd -- gold in electronics and art is nothing. The Austrians
and libertarians talk about gold "backing money" -- but don't
you see that the idea of gold backing money is a fallacy as wrong and harmful
as the fallacy of the labor theory of value.
- The value of money is what it will buy. The value of
any article is the use one has for it or the use one has for something
that it can be exchanged for. Money is a convention. It does not start
as warehouse receipts for gold that become exchanged. That would never
occur on a grand enough scale to put a community on a gold standard. What
really happens is that the king taxes his people -- and the king can print
money and the people will accept it if and only if the King will accept
that paper money in taxes.
- That is all there is too it. Theoretically (under
a populist government) California could repudiate all of its debt right
now and issue its own California Dollar which would be accepted by all
Californians because everyone knows that property taxes and state income
taxes etc. can be paid in California dollars. And thus we cut out the
- So what hold things up? You do, Robert Busser.
- Why don't you stop sending me any more until you wise
up and quite backing Rothschild against the rest of us. You are discouraging
the hell out of me -- because you are so thick headed. I mean, why don't
you shut off your radio and shut down your computer and just think about
it for a while. I know you are not stupid.
- One more thing: If gold isn't money then what really
is a gold standard. A gold standard is Requiring Rothschild's dog tag,
his permission slip, his tribute token and stamp, on each unit of abstract
purchasing power so he can have his cut in every transaction. A community
of people need to buy a Rothschild gold seal for permission to use money.
And they call that system "libertarian" -- I say it is straight
from Satan and his brothers Molloch and Mammon. Use that system and you
find yourself immediately in economic hell.
- And if you advocate gold or push gold panic -- then you
are every bit as much of a stooge of Rothschild as Celente or Senator Rand
Paul or Alex Jones or Glenn Beck (who with only a high school education
a background as a cut up radio disc jockey and reading a lot of libertarian
propaganda (Rothschild propaganda) holds himself out as an expert on gold.
The man is not to be listened to on this subject -- and the fact that
you put out all these lies about gold and never once give to anyone my
arguments against it -- what else can you be but either a shill or a hopeless
- Forgive me, but as I see I am going to fail and that
evil is going to win -- I lose all composure -- and all patience with peoples
willful stupidity.
- Dick Eastman
- Yakima, Washington
- And can't you see that Jewish Reuters and Douglas Casey
are also shilling for Rothschilds to create the panic to buy gold?