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TSA Serves No Purpose In
The Defense Of America

By Karl Schwarz
Hello Jeff,
This TSA flap that is going on is a perfect example of how dumbed-down Americans are as to the realities of this world.
I travel a lot, but not through the US. Do I have to endure the TSA style shakedowns in EU, Denmark, Ukraine, Russia or elsewhere? NO! Why not? Because the governments know that their policies are not directing the anger of terrorists at them. The US and UK alone have sort of 'sucked up' that entire market due to their terroristic policies creating all sorts of 'terrorists'.
This recent 'terror scare' in Brussels is simple to understand. It is the home of NATO, home of the EU, and war crime trials in progress that conveniently leave out much bigger war criminals, etc.
Same applies to the recent scare in Berlin regarding the Reichstag Building. If Germany were not so supportive of US policies in Afghanistan, they would not have to worry about anything in this nation regarding 'terrorists'. Hell, there are Turks, Iranians, Lebanese, and Islamic people everywhere and not a problem one.
Imagine this scenario. You know about the meeting I had on Wednesday, January 24 in Berlin. We met at the Berlin Marriott. When I entered, Brinks had been hired to set up a full security scan of everyone coming into that hotel. Ever see such security at a hotel? I have not and over time it will cost them business. I asked them if 3 Germans and 1 American truly look like 'terrorists' to them or were possibly any threat to that hotel.
I recently came across a person in Germany who is not German. He is a sniper for an elite German special forces unit. One of them recently was eliminated on the day he was to have flown home, by an unknown sniper in Afghanistan.
Little wonder to me why Germany is on full alert now and thinks 'terrorists' might be planning some 'blowback'. Most Germans are still snickering at the 'fake bomb' in Namibia that set all of this into motion any way here in Germany.
I have said it before and it remains the same: When a nation is being a terrorist, they deserve the ire of normal citizens who then become labeled as terrorist due to many wrongs that have been inflicted upon them. It is called 'blowback' and there is only one way to make sure that never has to be created in the first place. When no cause is given for blowback to happen, blowback does not happen. If governments truly want to eliminate terrorism they first need to look in the mirror and change the government policies.
I am not one to believe that two wrongs make a right, but Americans need to come to grips with exactly who the parties are that started this fiasco. It was the lies of George W. Bush and Tony Blair. That can now be extended to Barack 'not the Messiah' Obama and the entire Democrat controlled Congress. (Remember well, Bill Clinton was not the Messiah either.) We can all point the finger of blame squarely at them and appropriately so.
I have talked to tens of thousands of people in the past 4 years and they all know that Bush and Blair lied. It seems only in the US and UK do some still cling to those lies as if they were ever, or ever will be, the truth.
Funny thing about that 'an-eye-for-an-eye' thing is when the terrorists go into action, it is almost 100% certain that the 'terrorists' will hit back. Funny how that works, sort of like a pendulum and it is way past time for the citizens of the US to accept that the realism of terrorism is a direct result of US policies that have been inflicted on others with terroristic intent.
It has nothing to do with 'hating our freedoms'. American need to come to grips with the abuses of the US government and certain greed merchants that create the terrorists by their actions.
Then of course we have the Poster Kids for what a terrorist is over there in Tel Aviv. Last I heard they arrogantly claim that 1 Jew is worth more than 10,000 Arabs, so it is little wonder when they set out to kill 10,000 Arabs for every Zionist Jew that gets in return what Israel, Mossad or IDF dished out to the Arabs. God only knows how many Christians they think it takes to equal one Zionist Jew.
I wonder at times how many Americans realize that Israel broke the truce, not the Arabs?
I cannot say that I agree with their math, or that such will ever lead to peace. In my lifetime Israel has convinced me that they do not want peace. If such a tragedy were to happen they could not justify the $3 billion a year that suckers in the US pay to them to 'defend Israel', when it is Israel that is the aggressors and are clearly racists, practice apartheid, and are regularly genocidal to men, women and children alike over in Palestine and Gaza. They also could not justify all of the other money and weapons they extort out of the US under the pretense that they are on some moral high ground and deserve defense any more than the Palestinians do.
I was very serious when I stated in the past that if I were President, American armored divisions would be parked in Palestine and Gaza and a very large nuclear carrier task force offshore. It is time for peace the easy way or the hard way, whether the Zionist racists like it or not.
There are a few examples that lead to problems, like EU policies in certain places, and NATO, and even a few EU nations that have covert teams of snipers / assassins roaming around. They do and have plenty of reason to expect the possibility of blowback. They are coming to realize that stupid policies to aid and abet the US and Israel lead to stupid outcomes, and always do, always have.
I bet most Americans have not seen the interviews I have with three CEO's of some of the biggest non-US airlines. They are investing heavily into the Airbus A380 super-jumbo jet for one simple reason. It can fly right over or around the US without having to subject their passengers to the abuse TSA heaps on all passengers and in some of the 'singled out passengers' egregious amounts of misconduct, abuse and humiliation. Abusing innocent persons is not defending anyone from anything.
I bet most Americans do not know that the US is on the 'Travel Shit List' of just about every nation on the face of this planet and investments are being made to eliminate all US connections for non-US air passengers.
I bet most Americans (who are not terrorists) have not figured out yet that the TSA are terrorists in the literal sense.
Is the TSA fulfilling any role whatsoever to make America safer? Not in the least, because until DC changes policies regarding Israel and Islamic nations, the US will continue to be on the Terrorist Shit List. Acts of terror beget terrorism; it is a strategy, not an army, and blowback to terrorism is blowback, not terrorism. Even sane people will tolerate just so much crap before it is time to kick back.
Are all Americans terrorists? Not hardly, but this constant shake down is under the pretense that it will dissuade real terrorists. That math does not work, because I read recently that there were 796 million air passengers last year in the US alone and not one 'homegrown' terrorist.
Sure, a couple of nitwits like the "Merry Christmas underwear bomber" that could not detonate his 'underwear' and was probably either a CIA or Mossad stooge to begin with.
Why are we in Afghanistan, killing hundreds of thousands of Afghans? A pipeline that Bridas Corporation controlled and BushCo wanted it all. It is truly that simple. Up until almost 9-11-2001 the Bush Administration was trying to bully the Taliban into complete control of that pipeline that the US cannot to this day claim as 'Mission Accomplished'.
Who do such pipelines serve? Those covetous greed merchants in DC, Wall Street, London and Tel Aviv that seem to think that all resources on this planet belong to them.
Why do they need a pipeline across Afghanistan? Simply because the Caspian Basin mother-lode of oil and natural gas is landlocked and the oil and natural gas cannot get to an ocean without a pipeline. That simple and still nowhere close to getting it done.
I wonder sometimes what it is about Americans that they cannot read a damned map or understand what a damned pipeline is. Afghanistan is all about a damned pipeline, always has been, always will be.
I bet most Americans did not read the Oil and Gas Journal the day before September 11, 2001 to get a better picture of why some people just salivate at all of the money they thought they were going to make from the oil and gas from the Caspian Basin.
This was in my presentation at '9-11, Confronting the Evidence' on September 11, 2004 in New York City:
""September 10, 2001: "Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production," wrote energy expert James Dorian in Oil & Gas Journal, published the day before the terrorist attacks.""
It is literally that simple and cutting through the 'terror, terror, terror' mantra is really not that hard if one reads, thinks, connects the dots and understands that crimes have a motive, and major crimes have been committed to achieve what was stated in the Oil & Gas Journal. What Bush and Blair did had the motive of Trillions of US dollars and an attempt to control energy to control profits and other economies.
I wonder at times what the problem is. Is it that Americans cannot make the mental connection that Central Asia and Caspian Basin are the exact same damned place on the map?
They lost that 'war' even before they launched their war based on 9-11.
The British Ministry of Defense recently announced that they plan on being in Afghanistan for 30-40 years. Hmm, it would take about that long to deplete those oil and natural gas fields and then abandon that Pipeline Too Far. They dare not admit to the US and UK citizens that while they were lying and covering up with more lies, other nations like Russia, China, India, etc now dominate what our greed merchants have been after since Jimmy Carter and Zbignew Brzezinski created Al Qaeda as part of the strategy to take it all over.
Bush never told Americans about something he pledged, and this was in my 9-11-2004 presentation, too:
""23 Feb 2003: OPIC agrees to fund the pipeline and Bush has guaranteed to protect it with U.S. troops (without telling the United States citizens).   "23-02-03 Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TAP) have signed a protocol for trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline Project However, some recent reports had indicated that the United States was willing to police the pipeline infrastructure through permanent stationing of its troops in the region. The US ExIm Bank, the Trade and Development Agency (TDA) and the Overseas Private Insurance Corporation (OPIC) had also shown readiness to finance such a project, if leading American energy giants come forward.""
That was in the news, but most Americans failed to see it or read it. Of course, that was about 1 month before Bush and Blair lies led to the US and UK starting another made up war in Iraq.
It is truly a sign of rampant stupidity in American when they think this is all about 'protecting America' and these liars in office never admit that it was then and is now all about that pipeline and what the Oil & Gas Journal published the day before September 11, 2001.
Why were there problems in Georgia in August 2008? Pipelines and Russia is now sitting very close to them thanks to stupid policy, planning and execution by DC, Tel Aviv and their puppet Mikhail Saakashvili, the Tie Eating Mick.
The Georgia fiasco was all about pipelines and some US 'Russia hating dinosaurs' who still think they can play chess better than Russia.
We have not discussed this yet, but OECD contacted me about my Georgia articles as to how I was so sure that Georgia attacked first. Once I showed them why I was 100% certain, they no longer backed Bush and Kindasleezza Rice and their media blitz to pin it all on Russia. I was one happy American to see Tie Eater Mick have to publicly admit that he started it.
I was least surprised that Americans failed to point the finger of blame at Bush. They just 'do not get it' in the US about what the true motives of Washington, DC are and why they have created 3 illegal wars and trying to stir up a 4th with Iran.
Actually, they are trying to stir up a 5th, because US actions in Pakistan are directly aimed at destabilizing that nation to block Pakistan and China from completing major pipeline projects from Gwadar Pakistan to China, and the IPI (Iran, Pakistan, India Pipeline) that China is now a member of, too.
Who do such pipelines serve? It was the intent that they would serve those covetous greed merchants in DC, Wall Street, London and Tel Aviv that seem to think that all resources on this planet belong to them.
That was their goal and the US and UK failed dismally. They do not want to admit that yet and have to face the ire of their own electorates. No, they definitely do not want the US Sheeple or the UK Sheeple to wake up and realize that they were lied to all along.
Is TSA protecting Americans from the boogeyman? Not in the least. As was demonstrated recently, even an overnight package with fake bombs can get from DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc service points onto a jet with public passengers.
Then of course, out comes the news that 'fake bombs' are being manufactured by a US company to 'test the security system'. Yeah, right, test the system while they try to make people so afraid they hide under the shadow of their own ass.
It really is not a flaw of the system as much as it is a major flaw with US, UK and Tel Aviv policies. Everything happens for a reason and in the instance of terrorism one has to backtrack to the source to understand what angered those 'terrists' in the first place.
One of the reasons I do not travel to the US is I flat out refuse the 'TSA TREATMENT' because I am not a terrorist, I travel for business and pleasure only, and I have yet to see TSA stop even one terrorist from boarding an airplane. If they were as good as Americans are led to believe, the "Shoe Bomber" and the "Underwear Bomber" would have never made it to the check in gate.
I keep hoping that Americans wake up and figure out that there have been no more '9-11's" because they cannot lie their way into another war, yet.
I personally think those folks at TSA are not smart enough to recognize a real terrorist so what is the point of the constant shakedowns?
In closing, I will share with your readers a true story that happened with me at the Paris DeGaulle International Airport when I was traveling back to the US once.
I was in a very long line and we are all boarding a Delta 767 bound from Paris to Atlanta Hartsfield. When my turn arrives I hand the person my passport and the interrogation begins.
Now, bear in mind that what you are about to read was after I had already been through a full security check.
TSA Moron: 'Why are you traveling to the US?'
Me: 'Must be because I live there. Did they not train you to recognize a US passport? AND, since when did US citizens have to state a reason for why they are traveling home?'
TSA Moron: 'Where are you headed in the US?'
Me: 'I live in the Atlanta area, where I go in the US beyond that is not your business or your jurisdiction. State-to-state travel is not regulated and no US citizen has to inform TSA where they are traveling in the US on business or to see family and friends. That (pointing to my passport) is not a visa to visit the US. I live there as a citizen of the USA and was born there!!!!'
TSA Moron: 'Have you had your carry-on bags with you at all times?'
Me: 'I would be lying to you if I said YES. Your shakedown crew had my carry-on bags for about 10 minutes riffling through my business records, which are quite frankly none of their damned business.'
TSA Moron: 'Do you hold any bad feelings towards the United States?'
Me: 'No, it is sort of hard to have such feelings for something that is dead. As for you, I am wondering why you have a job."
TSA Moron: 'Do you have any plans to attack the United States?"
Me: 'Yeah, right, as if I am going to share that with you? If I attack the US, it will be with the truth about why your job should be eliminated. Now, give me back my passport.'
As I parted: 'Have you caught any 'terrorists' on this gig?' Looking him square in the eyes and his dumbfounded look: 'Didn't think so.'
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