- The more the foreclose and deflate the more valuable
to them and the heavier to us is the remaining debt burden. They
are liquidating us but the remaining debt upon us, due to deflation,
is heavier than when the foreclosures began.
- The Financier Conspiracy is actually increasing the value
of the debt owed to them by foreclosing on loans. That is why
they are sucking up all the dollars they can -- trading their
securities for them at the NY Fed Res Bank, snatching dollars in the form
of bailout money, getting dollars by selling gold to Americans bamboozled
by their mouthpiece shills Glenn Beck and Gerald Celente.
- They know that there are two loops, as I have told you
they know that in their loop there is plenty of liquidity and they
are adding to it every last drop of our dollar liquidity they can squeeze. Meanwhile,
down here where we live, they purchasing power is dried up. We
are forced into distress sales or are outright foreclosed or simply
have our domestic business loans called. Big deflation here --
but all Beck and Celente talk about is inflation -- even though
there is no inflation in our loop -- all the oxygen is going
to them and they get our possessions after we die for want of air.
- Here is another statement -- from a letter
of mine to a fellow 9-11 investigator who happens to be a fellow Mormon:
- Glenn Beck is selling gold for the Rothschilds. The
Rothschilds, therefore, are buying dollars. Bernanke is, they say, pumping
helicopter money -- but it is all going to the international merchant banks
-- it is not going to local financial intemediaries who make domestic business
loans -- this means the bankers are trading securities for dollars. Now
here is my main point:
- The money power combinations are unloading securities
because the US will default payment on them -- they are buying dollars
and selling gold, because the domestic economy of the US is undergoing
astounding deflation -- fewer dollars chasing goods, chasing the worker's
labor, chasing factors of production -- this means that each dollar in
circulation will buy a bigger slice of pie (or, holding pie slice size
constant -- it will take fewer dollars to by a given slice of pie) --
thus those holding dollars and IOU's denominated in dollars are getting
a big unearned premium -- a windfall -- on each dollar and on each dollar-denominated
IOU they hold because of deflation.
- It is more profitable for the big financiers to get together
in a plot to drain the economy of purchasing power to deflate the dollar
(adding to the purchasing of of each of their dollar claims to pie.) So
as we are bankrupted and foreclosed and engaged in buyers' market distress
selling -- there is no money in the domestic loop for the little people
who have just been ruined by starvation of purchasing power to bid against
the financier holding all those dollars outside the domestic loop. Thus
they are able to buy up our former homes put on the auction block, to buy
them up and convert them into rental properties with absentee landlords
-- so now when we find a home to rent, the rental money will go to a landlord
who himself buys and sells outside of our economy -- he only collects
our tent.
- Now when you buy gold, you are giving needed blood from
our national veins -- our dollars -- in exchange for gold which is not
spendable, which only adds to the deflation behind this depression.
- Glen Beck -- is a convert to Mormonism, as am I -- and
his birthday is Feb 10 as is mine, and he can talk those good family values
and pro-constitution talk -- as do I. But on the question of gold there
is great disagreement.
- If you are still in touch with faculty in economics at
BYU -- please forward my comment and have them consider this proposition.
Tell them that the part about liquidating debt -- by calling loans and
foreclosing etc. -- not really liquidating -- but actually increasing
the total debt burden -- fewer dollars around, but the total weight in
deflation bolstered per dollar purchasing power has increased. (Fewer
dollars are owed, but they buy more than before -- no one getting the old
higher wages anymore, people willing to take low paying second jobs to
try and save the house etc.
- Glenn Beck is not trying to save the economy -- he is
just trying to sell you gold so that after the ocean liner United States
sinks people will have gold and silver with which to bid food and water
rations in the life boats away from the other survivors. I am trying to
save the ship and all she carries - dollars could be used to help passengers
bail -- gold just weighs down the ship so it sinks faster. Beck is selling
poison and bleeding us of what we need most -- dollars in circulation.
- --Dick Eastman