- Hello, Jeff - Here is another meat story that should
make people sit up and take notice.
- First of all, dairy cows no longer able to be used for
milk are used for hamburger. Many cows identified with Mad Cow Disease
had been older dairy cows sent to slaughter for meat production.
- Mr. Schumacher, although this case is horrendous, is
just the tip of the iceberg.
- This article also shows how the farmers who do this are
allowed to, virtually, get away with it year after year with just a citation.
- I have to wonder how many scores of people have been
sickened by "taking antibiotics" and other drugs via meat consumption.
There are many people, myself included, who are allergic to Penicillin.
- No wonder there are so many resistant bacteria in today's
- Patty
- Date: Fri 26 Mar 2010
- Source: 13 WHAM TV.com
- Federal regulators have cited a dairy farmer in Wyoming
[County, NY] for selling cows with higher-than-permitted residues of antibiotics.
- A US District judge in Buffalo issued an order Thursday
[25 Mar 2010] barring Jerald Schumacher from selling his cattle to be slaughtered
for human consumption until he complies with federal limits on antibiotic
- Schumacher owns a farm in Wyoming [County, NY], which
sells its dairy cattle to an auction yard in Pavilion [NY]. A Food and
Drug Administration complaint says he's sold cows for at least a decade
with residues of penicillin and sulfadimethoxine in the animals' edible
tissue, posing a public health risk.
- The agency also says Schumacher illegally gave the cows
higher-than-allowed dosages.
- The US Department of Agriculture says it has [cited]
Schumacher 6 times in the past 10 years and that he violated the law by
failing to keep adequate records of which cows were medicated.
- http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story/Wyoming-County-Farmer-
- Communicated by:
- ProMED-mail Rapporteur Mary Marshall
- Most dairy cattle at the end of their dairy career enter
the food chain as hamburger. It is not usual for a drug residue to be found
and if above the limit, to be acted upon. While USDA is under-manned for
more diligent food inspections, the program for finding antibiotic residues
is reasonably well done. FDA has some very stringent levels regarding antibiotic
residues and they do pursue violators. (Drugs must be stopped at stipulated
withdrawal times before slaughter. - Mod.JW).
- Under the following conditions: 80C for 15 min, sterilized
at 134C (3 bar, 20 min.) and dried at 100C (4 hours) penicillin is completely
degraded but sulfamethazine remains 80 percent active. People that have
sulfa allergies/ sensitivities would likely have difficulty with a rare
steak. Most of us do not cook our meat under these kinds of conditions.
Withdrawal times are designed to prevent such reactions from happening.
- What is unusual is that the case has made the media.
More often than not, the media either is not alerted by the proper state/federal
authority or the media does not see these issues as important enough to
- Antibiotic use in animals is appropriate when done properly.
It lowers the cost of our food and keeps the animals healthy. It is not
appropriate to disregard the withdrawal times (before slaughter). It is
those cases the FDA is pursuing. - Mod.TG
- There is an FDA news release at http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm206307.htm
- Sr.Tech.Ed.MJ
- The state of New York in the Northeastern US can be located
on the
- HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map at
- http://healthmap.org/r/01bV.
- Wyoming County can be located on the map at
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyoming_County,_New_York.
- Sr.Tech.Ed.MJ
- Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural
Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases"
message board at:http://www.emergingdisease.org/phpbb/index.php Also
my new website: http://drpdoyle.tripod.com/ Zhan le Devlesa tai
sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health