- Re-Electing The Band Aid Brigade
By Devvy
- "[Samuel] Adams warned readers not
to get caught up in the respect for high office and the lavish praise that
is often bestowed on leaders. "This has led millions into such a degree
of dependence and submission." Citizens should place their loyalty
with the Constitution. "Whoever, therefore, insinuates notions of
government contrary to the Constitution, or in any degree winks at any
measures to suppress or even to weak it, is not a loyal man." Samuel
Adams: Father of the American Revolution, Mark Puls, pages 29,30
- The majority of primaries are about to begin. The call
throughout America is "We'll remember in November!" "Vote
out all incumbents."
- Of course, the one party system consisting of two interconnected
criminal syndicates are working over time to see their incumbents go back
to Congress to continue the destruction of our constitutional republic.
Yes, both parties. There is a lot of talk and blame going around about
the "national" debt created by one Outlaw Congress after another
for a hundred years. The Democrats had "power" for 40 years before
the misnamed "Republican Revolution of 1994," at which time the
Republicans took "power" and out spent the Democrats in royal
fashion. The people said enough and with the help of electronic ballot
machines and scanners, the same rats with a few new faces took "control"
of the Outlaw Congress again in November 2006. Shall we take a look at
the numbers:
- National Debt - Created by the U.S. Congress driving
America into financial ruin
- May 13, 2010
- $12,927,411,267,929.24
- No legal president, Usurper Obama/Soetoro, Democrat controlled
- January 5, 2007
- $8,673,152,446,066.83
- Republican president, Bush, Jr., Democrats take power,
Senate mixed with political opportunists like Libermann
- January 5, 2000
- $5,758,914,216,192.02
- Democrat president, Marxist Bill Clinton, Republicans
held power in the House, but the Senate split over poltroons changing parties
- January 5, 1998
- $5,481,924,290,553.50
- Democrat president, Marxist Bill Clinton, Republicans
hold power
- January 5, 1995
- $4,805,635,231,225.14
- Democrat president, Marxist Bill Clinton, Republicans
take power
- September 28, 1990
- $3,233,313,451,777.25
- Republican president, Bush, Sr., Democrats hold power
- September 30, 1984
- $1,572,266,000,000.00
- Republican president, Reagan, Democrats hold power
- September 30, 1981
- $997,855,000,000.00
- Republican president, Reagan, Democrats hold power
- September 30, 1978
- $771,544,000,000.00
- Democrat president, Carter, Democrats hold power
- June 30, 1976
- $620,433,000,000.00
- Republican president, Ford, Democrats hold power
- June 30, 1970
- $370,918,706,949.93
- Republican president, Nixon, Democrats hold power
- June 30, 1968
- $347,578,406,425.88
- Democrat president, LBJ, Democrats hold power
- When you hear Republicans yap about "smaller government"
and "lower taxes," you can see they believe their own lies because
that party had control of Congress for more than a decade and all they
did was spend, spend, spend. Government was not reduced. Not a single unconstitutional
cabinet was abolished. The Democrats know nothing but higher taxes, big
government and redistribution of wealth so one can expect nothing else.
- March 15, 2010, A web site recently carried this headline:
No Democrat-Controlled Congress Has Balanced Federal Budget in 40 Years;
No Republican President Has Balanced Federal Budget in 50 Years
- Of course, this is just more double speak. You cannot
have a balanced budget when social security and Medicare are "off
sheet." Those obligations must still be funded. On or off some sheet
of paper, they affect lives.
- Those taxing schemes generate tax revenues that go into
the general fund of the treasury. Social security is not an entitlement,
it is a tax. Congress spends those tax dollars any way they want. There
is no such garbage as an SS fund or "lock box." That's why SS
and Medicare are $99 TRILLION "dollars" in unfunded mandates.
They're insolvent because (1) Ponzi systems always go broke and (2)
because those taxes are spent by Congress - then they borrow to cover
the hot checks issued every month. How can you say you've balanced your
checkbook when you have two double digit trillion ton elephants standing in
the middle of the room? TODAY the total outstanding debt is: ONE HUNDRED
MILLION - no make that seven hundred forty four million in the time it took to type this sentence.
- You see that national debt above? How many trillions
have we the people paid in interest to the privately owned, unconstitutional
"Federal" Reserve since 1913 so Congress could borrow their worthless
paper to spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend?
- Remember what Congressman Wright Patman said:
- To read the rest of Devvy's column, click HERE (link
to: http://www.devvy.com/new_site/band_aid_brigade_051810.html
- Visit Devvy's website at: http://www.devvy.com.
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