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Parrot Breeder Assists In Hatch...
Saves Baby Macaw

From Rita
UPDATE 2-27-10
Here are some photos of an incubator hatched baby. We had to pull the egg from the nest because the male was destroying too many eggs. It is my first successful assisted hatch of a greenwing macaw chick.
The baby started trying to break the shell open Friday morning (Feb 13) but by Friday evening things had not progressed. So, I made the decision to intervene to save the baby and help it hatch successfully.
It was a 36 hour process from external pip to hatch out. Every 2 hours I would chip away a little more of the shell and inner membrane, taking great care to stop where I saw red veins and only proceeding when the red veins had receded and disappeared. It was a beautiful experience to watch life happen. Thought you would enjoy seeing what I saw...
Here I had opened up the egg so the chick could get plenty of air. You can see the egg tooth on the little beak and the wing curled up under the lower beak.
I had chipped more of the shell away at this point, and you can see the leg curled around the head and the 2 dark spots where the eyes will develop. The chick is lying on its side so only one wing is free.
Here more of the baby is freed from the egg but the umbilicus is still attached. One leg is now free to push against the shell when the time comes.
This is how I chipped away at the shell, bit by bit.
Here the chick is already starting to kick with the freed up leg.
Chick on the half shell.
Final moments of hatching...here the chick has pushed itself out of the shell but must still break the umbilicus before it is finally free. You can see it in the lower abdominal area of the chick.
Here is a clearer picture of the umbilicus with the chick kicking away.
Almost free....
Chick has hatched and is 5 minutes old here.
First feeding of pedialyte 1/2 hour after hatching...
Six Days Later....
Hi Jeff - The Greenwing chick is 6 days old today, 2-20-10, and has doubled its weight since hatching...thriving and doing well.
From Rita
Hope you are well...
Best wishes,
Baby Greenwing Macaw At 14 Days
Update 2-27-10
Hi Jeff - The baby has grown...from 23 grams at hatching to 164 grams at 14 days. Some of your readers who emailed me have asked for a progress report. He/she is a strong little eater, already very vocal and interactive. The eyes will open in the next week as well as the ear canal openings. Dark little dots on the body are where more down feathers will emerge through the skin. Right now he/she uses its wings like little arms to brace and balance itself. Since it has no feathering at all yet, it cannot self-regulate body temperature, so I'm keeping the brooder temperature at a comfy 93 degrees. Enjoy!

Hi Jeff - (UPDATE 3-6-10)
Here is an update on the baby's growth and progress. He is developing his down feathers and the lower beak is starting to change color.
Baby is very snuggly and orients to hands and voice turning in the direction of the voice/hand. He is on 4 feedings a day and gains anywhere from 25-45 grams a day right now. His rate of growth is amazing right now. Still needs to be kept warm at 93 degrees for at least another week or two.
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