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A New Jewish Goal
By Gilad Atzmon
The following email was passed to me by a Jewish supporter:
"Re: Holocaust Remembrance Day - May 2,
Please wait 20 Seconds before you close this e-mail.
This message asks you to do one small act to remember the six million
(6,000,000) Jewish lives that were lost during the Holocaust.
Send this message to everyone you know who is Jewish.
If we reach the goal of reaching six million e-mail names before May 2, we will fulfill and give back to God what He gave to us:
6 million Jews who are alive today who remember those who perished.
Please send this message and Ask them to also forward it to others.
Thank you"
Despite the fact that I am an ex Jew, notwithstanding the fact that I want nothing to do with Jewish politics or religion, I really wanted to follow up the request and to send the email to all my 'Jewish' friends. I thought to myself that the memory of the Holocaust is indeed important and crucial, especially due to the embarrassing fact that just 3 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, the newly born Jewish state ethnically cleansed the vast majority of the indigenous Palestinians from their cities and villages. Just five years after the liberation of Auschwitz the newly born Jewish State set racist discriminating laws (not at all different from infamous Nazi Nuremberg Laws) to stop Palestinians from returning to their land. 62 years after the brutal expulsion of the Palestinian people, Palestinians are still dispossessed and watching Israelis living in their houses, on their land and spreading emails about the Nazi brutality and Jewish survival. The memory of the Holocaust is indeed important because for the last 62 years the Jewish state is committing crimes against humanity in the name of the Jewish people and in the name of the Holocaust.
The memory of the Holocaust is important because as some Israelis are brave enough toadmit, Israelis are the Nazis of our time.
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