- A 60m x 52m snow formation, made up of 23 rings
of various diameters, was found on December 19th near Hoeven, Holland.
- Photo: Roy Boschman.
- At around 11:30pm (Netherlands time) on the night of
December 17th I had called the young Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke
in Holland, and we talked until about 1:30 2:00 am (Netherlands time)
about various things. Toward the end of our conversation Robbert said
he felt that some circles might be coming in the snow...and I got the impression,
based on my past experiences with Robbert (http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert/php),
that this was likely to occur before Christmas.
- The next evening (Friday, Dec. 18th) at around midnight
Robbert got a very strong feeling that a formation was arriving at a field
not too far from his home which we call the "special" field (because
so many anomalous events have occurred there over the years). He telephoned
a local friend, Ellen Gomis, to ask if she would drive him to the field
to see if there was a new circle present, and Ellen agreed. It was very
cold and there were several inches of snow on the ground.
- When they arrived at around 1:00 am (Saturday, Dec. 19th)
Robbert immediately felt what he described to me as a quiet, very still,
"holy" feeling and heard what he could best describe as a choir
of "angels" singing. I asked Robbert if Ellen heard this, too,
but he said "no"-it was only he who heard the "singing."
As they walked down from the dike both Ellen and Robbert saw multiple
rings which had been scooped out of the snow-covered field.
- Note that the snow which has been removed to
create the rings is not piled up around the edges-it is simply missing
- Photo: Roy Boschman
- Because it was dark, and very very cold, Robbert and
Ellen did not stay long to inspect the field. The next day (Saturday,
December 19th) Robbert and Roy Boschman returned and could then see the
entire formation-but Robbert is not certain that all of the rings were
present the night before. He thinks that perhaps more rings were added
after he and Ellen left late Friday night.
- Close-up taken Dec. 19th shows that the 3-4 inches
of snow removed to create
- the rings is not piled up around the edges.
Photo: Roy Boschman.
- When Roy and Robbert got to the field in daylight on
the 19th no footsteps were visible except near the edges of the formation
closest to the dike, where Robbert and Ellen had walked the night before.
There were no footprints at all out in the rest of the field, or in any
of the rings farther out in the field. And there were also no piles of
the snow which had apparently been removed anywhere in the field.
- No footprints were found anywhere in the field,
other than those near the dike where Robbert and Ellen had stood the night
- Photo: Roy Boschman.
- Roy Boschman's diagram of 23-ring snow formation,
Dec. 19, 2009.
- It is Roy's impression that the two largest rings were
elliptical, as indicated in his diagram, above. Roy also noted the extreme
cold of the previous night (during which the rings appeared), the lack
of footprints, and the fact that the "missing" snow is not piled
up anywhere in, or anywhere near, the formation-all of which seem to rule
out mechanical creation of the rings.
- A more detailed report, with additional photos, will
be posted on the BLT Research Team's web-site (http://www.bltresearch.com)
- Nancy Talbott
- BLT Research Team Inc.
- P.O. Box 400127
- Cambridge, MA 02140 (USA)
- ph: 617/492-0415
- web-site: www.bltresearch.com