- A number of people across the country are reporting instances
of discovering tiny little "specks of glitter" coming from their
skin. So far, all of the people reporting these tiny 'crystals' are also
afflicted with what we have come to know as Morgellon's disease. Many Morgellons
sufferers have donated specimens/samples to independent researchers who
are currently working on the project.
- These tiny, shiny specks that are being found within
those suffering from Morgellon's, share many similarities from size range
to shape, and often color. The shiny specs have been found ebedded in,
or coming from human flesh infected with Morgellon's fibers, etc, as well
as from airborne samples.
- Current research on these hexagoal crystal-like artifacts
include areas such as silica and cellulose, protein crystals created from
within the human body, crystal biosensors, RFID chips, photonic crystals/eletromagnetic
fields, scalar weapons, fiber optic nano-probes, silicon wafers, silicon
photonic nanostructures, liquid crystalline and probably the most interesting
so far, the piezoelectric crystals which are antibody specific and self-assemble
layer by layer.
- What is causing humans, for the first tme in history,
to discover specks of a glittering substance, hexagonal in shape, in their
- Could it be part of this man-made Morgellon's atrocity
which is enveloping the planet, even as you read this?
- More Magnified photos...
- http://www.morgboard.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=