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From Dick Eastman
The beginning of an article I wanted to complete this week -- and some important articles on the economy.
I want to share with you some of the suppressed history of the still ungoing conflict between silver and gold, which is only a part of the larger struggle between for-the-good-of-all national credit and the golden debt-slavery yoke of the cosmopolitan Credit Monopoly.
You will find, # 4 below, William Engdahl's article suggesting that the Fed is about to debauch the currency with hyper-inflation. I respectfully disagree. I believe we are experiencing severe deflation masked by aggressive monopoly price-setting which has raised prices to mask the deflationary attack. Remember, the U.S. debt that the Money Power is owed is denominated in dollars, they are not about to do what international bankers did in 1921 when they robbed the extensive savings of the German middle class through hyper-inflation. The object of the Money Power is to put the U.S. economy back on the gold standard. Creditors always favor the gold standard after they have gotten everyone completely in debt with no interest paying savings of their own. (Ron Paul is not a savior on a white horse -- very much on the contrary! -- and the "Amero" disinfo operation is simply another scare device to move us in a stampede over the gold-standard cliff. But before you will be willing to accept any of that, you must first learn some history.
Anyone forwarding or receiving this message, I assume, already knows that the framers of our Constitution sought to establish a bi- metallic curreny system for the republic. Readers also likely know, despite all efforts to systematically deceive them, that all of the Kleptastrophes (i.e., all of the carefully planned shocks to the national economy that redistribute wealth from American households to the Kleptocracy) have been the work of men who firmly support the gold standard and that most Kleptastrophes have been designed to force changes in this economy that brought the Kleptocracy closer to world domination based on gold.
You know that the populist cause of the 19th-century in the U.S. was lead by William Jennings Bryan who fought for silver-and-gold bi-metalism against the international gold monopolists. You may also know that Bryan, in his campaign for the Presidency against McKinley met English polymath, industrialist and inventor Aurthur Kitson who converted Bryan to the concept of "national credit," to oppose to the monopoly credit of the gold-controlling international bankers. Twenty years later engineer C. H. Douglas would champion and elaborate Kitson's ideas adding his own brilliant economic and sociological analysis of the fatals flaw of our credit system that continually places us at the mercy of the credit monopoly, still- not-well-enough known "A + B" theorem. [Note: Fellow Social Crediter,Wallace Klinck, in a letter to me, has described Douglas Social Credit as follows: "...Social Credit Consumer (National) Dividend the Compensation of retail prices are an inalienable inheritance due to ALL citizens rich or poor. Under no circumstances are they to become subject to the arbitrary decisions rendered by politicians. They fall in the category of a constitutional right derived from natlural law and are supplementary to earned income which in a Social Credit
dispensation would be derived from delivery of goods and services and not from dishonest practice. 'In Whose Service is Perfect Freedom.' "
And since I am writing this I make whatever digression I want, so here is another: Astute sociologists who study American popular culture may have noticed that the Michigan populist creators of the "Lone Ranger" radio western character in the 1940's (from which the 1950's television program was derived) 1) supported himself and his good work and that of his faithful indian friend with money from a secret silver mine; 2) rode a mighty white stallion whom he called Silver; and 3) carried bullets only of pure silver as a symbol of his dedication to justice and his regard for human life. And of course there is the older tradition from the Balkans, where terrible oppression by the ruling elite has has ever been a curse, that vampires can only be killed by a silver stake through the heart.
But let us go back to the the battle between silver populists and the gold-standard credit monopolists.
Here is where I was going to put the history of the battle between gold and silver -- I have not gotten this research into a readable story yet -- and don't think I am going to have it ready until after Christmas. The point is that silver, not gold, dominated, until the international bankers -- England their headquarters, the City of London being the great creditor to the world -- adopted a credit monopoly scheme that required a gold to maintain close control on global credit. -- I am afraid that I am not in shape to lay all of this out -- unless I merely type out the various passages from the books I have consulted and let you integrate it all and deduce, as I have, what really happened. (Needles to say my wife does not want me on the computer all Christmas vacation.)
In the meantime here are some notes that I was going to incorporate and that are self-contained enough that I can pass them on now:
The velosity of money is the key variable of the quantity theory of money.
MV = PQ when "v" is held (assumed) constant
MV = PQ is of course an identiy when the assumption about velocity is not being made -- money going one way equals cash register receipts going the other way. (the triple-line "equals sign" indicates an identity, i.e., an always true statement.
Any time money purchases new good and services produced in the US -- whether or not by a U.S. firm -- the G.D. P increases (not garage sale transactions, or stock transactions, not the sales of good made by U.S. owned firms abroad that, say, manufacture in China but sell in Latin America or Europe) the GDP is increased.
An increase of velocity may be accompanied by a decrease of M or an increase of Q or decrease of P or a combination of the three and the price level may not necessarily go up. But ceteris parabus ("other things being equal") it would.
Keynes held velocity constant and renamed "MV" so it was "C+I+G+Ex- IM" or GNP (American firms output) -- in recent decades changed to GDP (domestic location firms' output) by economists who do national income accounting. Either way it is dollars spent on national product (or, now, on domestic product). He broke it down -- ans Samuelson systemitized it and indoctrinated the nation with it -- so that C is money spent on national product by households, G is money spent on national product by government, and I is money spent on national product by firm investing in new plant and equipment etc. This effectively hid money (and the machinations of money manipulators) from academic and public view. Thus C+I+G+net exports comes to equal "QP" or gross national product (or gross domestic product under the modern way of doing national income accounting) -- while Keynes and Samuelson taught that "money doesn't matter" and "injections and leakages" of money were not treated in the system -- so a generations or two of economists
were not equipped to even think about the problems of inflation, stagflation, recession in terms of the good old reliable Fisher equations of MV = PQ.
However for the social crediter and every really competent and virtuous economist worthy of the name -- both the quantity theory and the circular flow of the economy must be considered -- in fact the neglected "leakages" are where Keynes, Hansen, Samuelson and all the rest hid the problem of the "A + B" theorem.
Friedman came back with his monetarism to explain inflation -- but he neglected velocity and gave only a truncated version of the theory -- relying on his statistical analysis of US economic history to establish the correlation between money supply and inflation and deflation and recession.
I was at Texas A & M when Samuelson and Friedman came to "present" on the same day and on the same stage -- but they refused to debate -- we had two unconnected monologues -- each pre-prepared statements, not a debate. Afterwards they each went to a different auditorium where they answered questions from the split-up audience. I went with Friedman, because I was an anti_keynesian - but I left the meeting concluding that both Friedman and Samuelson were colluding in a deception, keeping their "for-show" rivalry going, but making sure nothing was resolved in a show-down.
Remember -- the false opposing sides in economics as in politics (democrats and republicans, for example) are not out to win their debates with the puppet opposite, but to keep the people hypnotized by the footwork of the make believe swordplay -- pretending to be intellectual enemies when they are not. Ron Paul is a similar fraud.
fragment 2:
Remember, we live in a two loop economy.
We undergoe deflation in our loop -- deflation masked by monopoly pricing of oil during the election, to conceal deflation from being the issue. The monopoly administered oil prices were lowered after the election and after the onset of the lower loop depression to confuse and conceal. We know how the Money Power conceals its crimes.
Yes, while the American people undergoe deflation at home (our money supply is kept scarce) -- the money supply of the Moneyed Elite enjoys an inflationary boom.
No one is bailing out "Chrysler" -- what stupidity -- there is no Chrysler. The company is owned by international speculators.
There are no "entrepreneurs" -- no American Henry Fords or Edisons left -- in any corporation that has experienced restructuring our buyout. These corporations are owned and operated by international speculators.
And you were told the the Money Power's opinion molders that loss of US industry didn't matter because the US was not making its money on a higher plane, that we are a service economy. What they did not tell you is that a service economy is a slave economy and that the income going to the service sector was only going to the financial services portion of the sector and not to any of the others -- as our engineers and entrepreneurs take on jobs as Wal Mart greeters, and our working class degenerate into soldiers and prison inmates incarcerated for to make money growing and selling addictive reality-numbing drugs in competiton with the Money Power -- the lowest capital startup business next to fingernail painting, tatooing, massage and, of course, prostitution.
As I was saying, we have deflation and bust for the national economy -- the lower loop -- and easy money for the international money power -- the upper loop. Our tight money is measured by M1 -- basically our checkbook money (bank loan money) for buying and selling goods and buying and selling labor. On the other hand, THEIR money was measured by M3, but before the Kleptasrophe was released upon us the measure of their money stopped being measured and reported to the government and the public. M3 is known and used only to the International Bankers and their confidence-keeping "insider" minions in our government (like Secretaries of the Treasury and the head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.)
By the way my recommendation that the fed lower the reserve requirment -- when I said that lowering the discount rate would be useless and that disaster could only be averted if the Fed lowered the reserve requirement and allowed banks to use the money to float -- at no additional interest -- the people in debt -- for surely the Kleptastrophe is caused only by the starvation of the domestic loop due to contracting purchasing power. Everyone in economic power knows this -- and the fact that they have not done so only proves that they are at war with us. The draining of our wealth (our homes etc.) and our enslavement (big debts with the "real debt" made ever bigger by deliberate lower-loop deflation -- regardless of any efforts of households to cut expenditures and pay off debt. As nominal wages and prices go down and nominal debt stays the same -- growing real debt crowds out all other items of the household budget and standard of living falls with purchasing power and loss of time (time to raise children or maintain the family home economy and culture). Anyway I warned what would happen and I warned what should have been done to save the US from the Kleptastrophe -- here is the old article:
From: "Wallace Klinck" <wmklinck@shaw.ca>
To: "Dick Eastman" <oldickeastman@q.com>
Subject: Re: industrial "bailouts" in current financial "crisis"
December 20, 2008
Hello Dick,
...Social Credit Consumer (National) Dividend the Compensation
of retail prices are an inalienable inheritance due to ALL citizens
rich or poor. Under no circumstances are they to become subject
to the arbitrary decisions rendered by politicians. They fall in the
category of a constitutional right derived from natlural law and
are supplementary to earned income which in a Social Credit
dispensation would be derived from delivery of goods and
services and not from dishonest practice. "In Whose Service
is Perfect Freedom."
From: Robert Busser
Subject: [frameup] shadowstats "M3 is exploding"
December 20, 2008
Growth Surges/Accelerates in Broad Money Components
Monetary Base Up 97.5% Year/Year
Fed Actions Begin to Kick In - For Better and Worse
U.S. Dollar Remains Key to Markets
Bulk of M3 Components Surge an Annualized 63.4% in Latest Week. The seasonally adjusted data on M2, institutional money funds and large time deposits at commercial banks (M3 components that account for roughly 90% of the total measure) have shown a pattern of accelerating growth for the last three weeks (see the Fed's H.6 and H.8 reports). In the three weeks ended December 8th/10th, annualized growth was 39.3%, the annualized growth for the last two weeks was 49.8%, and the annualized growth in the most recent week was 63.4%.
The growth here reflects a surge in demand deposits (checking accounts), savings accounts, institutional money funds and resumed growth in large time deposits. While these measures may reflect some impact from movement of personal funds out of Treasury bills back into the money supply accounts, greater impact is likely from some flow-through of the extreme systemic liquefaction launched by the Federal Reserve, and of increased bank lending, into the normal stream of commerce. Loans and leases in commercial bank credit have grown at an annualized 14.6% in the last three weeks, 9.3% in the last two weeks, and by 28.0% in the most recent week.
The good news is that the system may be starting to return to more- normal functioning. The bad news is that the cost of systemic salvation remains higher inflation, irrespective of the sharp, short-term impact of collapsing oil prices on consumer prices.
Although it is too early for a good approximation of the SGS- Ongoing M3 estimate for the month December, increasingly it appears as though the estimated annual growth of 8.9% in November will prove to be the low of the current cycle. If trends of the last several weeks continue - still a big "if" - the December annual growth rate could surge to over 15% or 16%, nearing recent historic highs. Outside of the current cycle, the last time M3 growth was that high was in 1971, months before President Nixon closed the gold window and imposed wage and price controls. The next round of money reports has been delayed until Monday (December 29th) due to Christmas.
With the broad numbers barely impacted, yet, by the monetary base, the upside potential for broad money growth remains extremely dangerous for inflation conditions.
Monetary Base and Reserves Continue to Explode. The St. Louis Fed's Adjusted Monetary Base in the two weeks ended December 17th was up 97.5% from the year before, versus a 74.9% annual increase in the prior two-week period. Those numbers were up from less than 3% annual growth in August, before the Fed began its latest panicked operations. When cutting the targeted fed funds to a range of 0.00% to 0.25%, Fed Chairman Bernanke and the FOMC continued to indicate they would do whatever it took to stimulate systemic liquidity - broad money supply.
As previously discussed in the Money Supply Special Report (www.shadowstats.com, right hand column), the effects of money supply growth can be problematic as to economic activity. The Fed always can drive the economy into recession and deflation by contracting broad money growth. The reverse, however, is not true. Excessive money growth does not assure economic growth, although it always will assure higher inflation.
The surging monetary base - the traditional central bank tool for controlling the money supply - continued to reflect exploding growth in total reserves of depository institutions. Required reserves (seasonally adjusted) in the latest two week period were down 1.2% from the prior period, but up 32.4% (32.1% unadjusted) year-to-year, versus 29.7% (31.3% unadjusted) in the prior period, and against 5.0% at the end of August, before recent Fed actions. Growth in required reserves indicates growth in accounts that have reserve requirements. Excess reserves continued accounting for nearly all the near-term growth in total reserves, however, indicative of major ongoing lending issues with banks.
U.S. Dollar Volatility Suggests Changing Environment. Heavy dollar selling in the last week was countered partially by some jawboning - if not outright intervention - by the Bank of Japan and others. Nonetheless, the global financial community is showing increased wariness in holding what eventually will be a worthless currency. Even with year-end market distortions, the global system may be stabilizing enough to allow for increased flight to safety outside the U.S. currency. Beyond extreme near-term volatility and central bank machinations, the U.S. dollar ultimately is headed much lower, with resulting upside pressure on the dollar price of gold and on the dollar price of oil. While oil consumption will decline as a result of global recession, OPEC appears ready to continue offsetting much of the demand decline with production cutbacks.
As the flight to safety outside the U.S. dollar intensifies, such will pressure both the U.S. equity and credit markets to the downside. The general outlook remains unchanged.
Federal Reserve sets stage for Weimar-style Hyperinflation
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research, December 15, 2008
The Federal Reserve has bluntly refused a request by a major US financial news service to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from US taxpayers and to reveal the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Their lawyers resorted to the bizarre argument that they did so to protect 'trade secrets.' Is the secret that the US financial system is de facto bankrupt? The latest Fed move is further indication of the degree of panic and lack of clear strategy within the highest ranks of the US financial institutions. Unprecedented Federal Reserve expansion of the Monetary Base in recent weeks sets the stage for a future Weimar-style hyperinflation perhaps before 2010.
On November 7 Bloomberg filed suit under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesting details about the terms of eleven new Federal Reserve lending programs created during the deepening financial crisis.
The Fed responded on December 8 claiming it's allowed to withhold internal memos as well as information about 'trade secrets' and 'commercial information.' The central bank did confirm that a records search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to the requests.
The Bernanke Fed in recent weeks has stepped in to take a role that was the original purpose of the Treasury's $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The difference between a Fed bailout of troubled financial institutions and a Treasury bailout is that central bank loans do not have the oversight safeguards that Congress imposed upon the TARP. Perhaps those are the 'trade secrets the hapless Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, is so jealously guarding from the public.
Coming hyperinflation?
The total of such emergency Fed lending exceeded $2 trillion on Nov. 6. It had risen by an astonishing 138 percent, or $1.23 trillion, in the 12 weeks since Sept. 14, when central bank governors relaxed collateral standards to accept securities that weren't rated AAA. They did so knowing that on the following day a dramatic shock to the financial system would occur because they, in concert with the Bush Administration, had decided to let it occur.
On September 15 Bernanke, New York Federal Reserve President, Tim Geithner, the new Obama Treasury Secretary-designate, along with the Bush Administration, agreed to let the fourth largest investment bank, Lehman Brothers, go bankrupt, defaulting on untold billions worth of derivatives and other obligations held by investors around the world. That event, as is now widely accepted, triggered a global systemic financial panic as it was no longer clear to anyone what standards the US Government was using to decide which institutions were 'too big to fail' and which not. Since then the US Treasury Secretary has reversed his policies on bank bailouts repeatedly leading many to believe Henry Paulson and the Washington Administration along with the Fed have lost control.
In response to the deepening crisis, the Bernanke Fed has decided to expand what is technically called the Monetary Base, defined as total bank reserves plus cash in circulation, the basis for potential further high-powered bank lending into the economy. Since the Lehman Bros. default, this money expansion, which rose dramatically by the end of October at a year-year rate of growth of 38%, has been without precedent in the 95-year history of the Federal Reserve since its creation in 1913. The previous high growth rate, according to US Federal Reserve data, was 28% in September 1939, as the US was building up industry for the evolving war in Europe.
By the first week of December, that expansion of the monetary base had jumped to a staggering 76% rate in just 3 months. It has gone from $836 billion in December 2007 when the crisis appeared contained, to $1,479 billion in December 2008, an explosion of 76% year-on-year. Moreover, until September 2008, the month of the Lehman Brothers collapse, the Federal Reserve had held the expansion of the Monetary Base virtually flat. The 76% expansion has almost entirely taken place within the past three months, which implies an annualized expansion rate of more than 300%.
Despite this, banks do not lend further, meaning the US economy is in a depression free-fall of a scale not seen since the 1930's. Banks do not lend in large part because under Basle BIS lending rules, they must set aside 8% of their capital against the value of any new commercial loans. Yet the banks have no idea how much of the mortgage and other troubled securities they own are likely to default in the coming months, forcing them to raise huge new sums of capital to remain solvent. It's far 'safer' as they reason to pass on their toxic waste assets to the Fed in return for earning interest on the acquired Treasury paper they now hold. Bank lending is risky in a depression.
Hence the banks exchange $2 trillion of presumed toxic waste securities consisting of Asset-Backed Securities in sub-prime mortgages, stocks and other high-risk credits in exchange for Federal Reserve cash and US Treasury bonds or other Government securities rated (still) AAA, i.e. risk-free. The result is that the Federal Reserve is holding some $2 trillion in largely junk paper from the financial system. Borrowers include Lehman Brothers, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, the US's largest bank by assets. Banks oppose any release of information because that might signal 'weakness' and spur short-selling or a run by depositors.
Making the situation even more drastic is the banking model used first by US banks beginning in the late 1970's for raising deposits, namely the acquiring of 'wholesale deposits' by borrowing from other banks on the overnight interbank market. The collapse in confidence since the Lehman Bros. default is so extreme that no bank anywhere, dares trust any other bank enough to borrow. That leaves only traditional retail deposits from private and corporate savings or checking accounts.
To replace wholesale deposits with retail deposits is a process that in the best of times will take years, not weeks. Understandably, the Federal Reserve does not want to discuss this. That is clearly also behind their blunt refusal to reveal the nature of their $2 trillion assets acquired from member banks and other financial institutions. Simply put, were the Fed to reveal to the public precisely what 'collateral' they held from the banks, the public would know the potential losses that the government may take.
Congress is demanding more transparency from the Federal Reserve and US Treasury on its bailout lending. On December 10 in Congressional hearings by the House Financial Services Committee, Representative David Scott, a Georgia Democrat, said Americans had 'been bamboozled,' slang for defrauded.
Hiccups and Hurricanes
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would meet congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. The Freedom of Information Act obliges federal agencies to make government documents available to the press and public.
In early December the Congress oversight agency, GAO, issued its first mandated review of the lending of the US Treasury's $700 billion TARP program (Troubled Asset Relief Program). The review noted that in 30 days since the program began, Henry Paulson's office had handed out $150 billion of taxpayer money to financial institutions with no effective accountability of how the money is being used. It seems Henry Paulson's Treasury has indeed thrown a giant 'tarp' over the entire taxpayer bailout.
Further adding to the troubles in the world's former financial Mecca, the US Congress, acting on largely ideological grounds, shocked the financial system when it refused to give even a meager $14 billion emergency loan to the Big Three automakers-General Motors, Chrysler and Ford.
While it is likely that the Treasury will extend emergency credit to the companies until January 20 or until the newly elected Congress can consider a new plan, the prospect of a chain-reaction bankruptcy collapse of the three giant companies is very near. What is being left out of the debate is that those three companies account for a combined 25% of all US corporate bonds outstanding. They are held by private pension funds, mutual funds, banks and others. If the auto parts suppliers of the Big Three are included, an estimated $1 trillion of corporate bonds are now at risk of chain-reaction default. Such a bankruptcy failure could trigger a financial catastrophe which would make what has happened since Lehman Bros. appear as a mere hiccup in a hurricane.
As well, the Federal Reserve's panic actions since September, by their explosive expansion of the monetary base, has set the stage for a Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation. The new money is not being 'sterilized' by offsetting actions by the Fed, a highly unusual move indicating their desperation. Prior to September the Fed's infusions of money were sterilized, making the potential inflation effect 'neutral.'
Defining a Very Great Depression
That means once banks begin finally to lend again, perhaps in a year or so, that will flood the US economy with liquidity in the midst of a deflationary depression. At that point or perhaps well before, the dollar will collapse as foreign holders of US Treasury bonds and other assets run. That will not be pleasant as the result would be a sharp appreciation in the Euro and a crippling effect on exports in Germany and elsewhere should the nations of the EU and other non-dollar countries such as Russia, OPEC members and, above all, China not have arranged a new zone of stabilization apart from the dollar.
The world faces the greatest financial and economic challenges in history in coming months. The incoming Obama Administration faces a choice of literally nationalizing the credit system to insure a flow of credit to the real economy over the next 5 to 10 years, or face an economic Armageddon that will make the 1930's appear a mild recession by comparison.
Leaving aside what appears to have been blatant political manipulation by the present US Administration of key economic data prior to the November election in a vain attempt to downplay the scale of the economic crisis in progress, the figures are unprecedented. For the week ended December 6 initial jobless claims rose to the highest level since November 1982. More than four
million workers remained on unemployment, also the most since 1982 and in November US companies cut jobs at the fastest rate in 34 years. Some 1,900,000 US jobs have vanished so far in 2008.
As a matter of relevance, 1982, for those with long memories, was the depth of what was then called the Volcker Recession. Paul Volcker, a Chase Manhattan appendage of the Rockefeller family, had been brought down from New York to apply his interest rate 'shock therapy' to the US economy in order as he put it, 'to squeeze inflation out of the economy.' He squeezed far more as the economy went into severe recession, and his high interest rate policy detonated what came to be called the Third World Debt Crisis. The same Paul Volcker has just been named by Barack Obama as chairman- designate of the newly formed President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, hardly grounds for cheer.
The present economic collapse across the United States is driven by the collapse of the $3 trillion market for high-risk sub-prime and Alt-A home mortgages. Fed Chairman Bernanke is on record stating that the worst should be over by end of December. Nothing could be farther from the truth, as he well knows. The same Bernanke stated in October 2005 that there was 'no housing bubble to go bust.' So much for the predictive quality of that Princeton economist. The widely-used S&P Schiller-Case US National Home Price Index showed a 17% year-year drop in the third Quarter, trend rising. By some estimates it will take another five to seven years to see US home prices reach bottom. In 2009 as interest rate resets on some $1 trillion worth of Alt-A US home mortgages begin to kick in, the rate of home abandonments and foreclosures will explode. Little in any of the so-called mortgage amelioration programs offered to date reach the vast majority affected. That process in turn will accelerate as millions of Americans lose their jobs in the coming months.
John Williams of the widely-respected Shadow Government Statistics report, recently published a definition of Depression, a term that was deliberately dropped after World War II from the economic lexicon as an event not repeatable. Since then all downturns have been termed 'recessions.' Williams explained to me that some years ago he went to great lengths interviewing the respective US economic authorities at the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis and at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), as well as numerous private sector economists, to come up with a more precise definition of 'recession,' 'depression' and 'great depression.' His is pretty much the only attempt to give a more precise definition to these terms.
What he came up with was first the official NBER definition of recession: Two or more consecutive quarters of contracting real GDP, or measures of payroll employment and industrial production. A depression is a recession in which the peak-to-bottom growth contraction is greater than 10% of the GDP. A Great Depression is one in which the peak-to-bottom contraction, according to Williams, exceeds 25% of GDP.
In the period from August 1929 until he left office President Herbert Hoover oversaw a 43-month long contraction of the US economy of 33%. Barack Obama looks set to break that record, to preside over what historians could likely call the Very Great Depression of 2008-2014, unless he finds a new cast of financial advisers before Inauguration Day, January 20. Required are not recycled New York Fed presidents, Paul Volckers or Larry Summers types. Needed is a radically new strategy to put virtually the entire United States economy into some form of an emergency 'Chapter 11' bankruptcy reorganization where banks take write-offs of up to 90% on their toxic assets, that, in order to save the real economy for the American population and the rest of the world. Paper money can be shredded easily. Not human lives. In the process it might be time for Congress to consider retaking the Federal Reserve into the Federal Government as the Constitution originally specified, and make the entire process easier for all. If this sounds extreme, perhaps revisit this article in six months again.
F. William Engdahl is author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (Pluto Press) and Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation (www.globalresearch.ca). His newest book, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order (Third Millennium Press) is due out early in 2009.
A weekly excerpt from the subscription issue of The International Forecaster, taken from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
A Devastating Impact as the Market Unleverages and a Winter of Discontent
December 17th, 2008 - Two sets of rules on wall street, 50 billion ponzi scheme by Bernard Madoff uncovered, court case for the toxic waste coverup, Paulson's efforts are futile, commercial and residential real estate market alike now frozen, fed is frantic, an elitist engineered collaps of the U.S, derivative problems galore, and no real debate taking place in government
History Set To Repeat Itself In The Economic Downturn
December 13th, 2008 - no man on the inside, so nothing for Detroit but plenty for Wall Street, banking industry set for big changes, re-inflation is planned, fiat currency creation gone berserk, Congress continues to support the gangster bankers, dollar freefall coming,
Hyperinflation and then The Second Great Depression
December 10th, 2008 - A future out of control, bankrupt financial institutions trying to hold on, limitation on credit severely limits ability of the economy to start up again, debt totally embraces our lives, handouts a state secret, soon cash infusions wont work for banks anymore, banks hold too much toxic garbage to even know if they are solvent
The Purpose Behind The Financial Crisis
December 6th, 2008 - Rich working to Bankrupt the Middle Class, world economic system now infected with toxic waste, golden parachutes for some and hyperinflation for others, a better plan would be to give a cheque to everybody, plans to help people wont really be implemented, credit problems thicken.
Financial Crisis Only Squandering Our Future
December 3rd, 2008 - Big rise in monetary base, trillions in loans all over the world that will never be repaid, many nations very exposed in monetization crisis, all currencies to fall against gold, writers running naked, larger corporate failures to come, American condition to worsen, resentment already smoldering around the world, taxpayer money still being squandered on bankrupt Wall Street...
Debt Upon Debt And Bankrupt Financial Institutions
November 29th, 2008 - A moment for the big picture, panic set in to resolve the insolvency crisis now upon us, new moral hazard, soon an end to the bubbles, toxic waste worth next to nothing, legislative malfeasance, markets soon to be put under maximum pressure, everyone now terrified of lending and our way of life is set to change
A Climate of Corruption, Bailouts, Currency Rigging and Unfair Competition
November 22nd, 2008 - Citigroup's big problems, beggars in Zegna suits, trade wars on the horizon, Philadelphia Fed report beset by weakness, record injections of liquidity, jobs slashed on wall street, a bevy of financial indicators to ponder just how much we have fallen, market losses trim size of overall economy
Manipulations, Corruption And Looting Takes Economy To The Brink
November 19th, 2008 - Watching obvious criminal manipulations, COMEX becomes CRIMEX, Dubai Exchange, economic pundits avoid reality, eight years that changed America, regulation will protect the elite
Billions of Dollars to Soak Up Toxic Waste
November 15th, 2008 - Stealth bailouts on the way for the superwealthy, debt ceiling gets raised again, big discrepancies in the worth and sale price of institutions on the chopping block, USA now just a massive hedge fund, and large leveraging is going on
The Fallen Natures of Men Took Control Of The Economy And Destroyed It
November 12th, 2008 - some still wonder how it could have happened, we have a crony capitalist system, whole world now cutting back on spending, joblessness on the rise, banks now doing very little lending, a new head treasurer to choose, inequality in US cities may boil over, an impossible balancing act in the economy, an increase in the federal debt ceiling is also coming
Dick Eastman
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