- Sarah Palin just proved to me that she is worthy of carrying
any responsibility she chooses to take on; worthy of the full trust of
the American people.
- The Democrats are SO worried about Palin becoming Vice
President of the United States that the DNC lie machine kicked
into high gear trying to discredit her within hours of McCain's announcement
that she was his VP selection.
- They have been lying about her environmental and conservation
record and stances among many issues. They have been lying about
anything they could get their grubby, sweaty, greasy little conniving hands
on. They twist, they contort, they spin them around backwards trying
to smear her with the America public. This is another example of
how the 'two party' system in this country is rotten from the bottom
up. They are lying machines...from 911, to the Iraq and Afghan wars,
to Gov Palin's fifth child...and thousands of things in between.
- Well, it is the DNC lie machine's turn to eat sh*t...it
just got caught in those vulgar efforts about her fifth child, twisting
the chronology around to fit their foul agenda.
- As many of you saw, DNC bloggers began spreading the
lie that Palin's fifth child (the four-month old with Down Syndrome) is
not her child at all...but that of her oldest daughter. They blasted
all over the net that Mom and Dad, and the entire RNC are covering up the
truth from those poor DNC moron voters.
- The DNC bloggers and email machines claimed that Palin
was never pregnant with a fifth child, and that the child was really that
of her oldest teenage daughter. In spite of news stories - openly
stating that the Alaska governor was pregnant - still they lied
that the child was not Sarah Palin's but the child of her oldest daughter.
- http://alaskareport.com/news31/z49194_republican_convention.htm
- Read that article close because this lady cleaned house
on the corruption of the Alaska Republican Party...and DC IS NEXT.
- The DNC lowlife elitists stand of their right to 'vet'
anyone - even if they lie out their asses to do so. The DNC hate
and spin machine has no limits. The DailyKos has been, no surprise,
among those sites posting the scurrilous lies, and there are many other
Democrat websites and blogs that picked up on it and spread the lie far,
wide and fast. My emails have been inundated with such and I told them
all that they were helping spreading a lie...and false DNC story.
- As is the case with Americans, many of them chose to
believe the lie rather than the simple truth. Just like the simple
truth that Saddam had no WMD, or that Iran poses NO threat to the West.
- On September 1, 2008, from St Paul, MN Sarah Palin made
a stunning announcement and proved to the world she has more class than
all of the DNC members combined...and I mean every last damned one of them
- This is what I sent to Jeff Rense regarding the September
1, 2008 press conference in St Paul, MN.
- <start insert>
- Major Announcement:
- The fifth child is Sarah Palin's child straight
from her mouth.
- THE 17 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT and will be marrying
the child's father. No abortion, no one in the family supports abortion.
- These DNC lie machine bastards have completely tried
to screw the facts, twist the truth, distort the chronology to nail Sarah
and she just nailed them back with a bat between the eyes
- YES, McCain already knew and believed they had already
taken the proper steps.
- <end insert>
- Unfortunately, for the hate Palin conspirators, the child
is exactly who Sarah Palin said it is. She has FIVE children, not
four and a grandchild.
- Here's more on Governor Palin's incineration of the DNC
internet baby rumor smear operation. Read on...
- http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/politics/orl-sarah-
- palin-daughter-pregnant-090108,0,1807659.story
- Eat your heart out Hillary, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein...for
none of you can hold a candle to this lady.
- The DNC lie machine just got caught, big time.
- And there is serious business ahead to clean out the
cancer from DC...once and for all.
- Karl