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Defending Henry
By Arthur Topham
In a recent article of Dr. Henry Makow's, Jewish Lobby Has Candidate Removed in Mid Campaign http://www.henrymakow.com/jewish_lobby_vetoes_canadian_c.html Henry dropped a line into the story indicating that he is also the subject of an investigation by Canada's notorious "Human Rights" Tribunals; one precipitated by the continuous machinations of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), an organization deeply embedded in Canada's various levels of government.  
Henry Makow is a Jewish Canadian writer who I first encountered back in the early days of publishing The Radical circa 1998-99. His numerous articles on <http://www.henrymakow.com>http://www.henrymakow.com and carried elsewhere on such sites as <http://www.rense.com>http://www.rense.com are a cumulative, documentary record of the various secret societies that have permeated Western civilization from at least the time of the Christ.
Esoteric societies such as the Cabalists, the Knights Templars, the Rothschild dynasty, the Illuminati of Adam Weishupt, the continental Freemasons of Europe and eventually the exoteric body now recognized as the political Zionists all are represented by Dr. Makow as proof that a small, yet inordinately powerful and secret cartel of conspiring souls has been deliberately controlling global political and economic outcomes via subterfuge, deceit and endless bloodshed and destruction; its mainspring for motion gained through an elusive and exclusive license to manufacture wealth out of the ethers only to then be sold to the ignorant as the Fractional Reserve banking system.
As Dr. Makow rightly surmised the core grouping consists of mainly Ashkenazic (non-Semitic) Jews who comprise the body of the Rothschild banking system which, in turn, dominates and controls what is euphemistically understood by most television and mainstream media readers to mean the U.S. Federal Reserve system. This is the same iniquitous body that has suddenly gained unwanted (but not unwarranted) public prominence and criticism due to its machinations with respect to the financial crisis in the USA.
God willing (and the anticipate false flag war with Iran doesn't rise like the proverbial creek) the people in the US and Canada and elsewhere will soon realize that this supposed government bank is actually a fraudulent entity owned lock, stock and barrel by the Rothschild syndicate and has been a private venture since its clandestine creation on Jekyl Island back in 1910 and its eventual manifestation in 1913.
These are but some of the obvious reasons why Dr. Henry Makow is also now facing the censorship inquisitors at the Canadian Human Rights Commission. His case, not unlike that of mine (Harry Abrams and B'nai Brith Canada vs RadicalPress.com) and others, will iikely involve more of same attacks upon his character, his reputation and likely his profession as a university professor by the very same Zionist organizations that are hell-driven to keep the lid on this boiling cauldon of putrescence that has plagued mankind throughout the 20th Century and is building to a climax as we presently view, write and read about it.
I don't know how many times I've written and spoken these words but they will always bear repeating until the majority of Canadians realize that organizations such as B'nai Brith Canada (BBC), the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and the Simon Weisenthal Center (SWC) are all FALSE FRONTS set up by the Zionists in order to control Canadian content and thought, be it in newspapers, public venues, institutions, on radio or television and now, (and most importantly) on the internet. They are the watchdogs; the Rotweiilers and Pitbulls of the Zionist propaganda matrix whose job is to seek out and silence by all means any person, group or media organization that might expose those responsible for the endless woes and misery that now plague humankind as a result of their actual deeds.
Dr. Makow's case may be precedent-setting in some respects for he will likely be the first Jew in Canada to undergo this Zionist/Bolshevik process of defamation, ridicule, slander, libel and calumny by these professed Jewish lobbyists, all in the name of covering up the culprits and the truths that Makow has exposed. (I cannot, for obvious reasons, include the Jew Ezra Levant in this scenario. First because he got off the "Human Rights" hook and second he was not being critical of Zionism nor was he complained of by these agent provocateurs. If fact he is a self-confessed Zionist). But Henry is a horse of another colour. He will be villified as a "self-hating Jew"; Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress will delight in sending him to the gulag via Canada's Human Rights Tribunal as a token sacrifice no less than did the Zionists of the Nazi era who sold out countless of their Jewish brethren to the Third Reich's work camps in order to justify their later theft of Palestinian lands for the establishment of a beachhead (Homeland) in their relentless quest for global hegemony.
As Henry points out in his article below former Liberal candidate Leslie Hughes is the latest victim of these jackals of repression. She wasn't the first. In B.C. a former Green Party candidate John Shavluk was removed by Green leader Ms. May for the same ostensible reason. Next in line of course is another NDP candidate also in B.C. and running in the very riding where I reside. Her name is Bev Collins and she is making her grand appearance on the Fourth Estate's media stage as the Zionist-run blogs (fueled by a network of zio-cyber slueths hiding behind their so-called "Christian" and "conservative" masks) and Zionist-run press begin their relentless attacks in a desperate attempt to preserve the Zionist Harper government and its mandate of unequivocal support for the state of Israel.
As I pointed out in my Sept. 3, 2005 article B'nai Brith: Beating the anti-Semitic Drum <http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=756>http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=756 one of these groups, the B'nai Brith, via their propaganda tool, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) founded, not uncoincidentally in the year 1913 (see Fed Reserve above), had by the end of WW2 grown into a massive pro-Zionist organization with a budget of millions. As the Minorah Journal, a Jewish publication, stated in 1948,  "Fighting anti-semitism has been built up into a big business, with annual budgets running into millions of dollars". Its object was "to continue beating the anti-semitic drum" in order to raise funds for the B'nai Brith and through its watchdog the ADL control all public debate on Zionism. This process has obviously not abated over the past sixty years and remains a clear and present danger.
Finally, another "self-hating Jew", the renowned author and critic Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, once correctly described the B'nai Brith's ADL in these words as: "...one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel')."
Go figure. All in all it makes for an unusually savory federal election stew with most of the essential ingredients of the Zionist recipe for world government ­ unnecessary wars, censorship, blackmail, phony platforms based on hypocrisy and greed, financial fickleness and fraudulent foreign policies designed to destroy a once strong, virile nation. Not being prone to prognosis I would, nonetheless, still venture at this point to state that we will likely see more candidates exposed as anti-Semites and anti-Zionists and, good grief Charlie Brown! even anti-American, before this ludicrous election finally culminates.
Dr. Makow is going to need support, both moral and otherwise in his stand against the Zionist New World Order gang. He deserves it. He's been in the trenches with the rest of us.
Arthur Topham is the Publisher and Editor of The Radical Press, Canada's Radical News Network <http://www.radicalpress.com>http://www.radicalpress.com  . He can be reached at <mailto:radical@radicalpress.com>radical@radicalpress.com
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