- Over 20 million Americans listened to my George Noory
interview on August 11, 2008 at www.coasttocoastam.com. Over 1,500 emails
arrived into my computer from that exchange. Many showed anger, others
sounded frustrated, some expressed pain, many showed exasperation and a
few showed great introspection!
- "Continued open border policies along with violation
of the rule of law will destroy all of America and all republics around
the world. How do we object to this takeover? To whom do we cry out? Why
isn't each state's sheriff or Attorney General calling forth the militia
of the several states to close our borders, deport all illegals, stop the
drug trade and coyotes bringing in more vermin? To whom do we go to protect
us? My guess is keep your best friend ready, oiled and loaded. Thanks."
- "For what it's worth, our society is already so
unsustainable that even if the population did not increase by one single
person ever, it will still crash----it is so refreshing to hear common
sense from a person who is thoroughly familiar with principles of ecology
that I would jump for joy were it not for the fact that our society sure
seems doomed---as near as I can tell (and based on the numbers given by
the various ecologists which I have read) something on the order of at
least 80% of our current population is ecologically redundant. The impression
is also formed that what they refer to as overshoot occurred in about the
year 1890, so this to me seems like an indication of how far out on an
unsustainable limb we are, having been living on borrowed or stolen resources
for over 100 years now----when the freight train collides with the stone
wall it's not gonna be pretty." Jeff in Bemidgi, MN
- "I hate to say it but it's true. I live in Chicago,
and I can go a whole day to 20 different stores and parks and entertainment
places and not meet one native born person. All day long I deal with Eastern
Europeans, Iranians, East Indians, Pakistanis, you name it, as Chicago
is as ever a melting pot. I get tired of not being able to communicate
with the people. It pisses me off hugely when I go to the unemployment
office and everyone there is an eastern European not a soul is a
straight American. Oh yeah, there's one Haitian guy there, too.
- "You guys seem to get down primarily on Mexicans
and other Latinos how come I never see you complaining about the
various Europeans that come here? Believe me, they can be animals too
I listen to my downstairs neighbor (a Ukrainian dude) rough up his girlfriend
every Saturday night, when he has a snoot full of booze in him. Those eastern
Europeans can be sob's. I would like to see you address this one day. I
think there is a lot of racist feeling in folks getting down on Latinos,
but it's pretty apparent that in these times especially, when it is so
hard to find a job and the country has been bankrupted by Bush and his
friends, that it's time to clean house. But I'd like to see 'ya spread
the blame to the "white" races too." Desi in Chicago.
- Mike from Reno, NV said, "I heard you on Coast the
other night and you were excellent.
- "Just to add my own two-cents I'd like to say that
I don't see much hope of stopping what is going on regarding the illegal
alien situation. And that's because too many politicians and liberals in
the media simply don't care enough to risk being called a racist. And the
other thing is that in order to *really* get at solving the problem it
would require armed citizens to confront the illegals ... literally herding
them back to where they came from. But who has the stomach for that? It's
all too problematic.
- "Also, one can't overlook the fact that Europeans
stole the land ... and therefore it's tough to get onboard with any notion
of problem-solving that doesn't take into account guilt for past evil deeds
as well as Christian values that command us to view all of these millions
of foreign-born souls as being our brothers and sisters lest we be subjected
to God's harsh judgment ourselves for being so cold and selfish.
- "My own personal solution is to NOT have any kids
... and to remember that Jesus said "heaven is within."
- "I wish you well in your battle but within 10-years
the wave of thought will likely go in the other direction with so-called
rap artists, along with the offspring of millions of illegals, will be
leading the way ... in making it clear that "whites" need to
pack their bags or face unspeakable daily unkindness in the streets, as
is already happening to some degree.
- "The future looks horrible for sure."
- That proves certain if citizens of this nation remain
- ##
- If you have spare time each month, please become a member
of the "Frosty Press Agent Corps". We expect to engage thousands
of American citizens to write letters to the top TV show producers, top
editors and publishers and top radio talk show hosts to engage 10 top national
speakers on the immigration/overpopulation connection that will add 100
million to our country in 30 years. You will be given two pages of addresses
that you can contact at your convenience to work this national crisis into
the presidential debates and into every discussion by gaining national
media attention. More than 300 citizens have already signed up. Let's
make it a 1,000 strong citizen press corps. Contact: frostyw@juno.com
- Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning
the future of our planet. Go to <http://www.earth2100.tv/>www.earth2100.tv
for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been
writing about for the past 20 years. Our 'window' to change to a balanced
population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we ignore the
symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.
- To take action com
- www.firecoalition.com
- www.alipac.us
- www.patriotunion.org
- Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents
from the Arctic to the South Pole as well as six times across
the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from
the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming
Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic
clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring
about sensible world population balance at www.frostywooldridge.com
- From: Frosty Wooldridge
- This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on "Your
Show" May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications
of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people
to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy
costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge
explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35
years. He advances new concepts such as a "Colorado Carrying Capacity
Policy"; "Colorado Environmental Impact Policy"; "Colorado
Water Usage Policy"; "Colorado Sustainable Population Policy".
Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy"
to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long
term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed
on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.
- Click the link to view the 3 minute interview with NBC's
Adam Schrager:
- http://www.9news.com/video/player.aspx?aid=52364
- Frosty Wooldridge
- www.frostywooldridge.com