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Catching On To The
Hate Laws Threat
By Harmony Grant
"The outrageous claims of the American Family Association and other groups that [hate laws steal freedom] are nothing more than false demagoguery and fearmongering. As groups that allegedly promote morality, one would expect they would have more allegiance to the truth."
It's a great day when freedom fighters earn a response like this. Led by Rev. Ted Pike, groups including AFA and Faith2Action have sounded the alarm against hate crime laws; liberal Jewish activists aren't happy.
The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center (from whom that quote was lifted) badly want the federal hate bill; and they want state hate laws upheld (not repealed as in Pennsylvania). Pretty much everyone else who looks closely at hate crime laws-with any shred of honesty-knows hate laws have a sordid record of stealing freedom. There has been increasing awareness of this danger.
SPLC's anxiety about opposition to hate laws is fretful enough to feature on the front of their homepage and in their Intelligence Report in the middle of the summer. Their legal director wrote "Religious Right Lies about the Hate Bill," then spoke on a podcast about the "fear mongering" of groups like ours. SPLC is probably on alert because they want the federal hate bill reintroduced in only six months.
This is no time for anyone to relax about hate crime laws.
Hope for Canada?
In Canada, citizens are waking too late to the cold reality that these laws freeze free speech. An Aussie lawyer raked Canadian tribunals over the coals in his review of recent events. He points out that, while the public is starting to hate the commissions and their bogus indictments, it's a bit too late. The thought police aren't stopping. Their most recent victim is comedian Guy Earle, who faced a complaint after responding in kind to some heckling lesbians during his stand-up.
Earle says, "This case has really struck a chord with people. The greatest thing isI'm getting right-wing, left-wing, lesbians, straights, gays, everybody from all over the spectrum are coming together on this. (They're) going 'I don't care that your comedy offends meI'm going to donate $20 to your cause anyway. We live in fricking Canada, it's supposed to be the freest country in the world. What's going on?".
What's going on is that the world's freest citizens are cowed by its most powerful liberal muscle organizations--Jewish "civil liberty" organizations like ADL and SPLC. Secular activist Jews seem to enjoy a no-criticism force field. There are some 70 million evangelical Christians in the United States alone. The number of committed, liberal activist Jews is minute. Yet fear of reputation bruising and public shame gives tremendous power to this minority.
They already own staggering power. Establishment Zionist Tom Friedman said these astonishing words about the Jewish neocons' responsibility for the Iraq war: "I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened." This statement shows the awesome power of a tiny group of committed people in power, especially when their actions are unscrutinized. Even today, <http://cgis.jpost.com/Blogs/foxman/entry/blaming_the_jews_as_a>Abe Foxman can brazenly lie that recognizing the Jewish nature of neoconservatism is "nonsense" and a "form of intimidation." His organization audaciously defies Christians' morals and religious liberty; it is committed to Jewish supremacism, dual loyalty to Israel, and freedom-stealing hate laws. (See http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/adlelephantinparlor.htm ADL Elephant in Evangelical Parlor)
If only more mainstream Christian organizations would speak against liberal Judaism's opposition to Christian freedom and beliefs! It could embarrass Jews in general into restraining their left-wing brethren. What has happened to Truthtellers.org as a result of speaking the whole truth about where hate laws came from? Basically nothing. We are called names, just like Focus on the Family and every other Bible-supporting organization are called. If these organizations told a little more truth-about liberal Jews' opposition to Christianity or Israel's apartheid persecution of Gentiles and Christians, for example-they'd get called a few more names. Big deal.
Christ said, "If you belonged to the world, it would love you you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (John 15:19)
Every Christian group in America should aspire to the ADL and SPLC blacklist.
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