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Oral Cancer In US Vets -
Tasmanian Devil Face Cancers
Nano Paritculates Of DU And Uranium Dust

From Leuren Moret
50% of the Tasmanian Devil population of Australia has been exterminated since 1993 with extremely aggressive throat and mouth cancers.
In 1993 Australia increased mining and milling uranium by 100%. They are now mining AND milling 100% of the year.
I looked at atmospheric circulation in that region and sure enough the Coriolis effect and circulation gyres carry the uranium dust to the southeast so that the uranium dust is carried on air masses from the NE direction due to the circulation patterns. It is very complicated but I have attached the air direction map so you can see that Australian air is carried from west to east - past Tasmania.
So, the cancers are being caused by the nanoparticle effects of uranium particles... not the radiation. It takes two decades for cancer to develop normally.
These are occurring within months !!!!
Here's more...
Face Cancer Disease In Tasmanian Devils pdf
Tasmanian Devil Facial Cancer Disease pdf
Oral Cancer In US Veterans - DU Exposure pdf
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