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Why I Will Never
Be Elected President
How To Repair America
1. Bring all troops home and abandon all foreign military bases, gifting them to their respective countries as partial reparations for years of occupation.
2. Use those troops to build a wall on both southern and northern borders, build new border bases to maintain border security, and use military to secure all ports, inspecting everything coming into the US for the next century, until Blowback will have expired naturally.
3. Deport all illegal aliens and their dependent children, keeping those families together. Once they reach 18, the children can go to the front of the line if they wish to return to the US and legally immigrate. Not so the parents.
4. Outlaw all business in foreign countries. All production, management, and corporate headquarters must be in the 50 United States. Outsourcing will be illegal in perpetuity.
5. Cut off all aid to Israel as well as all other foreign governments.
6. Abolish the Federal Reserve and place the country's currency back in the hands of Congress, backed by gold. Embark on a program of reacquiring lost and sold gold assets. Issue a new currency 100% backed by gold and payable to the bearer on demand in either gold or silver. Make borrowing from foreign countries illegal.
7. Outlaw all military contracting overseas and with overseas interests. All military contracting shall be domestic only.
8. Limit all foreign trade with foreign countries to produced goods. No food or grain or foodstuffs trading.
9. Abolish the IRS and Income Tax and place a general tax on consumption of goods, products, and services, with no exception except food.
10. Increase inheritance tax to 90% with no exceptions for trust funds or other tax shelters. You can't take it with you and you're not giving it to your worthless brats either.
11. Legalize all illegal drugs and place a 500% tax on all "sin" products; tobacco, alcohol, drugs. Only the very rich should be able to afford them, and we'll be rid of them sooner. Jail anyone selling or providing such products to minors for life; if death through overdose occurs, execute proven provider(s) for murder; if proven provider is a minor, life imprisonment. Quash any black market trying to provide tax free product to anyone with similar penalties. Wow. A REAL drug war. Institute free state-run treatment and rehab programs, mandatory for addicts, alcoholics, and users.
12. Increase corporate income tax to 75% and disallow all corporate tax shelters.
13. State run healthcare for all natural born citizens and legal immigrants; none for illegal immigrants, including hospital emergency room care. Immediately ambulance all who show up there over the border for care there.
14. Take 80% of the current military budget and empower a task force to develop hydrogen into a workable fuel as well as other renewable resources (save nuclear unless 100% perpetual recycling of waste can be assured ) to get us off Mideast oil asap.
15. Outlaw all lobbying by foreign countries, all corporations, and all organizations period. Lobbying shall be a privilege applied only to private citizens, one by one.
16. Fund political elections publicly with equal tax funding going to all. Outlaw personal funding of one's own campaign, or political contributions from all organizations and corporations. Limit one political contribution per race to one candidate and one candidate only per private citizen, with a limit of $200.
17. Outlaw all prescription drug advertising on television, AS WELL AS ALL TV POLITICAL ADVERTISING.
18. Immediately rescind the tax exempt status of any and all churches and so-called religious organizations involved in any way whatsoever in politics. Any minister, priest, or any other person in the organization other than rank and file members who make any public political statement whatsoever will result in immediate and permanent revocation of tax-exempt status. Clergy will have this status follow them to any new organization of employment. Private statements to individuals shall not apply.
19. Standardize all states primaries on the same date and relative times, end caucuses, and outlaw all computer voting in perpetuity as well as news reporting (including that of exit polls) until all voting is finished and counted in Hawaii. On paper with standardized ballots with no chads. Counted by hand. By local volunteers.
20. Once the borders are secured, take all illegal aliens in the prison system and dump them back over their respective borders.
21. Enact a balanced budget amendment with penalties of immediately losing office if violated.
22. Immediately break up all monopolies and trusts, and roll back all the deregulation since the 80's, especially in the area of big media, limiting ownership of all newspapers, magazines, television radio stations, to an absolute maximum total of (5) in ALL categories. Except in the case of televsion networks, where the limit shall be (1). This means one company or corporation or individual cannot own 5 newspapers, 5 TV stations, 5 radio stations; this means 5 of the entire category ONLY.
23. Outlaw signing statements by the executive branch AND RESCIND ALL SIGNING STATEMENTS MADE since 1968 as illegal and unconstitutional.
24. Outlaw all spanish and foreign language signs, newspapers, tv and radio stations, and advertising; English the official language. With the sole exception of historical recognized chinatowns.
25. Sign agreements with all world courts and make American military as well as American politicians subject to prosecution for war crimes and hand them over when proof of said crimes are sufficient to the level of the highest office in the land, if applicable.
26. Close Guantanemo, return victims to their respective countries and pay reparations to victims. Sell off all domestic abandoned military bases and Haliburton-built detention camps.
27. Institute a real citizens investigative panel grand jury on the events of 9-11, including putting all possible theories on actual trial with defense and prosecution teams. With full subpoena power of all parties and powers right up to the President and no allowance for national security or executive privilege. Those who refuse to testify would be in contempt of court and jailed until they do so. Those who take the fifth would be presumed guilty and sentenced and punished accordingly. Polygraph testimony would be mandatory.
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