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South Carolina Elections
Are UN-Constitutional?

How could that be? Surely, no one in our government would conduct any election which violated the Constitution, and if any scheme threatened to undermine the very foundation of our government, our power to elect our leaders, the press would expose it, wouldn't it?
See why those who walk the halls of power in South Carolina have been sweating all weekend. Read the article at http:// www.opednews.com/articles/ genera_mark_a___080114_south_carolina_elect.htm
Spread the word like Paul Revere! It's time to demand an end to the unconstitutional practice of counting our votes in secret!
It's time to restore our ability to control our government by returning to hand counted paper ballots which are counted in public at each precinct on election night! It's time to throw everyone out of office who fails to abide by the Constitution!
Op Ed News gives you the ability to send a statement to your government leaders and the local press. Please use it. The article has links for you to use to send your demand to those who may do something to restore Constitutional elections. Please let them know what you want them to do. Now is the time to act!
Please help spread the word by sending this email to your contacts!
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
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