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Paul Supporters Anger Over
Failure To Seek Recount

From Devvy Kidd
The pressure is on...
To: devvyk@earthlink.net
Sent: 1/10/2008 10:41:13 AM
Subject: Phone call to Dr. Paul's staff and email
Mrs. Kidd, if Dr. Paul will not challenge these dubious results, what's the use of thousands of volunteers and millions $$ donated by working and middle class donors? Is this a defeating process?
I called his campaign staff and asked if Dr. Paul was going to ask for an investigation and recount, and the staff member said that Dr. Paul and his advisors were making that decision. I just replied that thousands of people were donating money and working hard for his candidacy, and he must challenge this obvious fraud. I wonder if the staff members or whoever cares. This is just a job for them. 
The following is my humble email message I sent to his campaign for whatever good it does.
Dr. Paul has courageously and honestly attempted to run for the White House. I have long admired Dr. Paul's constitutional stands and his reputation for voting and speaking for the beleaguered and oppressed taxpayers. He is hopefully running to effect REAL changes in our system and policies.
In light of the truthful revelations regarding vote fraud and irregularites coming out of New Hampshire and even Iowa, it is VITAL, it is ESSENTIAL that Dr. Paul and his campaign, seriously challenge these very doubtful primary and caucus results. If anything, this challenge must be made just in the name of decency and respect for the massive financial support and much hard work and time that thousands of ordinary, working and middle class people have donated.
You cannot expect ordinary people, besieged and betrayed by their traitorous corrupt government officials over this last century, to continue to work hard and donate many millions more of funds, if you allow the election process to be continuously rigged against Dr. Paul's candidacy. How can you really expect to effect desperately-needed changes in our government, if you will not demand an honest, free, open and level election process--a level playing field?
This election is very crucial, and many know this is our last chance to reverse a horrific tide. We've been given one last chance by Divine Providence to act, and if Dr. Paul will not insist that fair and honest elections are held, then we've already lost.
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