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Clinton Admits She Won't
Enforce Immigration Laws

From Devvy Kidd
This is Hillary the Hun openly stating she is will not enforce immigration laws:
"A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal. "No woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers."
This is worse than "pandering" for votes. That shrew is a menace to this country.
And, far from the false claims, Ron Paul is not "hoarding the $20 million."
I've heard his radio ads myself going through Vegas. My niece lives there and she hears them frequently. He's buying a lot of air time in the upcoming primary states. Those following his campaign know this to be true.
REPORT: Top Giuliani staffers to go without pay...
This is very telling. Maybe Rudy Julie Annie should call the Bonanno family or one of his terrorist friends:
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