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Constitution Party On Ron
Paul Staying Republican
A Constitutional President in 2008

From Constitution Party.com
Super Tuesday is behind us, and for many there were no surprises.
The GOP presidential candidates who stood for the Constitution, individual liberty, and a sound economy, were marginalized by the national media and the party machine.
But the machine no longer has a monopoly, and the countless millions who share our passion for liberty and limited government don't need to play by its rules and choose between supporting John McCain or staying home on Election Day.
There is a party that embraces their vision and whose presidential candidate will be on the ballot in November. That party is the Constitution Party.
Ron Paul's message to his supporters on Friday, February 8 confirms that the likelihood of a brokered convention is greatly diminished, that he will NOT run a Third Party campaign in 2008 and that he will remain in the GOP to focus on his re-election to Congress.
We owe Dr. Paul a very great debt of gratitude for all he has done to revive and energize interest in freedom and our US Constitution, and also for making clear his plans for the remainder of 2008.
For those who put their heart and soul into supporting Ron Paul's presidential campaign we all have the challenge to make sure that there is a constitutional choice for president on the ballot in all 50 states this November!
The results of the primaries make it clear that the Republican Party really stands for big government, less freedom and an end to national sovereignty.
No wonder they pulled out all the stops to marginalize Ron Paul. But there was something they didn't count on and couldn't control ­ his supporters could not be silenced. From coast to coast they shook the foundations of the main stream media and conventional wisdom.
Dr. Paul woke a sleeping giant in the form of millions of Americans, whose passion, energy and determination is simply too strong to go silent. The principles expressed by Dr. Paul and embraced by his supporters are the bedrock of what made America great, and those principles are embodied in the Constitution Party platform.
A party dedicated to securing our borders, eliminating the IRS, and a return to a sound monetary system. A party committed to stopping the national ID card, protecting privacy and liberty, preserving gun rights and protecting the unborn. A party opposed to unconstitutional trade agreements and undeclared wars.
Unlike the Republican Party which rejected Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter, the Constitution Party embraces much of the philosophy and principles that they articulated. Any candidate of their stature and history would be welcomed in the Constitution Party.
We are confident that many hardworking Americans, like those who made the Ron Paul Revolution the phenomenon it is, recognize that the battle has just started and the place to continue those heroic efforts is with millions of likeminded people in the Constitution Party.
We invite you to Join Now and work with us to Restore the American Dream.
Yours for Liberty,
James N. Clymer
Constitution Party National Chairman
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