- 9/11 remains an unsolved crime of terrorism. Many people
who worked at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have information,
which can help solve this crime and find the parties responsible for killing
thousands of innocent people.
- This article, for example, is the result of information
provided by one such anonymous person. To solve this crime, it is crucial
that the people who have information come forward and share that information.
Together, we can solve this heinous crime and make this world a better
- The two airplanes that struck the twin towers of the
World Trade Center on 9/11 flew directly into secure computer rooms in
both buildings. Is that simply a coincidence or were the computer rooms
equipped to play a role in the crime?
- Were there homing devices, for example, in these rooms
that guided the planes to their targets? Were there pre-placed explosives
or Thermite on these floors to destroy the evidence and assist
with the collapses?
- Let's look at the evidence.
- Photo: Racks of computers that may have been
similar to those in the crash zone
- Photo: Racks of batteries that may have been
similar to those in the crash zone
- The extreme weght of battery arrays requires floors be
reinforced, which in turn provides an excuse for mysterious construction
workers to enter and leave the area. But who would think to verify that
all of the batteries truly are batteries?
- And who would think of verifying that all of the computers
are truly under the control of the people they are supposed to work for?
"At 8:46:30 a.m., five hijackers flew American Airlines
Flight 11 (AA 11) with 11 crew and 76 passengers into the north face of
WTC 1," according to the Final Report on the Collapse of the
World Trade Center Towers produced by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) in September 2005:
- The aircraft flew almost straight toward the north tower,
banked approximately 25 degrees to the left (i.e. the right wing elevated
relative to the left wing) and descended at an angle of about 10 degrees
at impact.
- Moving at about 440 mph, the nose hit the exterior of
the tower at the 96th floor. The aircraft cut a gash that was over half
the width of the building and extended from the 93rd floor to the 99th
- All but the lowest of these floors were occupied by Marsh
& McLennan, a worldwide insurance company, which also occupied the
100th floor.
- "The fuselage was centered on the 96th floor slab
and filled the 95th and 96th floors top to bottom," the NIST report
- So, what was on the 95th and 96th floors of the north
tower, which were rented by Marsh & McLennan, Lewis Paul "Jerry"
Bremer's company?
- Bremer, it should be noted, was the Bush-appointed proconsul
or administrator of occupied Iraq until the end of June 2004. During Bremer's
reign there was no metering of the oil that was exported from Iraq.
- It is also primarily decisions taken by Bremer that are
responsible for the misery and chaos that have afflicted Iraq since the
U.S.-led occupation began. Previously, Bremer was the right-hand man for Henry
Kissinger & Associates.
- The NIST report provides some information about "General
Description of Tenant Layout." For the floors in question it says,
"Generally open space filled with workstations. Offices, conference
rooms, and work areas in exterior corners."
- But on the 95th floor, Marsh & McLennan had a "large
walled data center along north and east sides," according to the NIST
report. And that's exactly where the plane hit the north wall of
the 95th floor.
- I called Marsh & McLennan to get a better idea of
what was in this "large walled data center" into which American
Airlines Flight 11 plunged with deadly precision.
- Reginald McQuay came on the line as a company spokesman.
I told McQuay that Marsh & McLennan got hit broadside on 9/11 and
that it appeared that the plane flew straight into their "walled data
center," according to the NIST report.
- "No," McQuay said, "it wasn't really our
data center. It was our computer center." Then he suddenly became
somewhat distressed, saying he could not even focus on what I was saying
and that I should call back next week.
- Fair enough, I thought. He had confirmed my primary
suspicion, i.e. that the plane that struck the north tower appears to have
been "homed in" or targeted on a secure computer center on the
95th floor exactly like the plane that struck the south tower some
16 minutes later.
"Sixteen and a half minutes after
the first impact, five hijackers flew United Airlines (UA) Flight 175,
with 9 crew and 51 passengers, into WTC 2 at about 540 mph, about 100 mph
faster than AA Flight 11," the NIST report says.
- "The center of the nose of the plane struck at
the 81st floor slab. The plane was banked 38 degrees to the left (right
wing upward) and was heading slightly (6 degrees) downward from the horizontal,"
it says.
- Although Flight 175 went straight into the 81st floor
of the south tower, the NIST report provides no description of what was
on the 81st floor. Not even one word. How odd.
- While we know that the Fuji Bank was the tenant on floors
79-82 of WTC 2, the NIST report fails to describe the "tenant layout"
of floors 79, 81, and 82.
- I had repeatedly requested information from NIST about
the layout of these floors, primarily because many tons of molten metal
were seen falling from the 81st floor prior to the collapse.
The source of the large amount of molten
metal on the 81st floor had not been explained. What could have possibly
melted in such large amounts on a normal floor to create several cubic
meters of molten metal?
- You can watch the molten iron in both normal and slow
motion at youtube:
- youtube.com/watch?v=ExrVgioIXvk - new link!
- I have excerpts of the molten metal in this short video:
- ThermiteAtSouthTower.wmv
- If this was molten iron, as Professor Steven E. Jones
of Brigham Young University says, and if this molten iron was caused by
an aluminothermic reaction of Thermite or Thermate (a steel-cutting explosive
created from powdered aluminum, iron oxide, and sulfur), then somebody
must have pre-loaded the 81st floor of WTC 2 with many tons of Thermate.
The molten metal seen falling from the 81st floor was
not aluminum, as the NIST report suggests, because molten aluminum would
appear silverfish-grey in daylight conditions.
- See our article on Michael Zebuhr's death for photos
of molten aluminum:
- MoreOnMichaelZebuhr.html
- The metal that is seen falling from the burning south
tower is clearly yellow and white hot. This is much hotter than the fires
that were observed. So, what produced such large amounts of extremely
hot molten metal on the 81st floor of WTC 2?
- The aluminum oxide that is produced in the Thermite or
Thermate reaction is a whitish smoke. White smoke was seen coming from
the 81st floor prior to each flow of molten metal, according to the NIST
report, and large amounts of white smoke are seen prior to and during the
collapse of each tower. Was this drywall dust or was this Thermite?
- Photo: The white smoke is coming from the corner
of the
South Tower where the molten iron later poured out of.
- Photo: A closeup of the corner of the South Tower
where the molten iron poured from.
- Photo: The South Tower starts to collapse. Molten
was blown out of the tower when the explosives went off.
- As the droplets cooled they turned red, creating a spray
of red globules mixed with the white clouds of dust. Some of the whiteness
may be due to the spray of aluminum oxide particles.
- You can watch a spray of molten iron from Thermite here:
- youtube.com/watch?v=FEmHJORTlqk the video was deleted; here is a different one
- I had imagined huge disguised flower pots of powdered
Thermite near the elevators of a normal office floor of the south tower.
But even that didn't make sense. Furthermore, if the 81st floor was a
normal office floor of Fuji Bank, why doesn't the NIST report simply say
- Silence was all I ever received from NIST.
- Then, suddenly, out of the blue, a former bank employee
came forward, a person who had visited the 81st floor on a weekly basis.
His information explains more than he probably thought and provides us
with a major clue about what really happened on 9/11.
- Fuji Bank had torn up the 81st floor, he said, and stripped
it down to the bare bone to reinforce the trusses so that the floor could
hold more weight. Then they had built a raised floor and filled the entire
floor with server-size Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) batteries.
- These units were bolted to the raised floor which stood
about 3 feet above the reinforced 81st floor. Beneath the raised floor
ran the cables and power supply that connected the army of batteries.
IT techies had to get down on all fours and crawl around beneath the raised
floor to connect cables.
- "The whole floor was batteries," he said, "huge
battery-looking things." They were "all black" and "solid,
very heavy" things that had been brought in during the night. They
had been put in place during the summer prior to 9/11, he said.
- But were they really batteries?
- "It's weird," he said. "They were never
turned on."
- So, what really was on the 81st floor of WTC 2? What
was in these heavy "battery-looking things?" Were they batteries,
or were they Thermite?
- Only senior Information Technology (IT) personnel from
Fuji Bank, or the Japanese banks affiliated with it, had access to the
81st floor computer room, according to the source. The Mizuho Bank was
established originally as Mizuho Holdings, Inc. by the merger of Dai-Ichi
Kangyo Bank (DKB), Fuji Bank and the Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ) in
- According to the former bank employee, employees of Shimizu-America
Corp. also had access to the floor.
- Shortly after 9/11, the IBJ became the biggest player
and took over the new corporation that had been created by the merger,
primarily because the offices of the DKB and Fuji Bank had been destroyed
in the World Trade Center, the source said.
- The offices of the IBJ were located on the Avenue of
the Americas and became the new headquarters for the bank. The DKB and
Fuji Bank personnel soon found themselves out of work.
- "Nobody worked on that floor," the source said
about Floor 81. The whole floor was taken up with a "whole bunch
of batteries" and "enclosed server racks" that were so tall
that one could not see over the top of them. The enclosed server racks
were locked and the only people who could open them were employees of the
Shimizu Corp., he said.
- Didn't the host of NIST scientists think that was worthy
of mention? They either did not know that the 81st floor was full of "battery-looking
things" or decided not to mention it. How odd.
- William Torrey, the Atlanta-based senior vice president
of Shimizu-America, said he could not say anything about the work that
Shimizu did on the 81st floor because of ongoing litigation. Asked about
the litigation, Torrey said he could not comment on that either.
- Seth Martin, the non-Japanese spokesman for the Mizuho
Corp., could not give any comment for this article. Mr. Martin did not
respond to repeated calls.
- The NIST documents that accompany the final report confirm
the source's information that Fuji Bank had reinforced the 81st floor.
Documents dated 1999 say that reinforcements were added to the floor trusses
"to accommodate the new UPS workspace." The structural engineering
firm was noted as LERA, or Leslie E. Robertson and Associates.
- SawTeen See, a managing partner of LERA, said the firm
was unable to comment on the work it had done on the 81st floor. "We
are not at liberty to comment on this or to provide any further information,"
she wrote. "Please contact the PANYNJ who are the project owners."
- PANYNJ is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- Fuji Bank & Trust reported 12 out of 125 Japanese
expatriate employees missing the day after 9/11. Two American employees
of Fuji Bank are also reported to have died on 9/11:
- Security officer Patrick Adams, 60
- John Andreacchio, 52
- Both men were from New York.
- -------------------------
Kevin Ryan
NIST report | wtc
There appears to be a remarkable correlation between
the floors upgraded for fireproofing in the WTC towers, in the years preceding
9/11/01, and the floors of impact, fire and failure. The fireproofing upgrades
would have allowed for shutdown of the affected floors, and the exposure
of the floor assemblies and the columns for a significant period of time.
Exactly what work was done during that time?
- In some sections of the NIST WTC report, the exact floors
upgraded are listed. Other sections of the report suggest even more floors
were upgraded, a total of 18 floors in WTC 1 and 13 floors in WTC 2, but
the additional floors involved are not specified.[1]
- WTC tower floors upgraded for firep! roofing and floors
of impact, fires and failure on 9/11 (click for full size)
- This relationship is unmistakable for WTC 1. Some investigators
have pointed out that a number of floors failed simultaneously in this
tower, in accordion-like fashion, before the rest of the building began
to 'collapse'. These floors seem to match up almost exactly with the floors
that were upgraded. See the film clip below, and the following Powerpoint
sequence created by Gregory Urich.
- http://www.911research.com/wtc/evidence/videos/docs/north_tower_collapse...
- http://www.cool-places.0catch.com/docs/Wtc1SeriesNW.ppt
- Two blueprints for the 1999, 2000 construction upgrades
to WTC 2, provided by a supporter, indicated that the work was done at
almost exactly the point of impact and failure in that tower. That is,
the southeast quadrant of WTC 2 was the focus of the work, at least on
the 78th floor (the blueprints provided were for floors 77 and 78 only).
It was the southeast quadrant of WTC 2, at and just above floor 78, where
flight 175 hit.
- We have also seen video of molten metal pouring from
WTC 2 prior to its destruction. The relationship b! etween fireproofing
upgrades and the pouring metal is close but not exact, as the molten metal
seen in videos appears to be coming from floors 80 and 81. Communication
to the NIST team from Frank Lombardi of the Port Authority, in 2002, indicated
that only floor 78 of the impact failure floors of WTC 2 had been upgraded.
But NCSTAR 1-6A (table 4-2, p 45) lists floor 85 as an upgraded floor as
well. Could it be that certain areas within floors 79 to 84 were upgraded
also, and not reported because the floors were not fully upgraded?
- For the north tower at least, it is difficult to accept
that this relationship is yet another unbelievable coincidence related
to 9/11. Certainly the upgrade work allowed for access to critical areas.
But in considering this, a number of other, admittedly far-fetched questions
come to mind. Why was the upgraded fireproofing measured to be twice the
thickness specified?[! 2] Could incendiary or explosive materials have
been embedded within the upgraded fireproofing? Could these "construction"
activities have involved installing mechanisms to direct the planes to
the specific areas in which they hit each building?
- In any case, the demolition hypothesis should be considered
more than just simple demolition. If the idea was to create the appearance
of a fire-induced collapse, then a fiery presentation was needed, much
more than the jet fuel/office furnishings would have been able to provide.
It seems that thermate may have been used not only to weaken or cut the
steel infrastructure throughout the buildings, but also to help create
that fiery presentation near the floors of impact.
- It seems possible that a thermate-lik! e material, and/or
other devices contributing to the destruction of the towers, could have
been incorporated on the floors of impact and failure during the fireproofing
upgrades. The access for such an operation would have been facilitated
by the activity surrounding the fireproofing upgrades.
- [1] NCSTAR 1-6A, page xxxvii, indicates which exact floors
were upgraded. NCSTAR 1-6, page 20 repeats these claims, as noted in the
figure above. Elsewhere in NCSTAR 1-6, on page lxxi, NIST muddies the water
by saying "18 floors in WTC 1, including all the floors affected by
the aircraft impact and fires" and ""13 floors in WTC 2,
although none were directly affected by the aircraft impact and fires.".
On this last part, NIST contradicts itself yet again in NCSTAR 1-6 (on
page lxvii-lxix) by stating that so! me of the floors upgraded in WTC 2
were affected by the impacts and fires (notably floor 78). As with the
contradictory amounts of jet fuel referenced throughout NIST's report,
these fireproofing upgrade statements appear to be another example of how
detailed findings in the NIST team's lower level reports were confused
or made vague in higher-level reports.
- [2] NCSTAR 1-6A (p xl) states "The overall average
thickness determined from the 356 individual measurements was found to
be 2.5 in, with a standard deviation of 0.6 in." The same report (p
44) says "Note that some of the average thicknesses shown in Table
4-2 equal or exceed 3.5 in. No photos were available of upgraded floors
to show the appearance of such high average thickness of SFRM." Floor
94 of WTC 1 stands out in this data, with a SFRM thickness of more than
4 in. The specification for these upgrades was on! ly 1.5 in, increased
from the as-built specification of 0.75 in.
- ---------------------------------
- Dick Eastman
- olfriend@nwinfo.net
- wrote:
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Peter Wakefield Sault
- To: Dick Eastman
- Cc: Prof. Steven E. Jones
- Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:26 PM
- Subject: Re: bunk or debunk? Ted Olsen family friend
Jon Moseley argues the impossiblity of WTC thermate demolition with conspiracy
theorist "olfriend"
- Thermate for cutting steel members is not applied
as "cannisters". As far as I can tell, the thermate is wrapped
around the steel to be cut either as rope or as plastic and electrical
ignition wires attached. That was what all the cable 'rewiring' in the
towers was about in the weeks preceding the event - installing the
ignition wires. I think we need to refer to Prof. Jones for a better idea
of how thermate is applied. Since it not an explosive I don't think it
is detonated in the same way as, say, C4, which I believe requires a detonation
cap. I have found it impossible to find information on the Internet - largely
due, it must be said, to the 'noise' generated by online 9/11 discussions
about it but also because such information is restricted. (When I was a
teenager, we were able to make nitrocellulose etc. at home because
lab supplies, such as fuming nitric acid, were sold over the counter.
All that is now gone and you cannot even buy a glass beaker or test tube
without a license.)
- Prof. Jones - please would you tell us how thermate is
applied to the steel to be cut or welded.
- Regards
- P.
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Dick Eastman
- To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
- Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:24 PM
- Subject: bunk or debunk? Ted Olsen family friend
Jon Moseley argues the impossiblity of WTC thermate demolition with conspiracy
theorist "olfriend"
- From: ruthercap@earthlink.net (John Moseley, spy
novelist and attorney at law)
- To: Dick Eastman (anti-semitic conspiracy theorist) ; Ronald
Wieck (author and debunker of 9-11 conspiracy theory whackos)
- Sent: January 9, 2008
- Jon Moseley: Yes, it would be impossible to place 25,000
thermate canisters.
- Dick Eastman: You, lawyer Moseley, are the one who put
forth the idea that 25,000 canisters would be necessary. How self-contradictory
your thinking is. The Boeing 767 was carrying jet fuel enough
to fill a 9 ft. diameter above-ground swimming pool, and yet you say that
this kerosene did what nothing less than 25,000 canisters of thermate would
be required to do. You imply that unless every single beam at every
floor had its own thermate cannister the building could
not have fallen as it did -- yet you maintain that one 150-ton
aluminium airplane carring a 4 ft. high 4.5 ft. radius volume
of kerosene accomplishes the trick that 24,999 canisters of thermate
could not accomplish, the trick of knocking down towers
each consisting of 106,000 tons of structural steel, 53,000 tons
of concrete, 2,000 tons of aluminum cladding. 186,290 tons of plumbing,
air-conditioning, telecommunications wiring etc. plus the dead weight office
furniture and equipment and the live weight of 150,000
people, minus the weight of a sizable percentage of those New
York financial workers that for some coincidentally widespread
reasons did show up for work that morning.
- So you are arguing, Jon, that this spray of kerosene
and the aluminum airplane hitting the steel core of the tallest skyscraper
in New York accomplished what 24,999 canisters of thermate
could not? Let me point out below how absurd contention really is.
- Jon Moseley: First, radio control COULD NOT
WORK inside a steel building, with the necessity to precisely control 25,000
units with split-second timing.
- Dick Eastman: This was 2001 not 1901, Mr. Moseley.
To say that it would be impossible to set of an array of devices
-- even 25,000 devices if that was really what was called for -- that
the defense industry that puts the space shuttle in space and that has
at its disposal the most powerful computers and the biggest armies of scientists
and the best equipped and experienced black-ops divisions of its intelligence
agencies "could not" get the devices to go off correctly????
Look at the building as it stood -- with computers in every office doing
millions of operations with split-second timing -- and you say that a
simple switching from "off" to "on" for these devices
could not be accomplished for the operation even to be considered??? Tell
me, Jon, do juries tend to believe your arguments on behalf of your clients
in the courtroom as they do for these absurdities on behalf of
your clients in Washington and Israel?
- Jon Moseley: Second, have you given any thought
to WHERE exactly these would have to be?
- Dick Eastman: Do you have any reason to think that with
trillions of dollars at stake and the black-ops facilities of Mossad, the
CIA and MI6 at their disposal with the resources of the entire defense-industry
scientific establishment at their disposal (compartmentalized of course
so they don't know what they are really working on) -- that they could
not find a way to demolish a building with termate - even with fewer
than 25,000 delivery charges of thermate? But since you
ask my personal opinion, let me say -- without any degree in
engineering or physics or architecture expertise -- that I have never
been convinced by those who speak against the "pancaking theory"
-- to me the towers were two giant shish-kabobs -- a core with light-weight
aerated concrete floors holding to the core. When one, two or three floors
were made to collapsed those floors below could not take the force
of all that potential energy (mass x gravity constant x height) converted
into kinetic energy (1/2 mass x the square of the velocity) at the high
speeds at which those upper floors fell onto the lower ones -- not
free-fall speed certainly (we can all see free-falling pieces going down
faster than the rate of downward-advancing floor collapse), but
speed great enough and accelerating, with a function of velocity squared,
to certainly rip down everything along the way -- the strong fastenings
holding each floor of the shish-kabob being so strong as to break up and
pull down the core they were holding so firmly with them. But again
that is just the opinion of this unemployed former video store clerk --
yet I really don't see a lawyer who writes esape fiction and knows Ted
Olsen and Jacob Roginsky talking me out of it.
- Jon Moseley: WHERE was the structural suppport of the
- Dick Eastman: On the foundation, in the core,
in the fastenings of the 110 floors to the core. Without the core
holding up those floors those tall thin beams on the corners
and up the sides (260 of them), there to hold up the windows and aluminum
sheathing, would not contributed anything to holding up those
floors -- especailly after the pancaking was under way.
- Jon Moseley: Not giving any serious thought to any
of this, you haven't got a clue. ...
- Dick Eastman: My thinking is not the best
-- and it gets worse every day -- but I have had the
good luck lately of getting into arguments with people holding the
most obviously absurd positions. Also habitual honesty gives
one an edge and so does a good liberal education (like you can hardly
find any more in a lower-middle-class person like myself.)
- Jon Moseley: To bring down the building -- and do so
evenly, smoothly, rapidly, and without the building falling over -- you
would have to sever 267 steel support columns around the perimeter all
at the same time. However, if you did not also sever 47 internal support
columns at precisely the same instant, then the outside skin would fall
down, but the central core would remain standing.
- Dick Eastman: There was nothing smooth or even about
the collapse, except that the structure "fell into its footprint"
-- showing that the puny plane would not have given it any
lean. The shish-kabob was demolished by a sufficient number of thermate
devices -- these could be quite large -- brought up, if one may be permitted
to speculate, in sections by freight elevator during repairs
or maintenace perhaps -- these devices planted at the top floors --
the only reason for the bombs lower down was to kill targeted people or
destroy rescue systems or offices with financial or legal files the perpetrators
wanted destroyed etc. A few devices on the higher floors. Perhaps the
remote-controlled planes hit precisely on the intended floors of each tower.
- The fact is that the building came down as it did. The
fact is that the jet plane and office fire would not have been sufficient
to bring it down. The fact is that thermate devices exist for the purpose
of bringing down buildings. The fact is that unlimited resources were
available to the perpetrators to bring down the building in the way they
wanted. The owner of the building, the Pentagon, the CIA, Mossad, the
WHite House, Israel, the black ops resources that exist from private arms
and intelligence companies, and the great war-funding bankers and defense-contracting
corporations -- all filled with men like Dov Zakheim -- were giving this
their full consideration. 25,000 devices would be no obstacle. (I
say less that fifty were needed for each building.) Sending signals
throughout the building would be no obstacle. We know the structure went
and we know the plane didn't do it and that thermate could. We know that
residues indicative of thermate have been found in samples of the steel
and we have video recordings of molten steel cascading down from
South Tower just before the building began collapsing. The little bit
of kerosene was long gone. Some of the plane never hit the core -- it
went flying through the building and out the north wall. Not enough to
bring it down. Only thermate could have done it. Not ray guns from space.
Not a summer play pool full of kerosene.
- Jon Moseley: Therefore, you must
sever instantly at the same split-second 267 + 47 = 314 steel support
columns on every floor.
- Dick Eastman: The trouble with you Zionist mouthpiece
lawyers is that you don't eat enough shish-kabob and pancakes. Just start
three or four floors collapsing and the rest of the job will take care
of itself. You don't have to have, as you wrongly insist, a different
bomb at 314 positions on each of 110 floors and each with a wire connecting
it to all the others because wireless signals would be impossible etc.
dust and rubbed with the fur of unicorns?
- Dick Eastman: Gee, you're a regular Clarence Darrow
for eloquence. Makes me feel silly for even suggesting that
thermate could be the answer -- except that whatever the mystical status
of thermate it does manage to burn through massive steel in seconds and
it is used to demolish steel skyscrapers and traces of it were found in
the samples of molten steel and in bead particle dust taken from the site.
So you are arguing that since there was no fur of the unicorn found that
thermate must be ruled out? This is not a good argument, Jon.'
- Jon Moseley: To work, they must be SNUG
AGAINST the steel that they are going to cut. BUT THE
STEEL COLUMNS WERE NOT EXPOSED. And then of course, being buried in the
wall, the radio devices WOULD NOT WORK inside a steel building.
- '
- Dick Eastman: Drill a hole in a steel beam. Stick a
long thin device into the beam. One end of the device can be sticking
out , maybe just a wire to receive a transmitted signal or tiny microphone
for a sonci signal or any of a number of other ways. In this
day and age can't is a word limited to the poor and politically powerless.
You, Jon, seem to be thinking that we don't realize that.
- Jon Moseley: Finally, thermate is notoriously
difficult to ignite, and often FAILS to ignite using a remote device.
- Dick Eastman: Picture Dov Zakheim reporting
to Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Henry Kissinger late in 1999.
Dov says, "I'm sorry. The plan can't be done. We can't find a
way to reliably light the thermate. So please tell David
and Lionel that I tried my level best and it's just impossible."
- Poor people living in a falling apart world who
don't know the power of money -- how reliable and excellent and unimaginably
effective are the things are that the rich provide for themselves
-- may fall for Mr. Moseley's "arugmentum de impossibilus"
(don't look it up, it isn't real) -- but when the criminals alibi that
the aluminum plane and the drip of kerosene brought down the skyscraper
is impossible and the real cause is established in laboratory tests and
video recordings of the actually event -- then we start thinking that we
better not let Jon Moseley leave town until we have looked into the background
of his 9-11 investigator-debunking activities more closely.
- Jon Moseley
- Dick Eastman
- From: Dick Eastman
- Sent: Jan 9, 2008
- Subject: Re: 10 miles for only 22 explosives Re: 10 miles
of detonator cord and 15 miles of telephone wires
- The claim is made: the plane and the fire was sufficient
to bring down the building.
- The person making that claim then adds this claim: That
it would be impossible for lease owner Silverstein and
the greatest black-ops agency in the world (Mossad) to bring
in over a period of months time radio-triggered thermate cannisters
and plant them along the core using the freight elevators and
ventiliation shafts for access -- even when the perpetrators have the full
cooperation of government agencies infiltrated in key positions well
in advance for this one operation.
- Two statements like this -- each so obviously wrong
-- makes you suspect the honesty of the one making the statements, doesn't
- Look at these:
- http://www.debunking911.com/moltensteel.htm
- Here are some of video clips of the flow of
molten metal. Can airplane aluminum account for all of this?
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_jiCyMkrRM&NR=1
- More video clips of molten metal material pouring
from the south tower's northeast corner.:
- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N4QBQFP8
- Have you seen this vido clip of molten metal on the ground?
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT4GeVK6Rsc
- Eyewitness accounts:
- http://911research.com/wtc/evidence/moltensteel.html
- Thermate:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wVLeKwSkXA
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdCsbZf1_Ng