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Who Among Us Has
The Absolute Truth? 

By Morty
I've often been criticized as Anti-Islam because I am against acts of terrorism and against Islam as a community for not attacking Fundamentalist Islam at all. Either in the Mosque or outside of the Mosque, there is nothing coming from righteous Islam against what the overwhelming minority is doing. Specifically, they are committing acts of terror, murder of women, children and the "Infidels" as anyone not from Islam are referred and finally, conquering the world. If one wishes to call me Anti-Islam, well and good; for those who do " ... have no eyes to see with, no ears to hear with, all these years ...* "
As an Infidel, I can see reasons for the fundamentalist Islamic hatred because of past actions, not the least of which were the Crusades. However those who we fought in our world wars are now our friends. And to quote Dylan, "And now even the Germans (et. al.) have God on their side." Why cannot those who hate US now also have God on their side?
What of the long suffering and long memories of Fundamentalist Islam? Well, for one thing, Americans are in "their land." We've interfered with Arab life by invading Iraq and other nations. We are considering (as wrongfully as we'd considered attacking Iraq) invading Iran. We are pro-Israeli, believing (as our leaders have iterated and reiterated time and time again) that Israel is the only Democratic government/nation in the area. We must support them. Literally.
Such as it is, there is truth in this consideration. But like most truth, it is not absolute. It is rather, someone's truth, which may not be absolute. Israel should be protected. But Israel should NOT be obeyed, feared, or allowed to run our government. This, in my opinion IS absolute, just as it is wrong for the United States to obey any foreign national government to direct our actions and make our decisions for us. This is -not to mention- the fortune in money we send to Israel every year. And not to mention the fortune we send also to the Saudis every year. As if giving tribute to the Saudi family will bring us more and cheaper oil. "And the check is in the mail ... and ... Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm sterile."
This country of ours is being bought and sold by so many nations in this world that we are no longer sovereign. We are not led by and for the People of the United States. We are led by the selfish barons of elected officialdom who sell us out in order to make a buck and/or to make a point. To whom do 'they make a point?' Well, to their party and to their electorate, but for the latter, only for JUST long enough to get elected. After that, it's every Sheeple for himself. So sorry, I was not PC. I should have included the She Sheeple as well.
Frank Herbert in his book, DUNE, wrote that "Beginnings are delicate times." Not in the book of the United States. In our book, our beginnings were honorable and rather indelicate for we honored our selves and our nation, our very new and young nation, before we honored any others. As it should have been. And as it should now be. But no, in our present society (or lack of same) we honor the almighty buck and the almighty power. Not the Almighty Power, the almighty power. And this too shall spell our continuing downfall. D.O.W.N.F.A.L.L.
As a Republic, we've failed. As a Democracy, we are failing. And we were the example of perfection. We were the absolute truth of what a governance should be. Yet, we no longer even pass muster. No longer are we admired. We are detested ... or at least our administration is. On Morty's Web site we've said this and much more so many times it's even getting me bored with writing the same words over and over again. On our radio show out of Tampa Florida, we argue and debate the politics of the Left and the Right so often that to argue further is pointless. So now, we are beginning to see that we do have common ground. We are both (I and my co-host) at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we have commonality between us, points to which we both agree. And that is a start.
In this nation, we are divided. We don't have to be. For in this division, we shall fail. If only. If only we settled on the issues on which we agree and then proceeded to solve those, followed by agreeing on a solution for those points on which we disagree. But we do not. Instead, we separate ourselves from each other, both sides drowning in their platitudes whist playing our version of the Nero fiddle. Goodbye sweet Republic. Goodbye sweet Democracy. Good bye America.
For those who wish to remain apart, for those who wish to continue the divisive game playing of politics as usual, for those who will not agree to agree on anything, I say ... well, I cannot say it on this venue. The FCC will come for me. As will the good and the bad, the kind and the swill. I shall ever remain a blasphemer.
But to those who wish to talk, to work it out, to join forces with each other ... I offer a hand. As does my co-host, John Sands. As do all with whom I associate.
All others may eat bovine excrement and die. For it is you who are the blasphemers and it is we who are the peacemakers and problem solvers. You are wasted food, water and air. We are worth the saving when the world will (and it will, and soon) change. Before that change, there will be great suffering and many, many deaths. It will happen because it must. It is written in our sacred books and in the books of the indigenous peoples the world over.
If it is not soon, then everyone lied. But then, they told the same lies, independently, with nearly the same words, with the exact same meaning and even the same timeframe. So I ask, who has the absolute truth?
Is it you dividers?
Or is it we joiners?
* Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"
Morty, AKA,
Jim Mortellaro
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