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Update - Hawaii HB 2680
Banning Aspartame

From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Many of you sent in letters to Rep Josh Green, M.D., and Rep John Mizuno with copies to members of the committee and an email to hlttestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov . This last email for testimonies was just recently given. As it turns out while your letters should be addressed to Rep Josh Green, Vice Chairman Rep John Mizuno and members of the house committee on health we've been told the only email to use is hlttestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov Also, we do need a blind copy to Rep. Mele Carroll's office who introduced the bill.
So, if your email went to the testimony email at the top of the blind list do nothing, they got it. If you sent a copy to me we've taken care of it. If you have not written yet these are the three emails:
Address your email to hlttestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov
Blind copy lehner@capitol.hawaii.gov, and repcarroll@capitol.hawaii.gov
You can also fax to 808 586- 6051, and it must be faxed if over 5 pages.
Remember we only have to Wednesday AM when they will look at the testimonies and vote. We will have a decision by Friday.
We need 400 letters from physicians and thousands from victims and activists. Remember "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to accomplish uncommon goals." Every single letter counts, and if you want aspartame off the market this is the beginning of the end. It has to be overwhelming and we only have hours. Please do your part. Also add this to your lists. We can only expect to win if "everyone" participates.
All my best,
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599
www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net
Aspartame Toxicity Center, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame

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